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Gold Standard

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Everything posted by Gold Standard

  1. Gold Standard

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    can i poot videos here? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHXyoQA6lSU
  2. Gold Standard

    Verdict on BL2?

    What are those classes and why have I never heard of any of them
  3. Gold Standard

    Stock the fuck up on the first 9 hats

    This is proof the mannconomy is run for the shits and giggles of the TF2 team
  4. Gold Standard


    Not quite caught up, but im loving all these arrested development refferences EDIT: NO NOT TOBIAS
  5. Gold Standard


    Nintendo officially out of colors
  6. Gold Standard

    Steam Community Market

  7. Gold Standard

    I need all the DOTA copies. All of them.

    I have 6, add me on steam
  8. Gold Standard

    FTL: Faster Than Light

    Finally won, and I can attribute my success mainly to my dual burst laser mark 3s I also had a perfect crew, humans as pilot and gunner, a zoltan to power the shields, rockmen to run the engines and fight fires, an engi repairman, and 2 mantis soldiers.
  9. Gold Standard

    Your Game of the Year

    Even though I got it 4 days ago, FTL
  10. Gold Standard


    The US isnt the world, New York is the world
  11. Gold Standard

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDXshyDMyJY It seems Tyrone has transformed himself into a rat
  12. Gold Standard

    FTL: Faster Than Light

    I just checked the wiki, apparently you have to beat the flagship THREE TIMES to win. ...what the fuck
  13. Gold Standard

    FTL: Faster Than Light

    After giving up on normal, I played easy a few times. Unlocked Kestral V2 (I unlocked Engi V2 on normal, it really sucks). For the first time, I make it to the last stand. I reach the rebel flagship with half health left. After a long, tough battle, I watch it break apart. But wait! What's that on the bottom of the screen? One last missile rockets into my ship. You lose. Game over. :headdesk:
  14. Gold Standard

    To Buy or Not to Buy?

    Everyone buy FTL while its still half off
  15. Gold Standard

    The SPUF Civil War

    TEEEEEEEEEEEED When do I come back from the grave?
  16. Gold Standard

    Hey, I got a good drop!

    Lucky you.
  17. Gold Standard

    Christmas General

    penne alla vodka cornish game hen I win.
  18. Gold Standard


    dirk, you bumbling idiot. WHY DIDNT YOU KILL THE SHADES
  19. Gold Standard

    Doctor Who

  20. Gold Standard

    Christmas General

    My sister got me the Walking Dead comics. She got me a companion cube plush last year.
  21. Gold Standard


    Wow, now that I think about it Ive been to a bunch of broadway shows Spamalot, Lion King, West Side Story is really all I remember though. Im really not that into musicals, though I loved those first two. Ive been dragged to a whole bunch more.
  22. Gold Standard

    The Doomsday Thread

    So not only is the world ending on December 21st, it's supposed to end November 5th as well! Two apocalypses in one year, can we really handle it?
  23. Gold Standard

    Nintendo's WiiU in store NOW!

    Christmas is in 5 days
  24. Gold Standard

    Mecha Update

    New Engi shit? Fuck yeah its about time Also that demo hand cannon is totally my idea
  25. Gold Standard

    Mah Screen's Pink

    My monitor has recently had a slight pinkish tinge. I wet through all the windows color settings and display options but i has no idea what to do. PLS HALP