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Gold Standard

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Everything posted by Gold Standard

  1. Gold Standard

    Dota General

    Does any one know how to play?And want to explain it to me in detail?Probably shouldnt have signed up for the beat with no idea what the game even is.
  2. Gold Standard

    The Walking Dead

    This show... :DI almost died from how awesome the season finale was.Anyone else watch?
  3. Gold Standard

    Operating System Not Found

    Welp, I got the SATA cable but the damn thing wont show up under devices on my desktop. Help?
  4. Gold Standard

    Operating System Not Found

    So my laptop (Sony Vaio EC, just about 4 years old) has been acting really weird the last few days. Its been really slow and freezing up for short periods of time. Some days ago I had to restart it, and it started disk checking. Since it was taking too long, I restarted it again and it worked fine, though a bit slow. After that its been really slow and constantly freezing. Sometimes when I restart it I get in, sometimes it crashes on startup, sometimes it displays the message "Operating system not found," and sometimes it goes in disk check, which always ends in BSOD (though I have gotten it to work after one of those). The last time I was in, I tried to system restore, but there were no available restore points. Then it went into another BSOD, and since then, whenever I try to start it it reads "operating system not found." Ok, I get my computer is on its last legs, but is there any way I can temporarily get in/recover my files?
  5. Gold Standard

    Operating System Not Found

    alrught, looks like my Hard Drive is in fact borked. How would I go about restoring files?
  6. Gold Standard

    Operating System Not Found

    Thanks Ill take a look at it in a bit and get back
  7. Gold Standard

    In which America cannot be stopped

    Nothing new. Ha! I thought you knew psychology! You should know theres no such thing as freedom.
  8. Gold Standard


    Oops, I misread that "wasnt" as "was" and accidentally repped you. Go ahead and delete that rep for me, will ya?
  9. Gold Standard

    slams mc dunken: pro b-baller(Dota 2 hero)

    Blender probably
  10. Gold Standard

    In which we post the randomest shit we find on YouTube.

    [spoiler2] [/spoiler2]
  11. Gold Standard


    The Cornballer Fire Turbo Rockets Tri barrelled Three shot burst Laser guided sight
  12. Keys are 5 refined? Glad I stopped trading months ago
  13. Gold Standard

    Experience points - How do you abbreviate it?

    HP= health (no points) EXP= experience (also no points) fuck points
  14. Gold Standard

    TF2 general

    This moment needs to be imortalized The map was fastlane. My team was red. We were down to the last point, and it was almost capped, too. But I decided to go scout. I took the second point with easy. The midpoint was protected by a lone huntsman sniper, no challenge. The 4th point, too fell to me. I rush to the last and final point. I blaze past a clueless medic. I take his needles, hoping my cap goes through before he can kill me. It didnt and we lost, but it would have been fucking awesome if that ended differently.
  15. Gold Standard

    Crazy Virus

    I'm not downloading a file called "crazy virus"
  16. Gold Standard

    TF2 general

    looks like were getting some new disguise kits
  17. Gold Standard

    An RPG I thought up - hear me out on this.

    Moses not mentioned in the OP Everyone forgets about the jews
  18. Gold Standard

    What's good at PAX East

    No deus ex HR
  19. Gold Standard

    What's good at PAX East

    Alright guys, here's what you should look out for in the coming months: Indies: Sanctum 2: Summer 2013 Shit this game gonna be good. They added a story mode, monsters attack you now, and they made some other changes like got rid of weapon upgrades and put a limit on the number of block towers you can have. I wasn't too happy about those but i talked to the dev about them and they work to help balance the game. Probably buying. Super time force: also this summer This was my favorite game there. Cave story meets braid. you have 60 seconds to complete each level, and you can rewind time and the guy you were just playing with will continue doing what you did with him. Its a bit hard at first, but very rewarding when you finally beat a mission. Definitely buying. Anomaly 2: also also this summer Tower defense AND anti-tower defense (tower offense?). The real reason to buy it is the mulitplayer mode where one person does the defense and one does the attack. Would buy if I could find someone to play with. Slam Bolt Scrapper: already out One of my sister's friends worked on this. These guys made their booth into a pillow/blanket fort, so bonus points for that. The game is basically Brawl+tetris, build your own tower while trying to destroy the other person's. When you make a square out of tetris blocks your tower gets a weapon that automatically attacks the other. Its a lot of fun, but you need to find a balance between tower building and attacking your enemies. Would buy if I could find someone to play with. Drop that Beat like an Ugly Baby: open beta Still hasnt been "officially" released but theyre constantly updating, the game itself is alright, somewhat fun, but the real cool thing is how each level is generated based on the song you choose, and you can use your own mp3 library Drunken Robot Pornography: open beta Same dev as above (Dejoban), I think in open beta now on steam. Basically a fast paced FPS bullet hell, lots of mobility, projectiles everywhere. From what i saw it looks like its mostly boss fights. May buy. Dont starve: open beta Also technically in open beta. If you don't know, its sorta like minecraft (survival, no objectives, resource gathering/crafting) without the blocks. Probably buying. Transistor: loldk Never got to play this. The line was never less than 2 hours long. From what I saw of gameplay footage, and what I got from talking to the developers, its gonna play similarly to bastion but with more of a strategy focus. Definitely buying. 3xA Hawken Your standard FPS, only everyone is a giant mecha robot. Really fun. Similar to steel battalion (the good one, not the shitty kinect one). I got really good at it, but I probably wont waste my money as I doubt it will run on my computer. Metro last light Looks good, i probably wont get it though. Its got a good story and atmosphere, but at its core just another standard (though well made) FPS, and I am damn tired of those. Ass Creed Black Flag Meh.
  20. Gold Standard

    Don't Starve - Wilson Log

    Home Sweet Home
  21. Gold Standard

    What's good at PAX East

    I only got to play Hawken and Last Light, the other big name games they had were LoL (meh), Ass Creed Black Flag (eh), Elder Scrolls online (bleh), WiiU ports of Deus Ex and Monster Hunter (bleeeeh), Some DnD shit and some EVE online f2p fps (bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh) Watch Dogs, The Last of Us, Remember Me, all look interesting though
  22. Gold Standard

    Minecraft Mod Idea: Realistic Survival Mode

    This is pretty much don't starve
  23. Gold Standard

    Don't Starve - Wilson Log

    Moral of the story: build walls