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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. First time in a long while that I'm hung over

    1. Razputin


      bern it's more that I am blessed with genes that hardly ever give me a hangover even if I drink

    2. LadyBernkastel


      Oh. Well, lucky you.

    3. alexgndl


      I drink almost every weekend and I've never been hungover...just saying, it happens.

    4. Show next comments  390 more
  2. Razputin


    Let's steal more subtopics from 4chan
  3. Razputin


    They swapped the names of Salamence and Flygon at the last moment: Bagon - Shelgon - Flygon The Hydreigon line was supposed to resemble tanks but this got dropped during development Butterfree and Venomoth got swapped evolutionary lines at the last moment Kangaskhan was supposed to be the final evolution of Marowak The first gen pokemon basically ALL got their English names changed at the last moment. Thank God, because the original names got leaked and they were all atrocious (Koffing and Weezing were called Ny and La, Machoke was called Karatee)
  4. Razputin


    it's the exact same thing as the poke radar thing from 4th gen really and that allowed for basically ANY shiny
  5. Razputin

    Smache Brothers

    then you have skilless friends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. Razputin

    Mediocre Fragclips

    what do you use, Kraszu? I honestly have no idea how all of this shit works also what are the restrictions on free fraps vs the purchased version?
  7. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    do they have any kind of context or is it just epic randomness XD
  8. Razputin

    Mediocre Fragclips

    how do I edit demos into videos I wanna keep it relatively simple, only need to cut out the good parts and paste em together, maybe add some music to it
  9. Razputin

    Smache Brothers

    butthurt baddyknight detected
  10. Razputin


  11. Razputin


    Completely offtopic but I hate the new Hitmontop/It's Not Unusual thing because his stepping rhythm does not match up with the song at all
  12. Razputin


    waitwha *checks* ...okay doing that AHAHAHA PROTEAN FROAKIE FROM WONDER TRADE Breed that shit and pass it around I want one
  13. Razputin


    I would really really like to have that Roselia I have a lot of shinies on Diamond so I might be able to trade something for it
  14. Razputin


    Hoshit I just caugth a shiny Staryu
  15. Razputin


  16. Razputin


    I've seen several versions of that. Pokemon has the deepest lore Also it's pretty funny how one of the mightiest legends, Deoxys, isn't an entitity at all. It's just a regular pokemon from another planet Imagine what the legends from that planet have to be like
  17. studying for exam that I have tomorrow, university database goes down for maintenance. I am so incredibly fucked right now

  18. Razputin

    Smache Brothers

    What a coincidence, saw that on 4chan yesterday Sadly, I don't exist
  19. Razputin


    and in rated battles they are banned? What exactly is the banlist? How exactly does rated work? 6v6? What clauses? I know nothing about it really
  20. Razputin


    how severe is the uber spam tho
  21. Razputin


    Wait hold on Flying Press is both Fight and Flying simultaneously? Bust out those calculators against dual type pokemon man
  22. Razputin


    Where do you get these from, serebii still says Poliwrath has 85 Atk Also I wish Hawlucha was a bit better because it's such a hilarious little pokemon
  23. Razputin


  24. Razputin

    Mediocre Fragclips

    it's called propane nightmares you Baddie McBadbads also if you don't think of this video every time you hear that song you are a casual plebnoob f2p filth ruined the game newfag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn9970dxQ2g