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Gold Standard

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Everything posted by Gold Standard

  1. Gold Standard

    The Binding of Isaac

    I just had the best game of my life. Cain, killed mom for the third time (in under 20 seconds, no less!) and beat my first heart Unlocked Judas Heres my item list Lucky foot Blood of the Martyr Cube of Meat Mutant Spider Wooden Spoon Moms Coin Purse Forever Alone The Peeper Meatboy Scapular Bum Friend Sacred Heart Polyphemus Steam Sale Breakfast Ouija Board The pony The combination of mutant spider, sacred heart, and ouija board is astonishing Also, I found THREE holy rooms
  2. Gold Standard

    Mah Screen's Pink

    Found the little buttons on the side, and reset it to normal. All fine now, thanks.
  3. Gold Standard

    Mah Screen's Pink

    Im lookeing at that pic from another computer, and it doenst look pink. Guess its a problem with my monitor
  4. Gold Standard

    Movie Night

    I dont know how to stream movies, but I have a pretty good selection available if I could figure out how. Airplane! Apocalypse Now, Blade Runner, Blazing Saddles, Borat, District 9, Fight Club, Full Metal Jacket, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Moon, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Robin Hood Men in Tights, Shaun of the Dead, The Dark Knight, The Big Lebowski, The Godfather, The Matrix ♥♥♥♥ no, There Will Be Blood, Trainspotting
  5. Gold Standard

    Movie Night

  6. Gold Standard

    27 Dead At Elementary School Shooting

    Idk if this got mentioned yet or not, but apparently the night before someone went on /b/ and posted "I'm going to kill myself tomorrow and it's going to make the news. Keep your tvs on" ...yeah. Time to shut down 4chan yet?
  7. Gold Standard

    looks like runescape is making indie games now

    Minecraft Fortress
  8. Civ (V?) Roblox You play as some treasure hunting douchebag living in probably the worst place imaginable, inhabited mostly by escaped criminals and the mentally handicapped people. Literally everything tries to attack you. You pick up ammo by searching through piles of dog shit. Every area is a dry, boring desert, with a few garbage dumps thrown in. The plot is complete shit and the ending is disappointing as fuck.
  9. Gold Standard

    The Hobbit

    Howd you see it already? The 3 part thing was already a bit upsetting to me
  10. Gold Standard

    Animal Suffering/Rights - Opinions?

    In general, doing anything unnecessarily hurtful is wrong, and certainly killing large numbers of a particular species can have terrible ecological repercussions. However, I feel since animals are non sentient their lives should not be treated anywhere close to as valuable as human lives, so Im all in favor of animal testing and the like.
  11. Gold Standard

    Videogame of the Decade

    This decade is only 2 years long, 2011-12. That would be LAST decade. Unless they just mean last 10 years.
  12. Gold Standard

    Videogame of the Decade

    Wait none of these games are from THIS decade...
  13. Gold Standard


    Stopped idling when I stopped caring about trading. I have all the hats I need pls dont kill me
  14. Gold Standard

    Videogame of the Decade

    Jegus Wind Wanker, Portal and Bioshock think Im gonna expload Hey why is wii sports there
  15. Gold Standard

    What servers do you go on?

    Saigns 24/7 Juntcion with 4200 minute map time. God I miss that server I scored 189 points as engi
  16. Gold Standard

    New York City has a day without violent crime

    I did my part by not stabbing, shooting, bludgeoning, raping, beating, burning, or otherwise attacking anyone.
  17. Gold Standard

    Planetside 2

    Anyone here in an outfit?
  18. Gold Standard

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JxoUo43Zg8 http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHTSxw6zN1E Change posts per page scrub.
  19. Gold Standard

    Planetside 2

    Im installing it now, someone wanna outline the different factions and the pros and cons of each?
  20. THE MODS ARE SUPPRESSING US! HERES A NEW POLITICS THREAD Gold's List of Things Wrong with the US Government and Steps to Fix It 1. Inefficiency of the bureaucracy This is mostly due to the founding of the nation and constitution itself. The government was founded on compromises, which makes it weak and ineffective. Having a 2 house system makes passing laws unnecessarily complicated, and the electoral college screws up presidential election and takes away from our democratic ideals. The relationship between the states and federal government is also rather ambiguous, and can lead to disputes over conflicting laws and policies regarding things like education. 2. "Separation" of Church and State Keep religion out of politics. Religion plays a bigger role in American government than in the governments of most European countries with a state religion. 3. Jobs according to economists, much more important than the National deficit or debt. And stop ♥♥♥♥ing blaming the president for this one, its both parties fault, but mostly lobbying and big business. The easiest way to get Americans jobs again is to bring back outsourced jobs, and increase education and funding to science and engineering. The big issue in the way of this one is... 4. Corporations getting to cozy with the government The US government is supposed to represent the people. And I dont give a ♥♥♥♥ what the supreme court says, corporations arent people. Lobbying hinders progress, gets rid of corporate liability for things like oil spills and human rights violations, and allows them to remain based in America while their products are all produced overseas. 5. The cold war is over We dont need a military this big. Were not the worlds police. We acted like that during the cold war, partly to counter the Russians, but also to justify imperialism. Were not building nukes by the thousands anymore, the only "official" (even though even that isnt) war were in is winding down, theres no reason to continue pumping money into the military. A bigger army wouldnt have prevented 9/11, our ♥♥♥♥ing around in the middle east is what brought it on us in the first place. If we just kept our hands to ourselves terrorists would stop blowing our shit up. Obamas foriegn policy is the one thing you really cant dispute. Were out of Iraq, well be out of Afganistan in about a year, and were not getting involved with Iran or Syria. The best course of action was taken in Libya. Of course, one were officially out of the Middle East well still be directing drone strikes secretly and frequently... 6. Give Citizens Full Disclosure A republic only works when the citizens know whats going on. Which we dont. Like I said, the cold war is over. Get rid of the CIA, all it does is ♥♥♥♥ up the governments of other countries. Get rid of the NSA, its been spying on Americans for decades. Almost every packet of internet traffic or phone call winds up in the hands of one of these organizations, who hire private contractors to data mine them for "threats." This has never prevented a terrorist attack. In fact, the government is known to have had information on 2 attempted terrorist attacks in the last decade and both went unnoticed because of the sheer amount of data collected. Thats sacrificing civil liberties for LESS security. Why is it the government got off after it was widely made known the government manipulated people into allowing a war in 2003 over clearly bullshit evidence? 7. Start thinking long term The most important. Tough to do in a capitalist society, but it would benefit us greatly. Alternative energy, electric cars, infrastructure. Neither candidate even mentioned those in the last election. Replace air travel and cross country truck shipping with high speed trains. The technology exists. Reduce oil consumption. It will help our economy and the environment. Nuclear power. Invest in nuclear fusion research, its the most efficient energy source in the world. One of the great (unnoticed, of course) things Obama did in his last term was to increase fuel efficiency standards for new cars to 50 mpg. Its time to think about the future. GOLD FOR PRESIDENT 2032 We have rights. Dont let the man think they can justify taking away our freedom to shitpost.
  21. But it would be much more efficient. A bill is twice as likely to get stalled. HOW THE FUCK DID I FORGET THAT
  22. Gold Standard

    Movie Discussion!!

    YAAAAAY About time we had a thread for this. I watched Trainspotting last night. Fucking great. Watch it.
  23. Gold Standard

    General Petraeus Betraeus His Wife

    1. CIA director should be able to keep something secret 2. This is probably the least bad thing hes ever done
  24. Gold Standard


    IKR, watching them fight their way through their planets is my favorite part too. Act 4 is by far my favorite. Hopefully they'll explain more about the forge, the whole frog thing, and the denizens in act 7. They sort of come up in the prescratch sessions but the kids never really do what they're supposed to with them.