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Stackbabbin' Bumscags

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Everything posted by Stackbabbin' Bumscags

  1. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    attacks in Paris

    How much is "some more", though? Too little and it's not doing much, too much, and nothing gets through until after 3 years or so of navigating said red tape.
  2. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    attacks in Paris

    In response, US Republican presidential candidate John Kasich has come up with a plan to beat ISIS! It involves trace amounts of propaganda, and violating our country's constitution. The plan? To create a new government agency to promote "Judeo-Christian" beliefs to four regions. Those regions? China, Russia, Iran, and the Middle East. Meanwhile, US Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush thinks that we should primarily focus our aid efforts on just the Christian portion of refugees. Ain't it great to be an American? /s
  3. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    Tell them that you've made up your mind and are sticking with it, and that if all they're going to do is try and push you into a place you don't want to be in, that they can just stuff it.
  4. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    New Forum Bug List

    I thought the plain text editor was removed with the forum upgrade. As far as I know, since the upgrade, we've never had the plain text editor, or at least, nobody's known how the fuck to use it if it's still there.
  5. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    attacks in Paris

    Paris has closed its borders and posted military units throughout the entire country for security. Taxi drivers have turned off their meters and are giving people free rides, and people are ushering others into their own homes to keep them off the streets. Just as I'd thought of before, Muslim is the new Jew, many people blame everything on the Muslims, plenty of people are already harping on about "I thought Islam was a PEACEFUL religion!" and whatnot, I can only shake my head in disgust. Unfortunately, regardless of any available facts and information, the only thing I can see is a massive anti-immigration, anti-refugee, anti-Muslim shitstorm brewing on the horizon. In a thread on The Escapist about the attack, one poster is visiting family, that same family immediately blamed the refugees shortly after the news hit. Aside from grieving for those immediately impacted by this, I can't help but wonder (and worry) about what's going to happen as a result of all this.
  6. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    I use Chrome and it all looks fine to me.
  7. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​I'd still like to actually get my hands on it and play it just to see for myself. People kept saying that Red Alert 3 was such a horrible game, and I actually really liked it. Yeah, part of the draw of Anno 2070 is the complexity in balancing out your population centers and your ability to keep them happy (And therefore, paying taxes), but there are times when I wish it was simpler, and times when I'm okay with that challenge. All I've heard was "It's so simplified!" and "It sucks!", it'd be nice to see what's changed firsthand. I think it's going to end up being a "pirate to demo" when I can finally upgrade my rig, and then if I like it, drop some money on it when it's at a more reasonable price.
  8. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Blugh, goddammit Ubisoft. Anno 2205 is out, but it's $60 for the base game, plus another $20 for the season pass, which will contain a whopping two pieces of content. Two. Also it's still on the failed platform that is Uplay, so even if you get it through Steam, all Steam can do is open Uplay so that Uplay can run the game. I guess it's a good thing I can't really afford to just drop $60 on a moment's notice, because I can't even run 2205 anyway, it requires a 64-bit OS and I'm still stuck on a 32-bit version of Win7.
  9. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Transistor is on sale for $4.99, I currently have $5.70 in my steam wallet. Get? Y/N
  10. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Smebog sne jebedu.... bork bork bork?
  11. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    The season passes are effectively just really early bundle deals, but again, I hate the fact that they're being pushed so much when their content isn't even out yet. "Pre-order our game! And don't forget to buy the season pass!" "Buy the Deluxe/Gold/SPESHUL edition to get the season pass!" It becomes even more egregious when games are being priced at $50 and $60, with $20 season passes. If you're banking on season pass sales in addition to game pre-orders/sales, you could afford to sell the base game at a lower price.
  12. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    They started out as okay, but now everything has a fucking "Season Pass". Even the new goddamned Anno game has a season pass for 2 pieces of future content. TWO. Gimme a bundle of that shit after it's been released, and I have time to do research on whether or not it's shit I want, but no more of this "Pay us extra for content that doesn't exist yet and pray to Gaben we don't fuck you over!". I obliged Borderlands 2 because I saw just how much content they'd put into each DLC for the first game, but that was it, the only time I've bought season passes was after all included content was released and I had researched if it was worth getting. Yes, it's nice that you do get all that junk at a slightly discounted bundle price, but if I wanted to pay for shit that doesn't exist yet, I'd go drop some money on Kickstarter.
  13. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    Well, at least none of the victims died and are expected to make a full recovery. Quality reporting on the whole situation, though. Another article title reads five stabbed, article contents only mention 4 (2 students, one staff member, and a vendor), goes on to state 5 (2 Airlifted to a hospital, 3 treated locally) again.
  14. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    Well, at least I could then say that, for a fleeting moment, I was a flamer.
  15. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Jesus christ
  16. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    This'll most likely fly over the heads of everyone, but I've been playing the mobile version of the card game Ascension, and jesus fuck my churn and burn turns are starting to get a little ridiculous. Through sheer luck I managed to draw Master Dhartha and then the Twofold Askara, with that combo plus the rest of my hand, I drew something like 13 cards in a single turn. I will very much recommend Ascension as a game to everyone, the Base game on Mobile is free, whereas you can purchase a physical copy as well. On the mobile version, you can purchase the expansions for much cheaper than you could buy the physical expansions. The game supports up to 4 players, and the mobile version even allows multiple people to play on the same device. The concept is very simple, it's a deck-building game where all players (Up to 4 with base game) start out with the same deck of 10 cards; 8 Apprentices and 2 Militia. Your goal is to accumulate the highest amount of Honor at the end of the game, you do this by killing monsters, and purchasing cards. Cards can give you either Runes or Power, or do other things. Runes are what you use to buy cards, and Power is what you use to defeat monsters. You play all the cards in your hand, and with the Runes and Power your hand gives you, you purchase cards or defeat monsters from the center row of 6 cards, as cards are bought/defeated, new cards replace them. When you buy a card, it goes into your Discard Pile, when a Monster is defeated, it goes to the Void. When you run out of cards in your deck, you simply shuffle your discard pile and you draw from that. The game ends when the Honor pool is depleted, but any remaining players may take their turn until it comes back around to whoever went first. When the game ends, you add up the Honor tokens you've collected, plus the amount of Honor each of your cards give you, and the player with the highest total wins. The game isn't a game based around screwing your opponent over, the only real kind of offensive strategies you can employ are denial ones, keeping your opponents from taking good cards or killing good monsters. You're more focused on what benefits you more than what hurts the other players, and it accommodates a rather large number of strategies, from high Rune, high Power, Construct decks, or churn and burn. It's easy to learn, and you can play against AI in the mobile version, so it can be a good time waster when you need one, you can also exit a game without forfeiting it, so you can resume play at a later time.
  17. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Depends on what that "really bad stuff" was. My biggest complaint was removed with the Open Alpha release. Pet eggs used to have an 8 hour hatch time, and you could spend premium currency to finish it, however those same eggs rotted after 2 days sitting in your inventory. This left the problem of you getting 5+ eggs from running a couple maps and only being able to hatch 3 at most because your schedule doesn't allow you to jump on as soon as one egg finishes hatching. Eggs still rot, but their hatch time was reduced to 1 second, so that point is moot. Eggs are also a bit of a crapshoot, of course, you can use premium currency to "Transform" eggs, giving you a better chance at a higher rarity pet. I do like the ability to re-roll their attributes, this lets you pick 1 specific attribute, and you re-roll it, for damage and fire rate, you simply choose a new number. For Hero and Tower stats, you get a choice of which stat replaces your old stat, and you have to pay the fee before you can choose what replacement state you keep, so you're committed to one of those two new choices. The dragon I have on my Monk gives him a nice +80 Tower HP, from 2 +40s. Another minor thing is that when I grab Mana Chests, all mana on the floor disappears, easy enough of a problem to deal with, it's just a minor gripe. I do find it a little difficult finding the right gear for a tower-oriented character (Which is practically everyone's first character, some go DPS, but I'm comfortable saying a good majority make a tower character first to help level other heroes). You can still only level up your gear after you have 1 character hit 34, so you'll still end up with gear that's not performing as well as it could until that point. I'm nowhere near end-game content (My highest hero is a level 32 Apprentice), but so far the gear seems pretty bland in terms of variety. I've found that Magic Resistant lanes still die quite easily to Magic Towers despite taking 35% less damage from Magic sources, and every single Apprentice tower is an AoE, even the Magic Barrier has an AoE attack once it takes enough damage. I've not had the opportunity to play around with Monk much, no time with Squire or Huntress either. Even with the Magic Resistant lanes, I've had it quite easy so far, a single Magic Barrier plus 2 Fireball Towers and an Earthshaker Tower covers a single lane quite nicely, sometimes I'll toss in a 3rd Fireball Tower if there's an Air lane passing through/near that spot, but there's been no real challenge on Normal difficulty. The "Hero Deck" replaces the ability to access every hero in your arsenal, and you unlock new slots by leveling heroes, only once you hit level 40 on a single character do you finally have access to all 4 Hero Deck slots. Simultaneously, you can only have a limited number of characters created, and you can buy new character slots with premium currency. I think you have enough slots as a F2P to have 1 of each Hero, and I was going to have them be Builders, I would need to have a separate set of gear set aside entirely for DPS, instead of just simply making a DPS hero and sticking the appropriate gear on him. There is a Private Tavern that you can launch straight into, so no more being forced into the Social Tavern and then moving to the Private Tavern from there. Loot is now automatically collected into your Auto-Collect bags when you start a new wave, you just have to remember to set your bags to Auto-Collect. Once your bags are full, no more items will be collected, obviously, however, The Scavenger will pick them up when you return to the Tavern, and you can go to him to collect those lost items. The items in his inventory don't stay there for very long, you must claim them before they expire, or they're gone for good. It's not bad right now, in my opinion, it's definitely got room for improvement, but it's good to spend a few rounds on. I've only ever played solo, I don't know what the multiplayer experience is like. I will say, however, as it stands right now, it doesn't give me the same wonder that the first Dungeon Defenders game had, I don't find myself obsessively playing DD2 like I had with the first. Maybe once it gets a few more updates under its belt I'll feel differently, but it's still very much in Alpha, that's for sure. Kinda makes me want to go start a new character in DD1 and run it without cheesing through it with uber defenses and gear I've hoarded.
  18. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    ​Yep, was planned to be F2P from the beginning. Initially they had said something about a MOBA mode, but I'm glad they've put the focus on the TD gameplay. Early access had a pricetag on it, but now that the game is in open alpha, they just removed the pricetag altogether. Now, if my internet could just hold together enough to actually play it again.
  19. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    ​This is why I simply copy the Lego movie and say "Goooo SPORTS TEAM!!!", that way I will never have to be disappointed and I don't have to actually give a flying fuck about sports.
  20. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    Usually follow the maximum 10 over speed limit unless on highway, rule. Because if you're only going 10 over the speed limit on 275 here, you will get run over. It astounds me how people in this state can't actually get up to speed on on-ramps, in Florida you had on-ramps that were maybe 300ft long to get up to highway speeds, especially if you were headed onto I-4. Here in Georgia, we actually have on-ramps of decent length and people can't manage to either properly merge into traffic, or get up to speed with the rest of us.
  21. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    ​That was me last night. Around 2am, clear, no clouds, no thunder. Tree downs a power line.
  22. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

    TIAM IV: Guydiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Cockmongler

    Welp. Chief has had our entire network tied up today, downloading a fucking movie. We have Dish for our tv, and we've got the Hopper thing, and it has eaten up all of our bandwidth that I can't even go online on my computer, and I've been kicked off the network five times. She fucking knows that downloading movies or using on demand damn near shuts down our network, but she does it anyway. For nine fucking hours, I haven't been able to get online. I hate typing long shit on my phone.
  23. Stackbabbin' Bumscags


  24. Stackbabbin' Bumscags

