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Gold Standard

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Everything posted by Gold Standard

  1. Gold Standard

    something depressing

  2. Gold Standard

    TF2 general

    WE HAVE A LINUX PROMO Possible new buds?
  3. Gold Standard

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

  4. Gold Standard

    FTL: Faster Than Light

    So fucking pumped I just won... on NORMAL
  5. Gold Standard


    No pants? Thats no way to greet your grandmother.
  6. Gold Standard

    What'cha been playing?

    Got a bit into Dues Ex, and its fun but I cant help thinking its pretty much half life crossed with bioshock
  7. Gold Standard

    Superbowl XLVIII

    I'd probably be watching, but my parents are watching downton abbey
  8. Gold Standard

    Four for February

    Just cause 2 Walking Dead Deus Ex: HR Amnesia Not sure if this is humanly possible
  9. Gold Standard


    Im very thankful he cut his losses with act 6 act 5 act 2
  10. Gold Standard

    What'cha been playing?

    Beat bastion once, almost finished new game plus. I cant decide on my favorite weapon combo, I love the musket, dual pistols, carbine, repeater, and mortar. Right now im going with musket/rifle. I ahev every weapon fully upgraded, except the last tier of the calamity cannon.
  11. Gold Standard

    Turntable FM

    Nice, we should set up a day for this
  12. Gold Standard

    Steam Community Market

    btw, vintages and botkillers can now be sold on the market. Go put up some original 9 vintages and make valve that 15% comission
  13. Gold Standard


    Gah how many tugs does this take
  14. Gold Standard

    Movie Night 1 Voting!

    I will watch any one of these movies besides con air or the matrix. I love a homestuck reference and a shitty movie as much as the next guy, but those two are just insults to cinema and painful to watch
  15. Luckily the video game industry is rapidly growing and has enough money to lobby most of this shit right back.
  16. Gold Standard

    The SPUF Civil War

    I'd help but, yknow, Im dead
  17. Con air AND the matrix? That's a low blow
  18. Movies on my computer: Airplane! Anchorman, Apocalypse Now, Blade Runner, Blazing Saddles, Borat, District 9, Fight Club, Full Metal Jacket, Gangs of New York, Goodfellas, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Moon, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Shaun of the Dead, The Dark Knight, The Big Lebowski, The Godfather, , There Will Be Blood, Trainspotting
  19. A Dutch-based nonprofit called mars one is taking applications for four of us mere Earthlings to get off this planet (forever) to a much redder one. Applicants must be 18 now for the 8-year training program, and "have a deep sense of purpose, willingness to build and maintain healthy relationships, the capacity for self-reflection and ability to trust. They must be resilient, adaptable, curious, creative and resourceful." The best part? Its gonna be filmed and broadcast on Earth as a reality show. All you 18 year olds get your application in fast, they've gotten thousands since it opened yesterday.
  20. Easier, yes, but it would be less inhabitable, The moon has no atmosphere, and mars has one, though its thin. The gravity of mars is much more similar to Earth's. Mars also may or may not have useful resources, such as water.
  21. Gold Standard

    Stock the fuck up on the first 9 hats

    Dubble post Just remembered that valve made all store bought items tradeable recently. With 2 weeks left on the first nine hats, everyone will rush to the store to buy them, rather than pay trader price which surely has skyrocketed by now. Once these hats become rare enough, people will sell them on the community market for shittons of money. Just how long has valve been planning this?
  22. Gold Standard

    Stock the fuck up on the first 9 hats

    I made that decision a long time ago. It's for the best.