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Gold Standard

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Everything posted by Gold Standard

  1. Gold Standard

    The Mets just got a no-hitter.

    Stupid not living in New York people. Why must there be 6,992,000,000 of you??
  2. Gold Standard

    Guys, use goggles on the main page...

    Its gone
  3. Gold Standard

    So, with the Zombie Apocalypse nearing...

    A maul. Ever seen a real one? Half fire axe, half sledgehammer. Packs one metric shitton of damage
  4. Gold Standard

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    I'd post a pic of my LEGO collection, but it would take a few hundred pages
  5. Gold Standard

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    Oh shit, I had this really old lego catalog, I remember seeing those and thinking "Damn those look awesome" Now I feel nostalgia for something I never had Your talking about these right?
  6. Gold Standard

    The Adventures of Steve the Shotgun!

    You already have eternal shame. No one here would actually steal it.Would they?
  7. Gold Standard

    The Adventures of Steve the Shotgun!

    So any time ANYONE kills you they get Steve?
  8. Gold Standard

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    There's gotta be a way I can get my hands on some Bohrok without paying $60
  9. Gold Standard

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    YESYou're not entirely useless afterall
  10. Gold Standard

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    Anyone know if you can still play the Mata Nui adeventure game? I remember it was really fun, but I couldn't find it anywhere last time I looked.
  11. Gold Standard

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    That they did. It's so funny that you posted this now, two days ago Batty and I found this box of old Bionicle parts at a friends house and spent a good few hours playing around with them.
  12. Gold Standard

    [NOSTALGIA] Bionicle

    I have every comic since 2002, which is everything but the original toaIt started out amazing, got pretty meh towards the middle of the saga, then ramped up again at the very end Respectful disagree
  13. Gold Standard


    Other way around
  14. Gold Standard

    SPUF Fortress

    Why does this remind me of cp_steel
  15. Gold Standard

    Anyone willing to alternate on a 6v6 squad?

    I did not feel much like strategizing that day. After a certain point I literally said "Fuck it play whatever you want, maybe it'll work out." Losing is very Not Fun
  16. Gold Standard

    Anyone willing to alternate on a 6v6 squad?

    Nothing more needs to be said.
  17. Gold Standard


    Two of my favorites:War!Sentry Blueprint
  18. Gold Standard

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    I win. You cannot beat this. Disclaimer: WHAT THE ABOLUTE ♥♥♥♥. This is probably (not even close to) the wierdest thing on youtube. Do not watch if you don't think you can handle it.
  19. Gold Standard

    What should I paint?

    [Gold]Drill HatStahlhelm♥♥♥♥leather slouchStereoscopic shadesCremators conscience
  20. Gold Standard

    What should I paint?

    The sniper hat. The cockleather slouch. I kinda only paint things gold.
  21. Gold Standard

    New Emoticon Suggestion thread.

    No poni pls
  22. Gold Standard

    This Is Going To Be A Very Harsh Summer

    Install in your fridge....OH GOD NOT THE WII
  23. I didn't know anyone else read nerfnow lolXKCD is damn good as well
  24. Gold Standard


    An awesome show for awesome people.
  25. Gold Standard

    Anyone willing to alternate on a 6v6 squad?

    Hey guys (ian cell rammite witty cactus) got a scrim sunday at 9 [EST], we may need one or two of you