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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    that's awesome if only it was larger I would've used it as a background
  2. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I'll probably go Selesnya as I can both use it as a solo deck or fuse it together with Boros to get some Naya going
  3. Razputin

    TF2 general

    does anyone still use dueling minigames? I had completely forgotten those things even exist
  4. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Golgari champion revealed probably the most playable champion so far if only there was a creature that does not mind dieing with a high power-to-cmc ratio... [spoiler2]http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=278257&type=card[/spoiler2]
  5. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    I love how Lavinia basically reads "we accidentally made red aggro too strong so here's a card that specifically counters it"
  6. maybe this is how the world ends no meteor no mutating virus not even a war for the last oil just North Korea being retarded resulting in China and America throwing nukes at one another
  7. Razputin

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    [spoiler2] [/spoiler2] this song has the single most glorious chorus of any song ever also yay spoiler2tags
  8. just like how they fixed facestabs amirite
  9. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    the previous guild champions I posted were confirmed fake today. These are the real champions:
  10. Razputin

    Game Grumps

    Ok this episode reminded me why I watch game grumps I'm looking forward to the dozens of fanimations this'll spark
  11. Razputin

    TF2 general

    I stayed up last night and played TF2 until 4am highlights of the night: -someone said I was "the best pyro he had ever seen" -got accused of aimbotting as sniper and nearly got votekicked from a valveserver -changed my name to "I hope senpai notices me" and went on a stabbing spree on another valve server which I personally found very funny -a friend later joined me under the name "senpai" and we went heavymedic, which cued half the server also getting kawaiiuguu names -got two friend invites mostly because of the former hilarity -someone said he had started TF2 yesterday, so I wanted to give him some free items, but he got mad and said he was "not a charity case" -got an entire skial badwater server paranoid as fuck by camping blue's spawn as spy. I ended up just sitting on the roof watching three pyros spasmically look for me while enjoying my beer it was a good night
  12. Razputin

    Movie Night 10! Polls are OP.

    fuck and I missed it all so you got kicked off twitch for streaming movies?
  13. Razputin

    Speed Runs

    Let's talk about speed runs I've never really done any myself, but I think they're a glory to watch. Especially for older, n64-era games, where there are still a lot of glitches to abuse mario 64 120-star speed run. One and a half hour of hilarity. The amount of skill and planning that went into this is just dazzling. And of course the infamous OoT speed run, which is just utterly bizarre and skips pretty much the entire game
  14. Razputin


    it looks ugly as fuck also why?
  15. Razputin

    Here's a fun game idea

    I actually never heard that "song" before
  16. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    that's disgusting frogs swim around in dirty & muddy water & lay in mud all day & u wanna eat them , not just that but do what ever the hell it was u just did & still eat them , I suggest seeking u seeking a therapist . how about someone cuts your legs off & sprinkles a little salt & puts it on youtube with some music ? wouldn't be so funny then would it ?
  17. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Apparently, /tg/ has doubt about whether that Ruric Thar card is real, mostly because "reach" isn't capitalised on it.
  18. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    speaking of glorious gifs
  19. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    Would be glorious in .gif form someone make it happen
  20. Razputin


    the DSM4 would diagnose that as "assdevastated" I am a bit annoyed seeing as I don't like reddit, and confused because it's such a bizarre move by Valve. Especially the backstab with the "tinfoil hat" mention. However, it's just two hats, so it doesn't bother me that much. I'm just very curious what this is all about
  21. Razputin

    The Official Random Image Thread!! SPUF style

    just wanted to make sure you guys understand that that image is not much more than a glorified "u mad lol"
  22. Razputin


    I haven't seen a mention of this on 4chan all day I guess they're actually so assblasted that they can't do anything but just downright ignore it
  23. Razputin

    TF2 general

    ok that made me laugh