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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. Razputin

    TF2 general

    HYPE also Standin and Process are pretty kickass maps so good to see them go official
  2. Razputin

    Game Grumps

    the split still does feel iffy without any warning, out of nowhere, it really does seem like there was more going on than what they told us
  3. https://cms.fightforthefuture.org/july-4th-celebrate-4th-amendment-post-it-everywhere/#thanks?key=49121766
  4. Razputin

    Game Grumps

    you know shoot me for it, but I greatly prefer Dan over Jon especially since in Megaman 2 he suggested to actually talk about megaman
  5. well that's what /b/ is for
  6. you misspelled reddit 4chan actually generally tries to stay out of the spotlight to avoid a flood of normalfags
  7. Do not forget to flush that mountain dew down with some Doritos!
  8. Razputin

    TF2 general

    I'd mostly like to see some new maps really and in a perfect world Valve would use the beta again to do some balancing
  9. Razputin

    TF2 general

    oh hey the new update is really dumb I would've liked some actual content by now
  10. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Whenever a card mentions its cardname, it only means itself. So if you have two Tidebinder Mages with one locking down Arbor Elf and the other one locking down Hydra, if the one targeting Hydra dies, the Arbor Elf will still be locked down but mister Hydra is ready to go skip along the field and bash your face in MtG's ruling can be pretty iffy sometimes. Which is why I wodnered how you guys would fare on that little rules quiz I posted but which nobody made *hinthint*
  11. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Lotsa cool stuff in M14 man I'm gonna need a few of these. Glorious sideboard material for my Merfolk Deck
  12. Razputin

    SubSPUF Gaming Night 1: A new nope

    ooooooooh I wanna do MvM with you guys On Extreme it's no fun until someone cries probably cube
  13. Razputin

    Repent thine sinns, non-watcher.

    Lion King is mandatory because it is a classic. It is THE Disney film, really.
  14. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I am still asshurt over the new ugly Slivers but I'll get some of them for my Commander Deck. Also as always WotC is hilariously inconsistent in their Mythic powerlevel
  15. Razputin

    Anime General Discussion

    I started watching FMA Brotherhood again. Last time I quit halfway through but I decided to start again from the beginning. [spoiler2] ;_; [/spoiler2]
  16. Razputin


    Generation: 2nd Legendary: Deoxys or Celebi Movie: were all about equally shitty (yet enjoyable to watch) Gym Leader: Claire Protagonist: were all soulless husks. Red looked cool though I guess Team: Rocket for having the most sensible plan Pokemon: Scizor 2nd favorite Pokemon: tough. I think Flygon Eeveelution: Umbreon, but I'm not too big of a fan of the eeveelutions. Professor: Oak Anime whatever: wot Move: Thunder. So damn satisfying Pokegirl: pokemon has a disturbingly large amount of hot girls for a franchise aimed at children. I'd say either HG/SS Sabrina or May in the way r34 pictures her explain because I might just have to lynch you
  17. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    mm figures still cool tho
  18. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    how does the mouth open on his cheeks also he shouldn't have photoshopped his eyes because it makes the coolness of the mouth questionable
  19. Razputin

    Game Grumps

    shit that was fast
  20. Razputin

    TF2 general

    no it's more like commercial suicide and motivating people to make hacks for your game
  21. Razputin

    TF2 general

    it's more the gesture behind it if Valve pays them for their hack, what does that say?
  22. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Wait they're forcing ownership and honesty on a hack? Talk about hypocricy.
  23. Razputin

    Repent thine sinns, non-watcher.

    the only Disney film I'd consider mandatory is the Lion King a ton of Pixar movies are just really good and recommendable, but I haven't seen all of those either (I never watched Toy Story)
  24. Razputin

    Repent thine sinns, non-watcher.

    The Matrix Trilogy is one of my favorite movie series. The first one is very good on its own and the other two have awesome fights and awesome characters up the wahey. On their own the sequel's stories aren't that good but together the Trilogiy has an awesome (yet rather confusing and sometimes poorly explained) story. neither have I. It's sort of on my watch-list but... ech We could watch it on movie night and listen to Cube break into tears
  25. Razputin

    TF2 general

    It's pretty dangerous to run a LMAOBOX hack for the fun of it because of the ban avoid thing changing name constantly you could end up accidentally have an innocent player get banned from his favorite server