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Posts posted by Kozmo

  1. So, I've noticed recently that there's been quite a few screenshots showing up on SPUF and elsewhere in which players are wearing items that are not for the class that they are playing. Here's an example. However, nobody has come forward with information on how to recreate this wonderful glitch. As a community of (mostly) intelligent, (mostly) TF2-loving people, I think that we should try to figure it out. Its discovery will bring joy to cosmetic wearers everywhere. So, does anyone have any idea what could trigger this, or any thoughts on how to find out? I've already tried to find the player that appears in the screenshot linked above, but with no luck. Feel free to just throw ideas out there.

  2. Does anyone else play this game? I've gotten a bit addicted to it recently. In case you haven't heard of it, it's a free Bullet Hell MMORPG, and unlike most free MMOs, it isn't Pay-to-Win. I highly recommend trying it.Also, if anyone here does play it regularly, I recently started a guild that I would gladly invite any regular players to.

  3. Interesting, I am one of those people who enjoy min-max'ing in games. When I do the math and get the best possible results, I am having fun. Which is unfortunately something a lot of people frown upon, especially back when I used to actively raid in World of Warcraft.

    While I don't usually care for the incredible overpoweredness that comes from a perfect character, I did create a character in Fallout 3 that by level 30 had all skills at 100, all SPECIAL stats at 10, and all the perks that I could get to make myself more effective in combat. It was rather ridiculous. Just to see if I could, I beat General Jingwei using only my fists on Very Hard. I barely even had to heal myself. Even Behemoths became trivial to fight.

  4. Fallout 3 is still one of my favorite games. The older Fallout games are also great, but I haven't played them quite as much. I don't know why, but I just can't really get in to New Vegas like I can with 3. It's just not as enjoyable overall.Also, to add to the discussion about favorite unique weaponry, I love the Samurai's Sword and the Victory Rifle.
