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Gold Standard

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Everything posted by Gold Standard

  1. Gold Standard

    Lets Discuss These New Hats

    Hey thats what I think of unusualsapparently no one else agrees
  2. Gold Standard

    TF2 Ettiquite

    REAL gentlemen dont need melee weapons
  3. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    the SETS they come out with now may be shitbut I only built those onceThen i ripped them apart and dumped them into one of the many warehouses i used to store my collection until i could think of something better to build
  4. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    Damn, why? I love a good debate. Plus I was never really into hotwheelsLegos were my thing
  5. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    Which makes the religion itself intolerant.Walked right into my logic trap there.
  6. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    If it has the same legal benefits as marriage, then under the state it would be classified as marriageyou're just suggesting we call it something elseNot only should that be unneccessary, its offensive to gays who really just want to be treated the same as everyone else
  7. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    Nah they didnt actually have some of the tax benefits of real marriageand believe it or not, some gay people are acually religious themselvesSeparation of church and state, that shouldnt be a choice the people are allowed to make. If they dont want an atheist in office, they can just not for vote for them, not bar them from running
  8. Gold Standard

    Lets Discuss These New Hats

    See, if the hat was a permanent thing, youd only have to earn it once but now i expect there will be people competing for them every day, meaning the sales of minigames and saxtons will NEVER drop muahahahahaha
  9. Gold Standard

    Lets Discuss These New Hats

    Bragging rights. Not saying I get it either. But i gaurantee there will be people that rush out and start spamming as many saxtons as possible as fast as they can
  10. Gold Standard

    Lets Discuss These New Hats

    You misunderestimate the retardation and disposable wealth of some members of the gaming community
  11. Gold Standard

    Lets Discuss These New Hats

    They intend to make money off of saxton and minigame sales
  12. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    sorry ian, this thread has been derailed and then succesfully rerailed
  13. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    Great quotes, if you actually believed them you wouldnt be a creationist
  14. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    I dont see how that makes it any better And I very much dislike your decision to classify Gallileos reluctancy to collaborate with the church a "problem"
  15. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    I must agree. My only problem with religion is when its believers think they should use religion as a basis for political or scientific decision making.
  16. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    In fact, I now recall after gay marriage was made legal in New York the local bishop declared that catholics should stop giving funding to the politicans that voted for it, and that they would no longer be allowed in churchesNot exactly the crusades, but still
  17. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    90% of this post is absolutely false. The first crusade was most certainly instigated by the pope himself. The church absolutely led in the stagnation of science in the middle ages. Gallileo was put on house arrest by the church until he diedI was once a catholic too, and none of the others I knew ever disputed those things, they all admitted the church had done horrible things in the past.
  18. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    Stop with the hitler shit, it makes our argument look bad, besides, he outlawed ALL religion while he was in power
  19. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    1. The Crusades2. You HAVE no arguments, you've only attempted to disprove ours
  20. Gold Standard

    TF2 Ettiquite

    Blah blah the community went to shit when the game when F2P blah blah
  21. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    The catholic church doesn't just mean the hierarchy, it includes the people that follow the religion. Ask any priest. And where I live, yes, the people are intelligent enough to know when science has a valid point.
  22. Gold Standard

    SPUF Fortress

    in addition to my golden hats I would like to request the addition of a rocket lawn chair
  23. Gold Standard

    Stupid things you did/wanted/ect as a kid.

    Most of the Church, in many of the sane areas of the world, rejects creationism I have to agree with Gigolo, as much as It pains me. It seems to me you know nothing about dating techniques and are only skeptical because thy get in the way of your beliefs.