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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    If you're sure you can combo off and win on the same or the next turn after Doomsday it could be good. It signals even harder than Exquisite Blood though
  2. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Some new content was the only reason I was excited for this update
  3. I finally decided to go watch Breaking Bad. Am I too late to the party to make Baking Bread jokes?

    1. FrozenFirebug
    2. Medic


      Don't worry, I'm even later to the party.

    3. alexgndl


      Welcome to the club.

    4. Show next comments  318 more
  4. Razputin

    Mersopolis: The Voice

    I would like to hear your interpretation of wombo combo
  5. Razputin


    Why only special sweepers? Didn't you get into trabbles against special walls like Blissey? Also, why DBond Gengar in the last slot? I would think you'd want to run that first I mean, obviously it worked since 340 is insane, but I'm curious
  6. Razputin

    Anime General Discussion

    The worst part of that is that the Japanese are terrible at German. The lyrics from Blumenkranz make absolutely no sense, they basically just put a Japanese text through a translator and called it a day. In NGE, Asuka's German pronounciation made my skin crawl
  7. Razputin

    TF2 general

    That's a really nice gesture if you ask me If they would've made them untradable Valve could've basically paid them for their work
  8. Holy Ballsucking Christ I passed an exam I deemed impossible

    1. John Caveson

      John Caveson

      Good, now do it blind folded.

    2. Medic



    3. Davjo_



  9. Razputin


    woulve been interesting if it worked the moment you merge it with a block it goes trice as fast and it nearly impossible to merge it with the right lower blocks in time
  10. Confession time: I really like using the word "literally" wrong

    1. FrozenFirebug


      literally hitler

    2. Arm the Homeless

      Arm the Homeless

      I will literally bring literal literature literally to you.

    3. Huff


      I'm figuratively confused here.

    4. Show next comments  318 more
  11. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Oh sorry I misread, I thought you meant you got an achievement that had to do with random crits, which could only be crockets are such bs I think
  12. Razputin

    TF2 general

    crockets are such bs probably
  13. Razputin

    TF2 general

    No sarcasm, somebody literally said I should GTFO off the server with my tryhard phlog
  14. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Today i was called a tryhard for using Phlog What is happening
  15. Populistic articles like to make catchy claims holy shit call the cops
  16. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Jesus Lord keys are 7.44 now The ride really never ends
  17. Razputin


    A friend of mine had the selfdestructing shiny geodude/graveler twice in the same run Also MegaSlaking sounds awesome as fuck
  18. Razputin

    Good news everyone!

    So if you have to stream does that mean you have to stay in HDMI cable range of your pc?
  19. Someone needs to kick this women in the penis
  20. in before, during and after penises
  21. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Just beat Revengeance. Really enjoyed it, and I thought the length of it was pretty decent (beat it in a little under 7 hours). Much longer and it would've probably have become too samey +hilarious writing, hype as fuck +bosses were fantastic, both in battle and in character +awesome enemies in general +fun combat with a good skill curve -bosses don't get used to their full potential -health items are unbalanced as fuck -parry system hardly gets explained at all while it is an absolute must later in the game -the little arm-ball faggots for multiple reasons
  22. Razputin


    that card looks kinda shitty
  23. Razputin

    TF2 general

    chem sets are the new crates though dropwise
  24. Razputin

    How into Excel the I do

    So I thought I finished all the statistics for my paper, but then it turned out I fucked up the averages I made with excel. Apparently, when you use a filter to remove certain values, Excel will still use those numbers to calculate the averages. To prevent any further mishaps, I was wondering if anyone here has a good understanding of Excel, and would be willing to help me out through steam. Would be greatly appreciated.