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Everything posted by Razputin

  1. Razputin

    Would you undergo torture for superpowers?

    I basically had that philosophy for a long while but once I got into psychology that soon dissipated. Our memory honestly sucks real hard and is incredibly unreliable; it evolved with the function of saving information that might be useful in the future, so unless it repeatedly gets accessed it just gets overwritten. From all the days that you lived, how many hours do you actually remember? What did you have for dinner yesterday, and the day before that, andsofort? I recon that even here on subspuf where the average age is around 20-ish people will on average remember less than 10% of their lives, let alone when you're in your 50s It is also shockingly easy to talk people into false memories, scary easy even. There was a famous study where they tried to make a group of children remember when they got abducted by friendly aliens, and it worked on every single one of them. The study went so well and was so consistent they tried it with adults, letting them remember the time they took an air balloon trip (that they never took). People will concoct complete fake memories out of thin air ("ah yeah I was 19, it was in the summer with my girlfriend at the time, we were both really nervous but" etc etc) if you just press them a little bit, they believe they are telling the truth. It's a big issue with testimonials actually when you have lawyers talking people into recalling fake memories. So if you ask me which is more real, that balloon trip I vividly remember but never took or the delicious dinner I had 3 years ago but completely forgot, I'd say the dinner
  2. Razputin

    Would you undergo torture for superpowers?

    That's what I'm saying though, by that logic nothing in life has any value as you will forget it all forever once you die. In a less depressing way if you get so hammered you forget parts of last night it was still one hell of a party. I disagree with judging an experience just by what you remember of it
  3. Razputin

    Would you undergo torture for superpowers?

    In a hundred years every one of us will have forgotten everything we did in our lives, doesn't mean we don't experience it now Also for the 3 day torture without mindwipe I am pretty sure you'd be too psychologically scarred to function let alone use cool spiderman powers
  4. Razputin

    Would you undergo torture for superpowers?

    Any option where you can choose to stop would be an automatic failure, no way you'd go through with it once they are actually torturing you
  5. Razputin

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    ^I never knew that, awesome Meanwhile I discovered I really like the glitch mob
  6. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Well I managed to hit thd level cap before the pyro update 150 levels later there still was no purpose to the entire system, and the server tab was still better. But at least it turned out functional in the end
  7. Razputin

    Ferguson. What?

    Yeah let's not start a riot over this
  8. Razputin

    TF2 general

    I've been playing TF2 a lot with friends and our """""""""""""""""""clan"""""""""""""""""" is actually getting recognised on pub servers now. Pretty cool Also hi Scamp
  9. Razputin

    The Guillotine is Good Even Without the Sandman

    Then you're not worth my time
  10. Razputin

    Game Deals Announcement Thread

    I got Cloudbuilt, Devil May Cry (the reboot), Hollow Knight and crypt of the necrodancer Cloudbuilt's movement feels really good but the levels are very samey and uninteresting, the combat feels like someone with money wanted it to have combat so they added some at the last moment, and the story was just spoken exposition and I was already skipping through it. Refunded because it was getting stale after half an hour DmC is pretty damn funny but the music is real bad, and not in the "so bad it's good" way the story does. Combat is pretty fun though, but I am already getting S ranks so the game is probably too easy on normal. Really want to try out Hollow Knight and CotN but that will probably have to wait until next week
  11. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    NOT TRASH It might even be modern playable especially considering it's a sorcery and not an enchantment
  12. Razputin

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Nice I've been considering getting a new one as well, I've had to repair two buttons by now and I think mk is slowing down now. Then again I only really play sfv, maybe I'll play the dbz fighting game once it's out
  13. Razputin

    The Guillotine is Good Even Without the Sandman

    You know exactly why that is not an argument
  14. Razputin

    The Guillotine is Good Even Without the Sandman

    Pistol is underrated as fuck. If you're pretending to be a poor soldier and want to spam into a crowd you can use the guillotine, if you want to be a scout ie the best DM class in the game by far then you want the pistol
  15. Razputin


    I dreamt I worked at a factory that looked a lot like insides of the citadel from half life 2. Dead people were being brought in, opened up like a door and all their organs got taken out after which I had to fill them up with tar, close them up again and send them on their way. In my dream it felt like a perfectly normal mundane day job
  16. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Man mtg is looking really good right now. I like all the changes MaRo talked about, gatewatch is getting blown the FUCK out, and HOU looks positively excellent so far (just please make the blue god act not be time walk or mill). Even modern and legacy are in great spots now, although LSV is promoting a Death Shadow ban which I greatly disagree with
  17. Razputin

    The Guillotine is Good Even Without the Sandman

    It's not that it's bad, but without the combo the alternatives are just all better IMO. I really enjoy using it but most of the time it's just something you throw into the crowd to randomly annoy someone with and if you're really playing to win there are better things you could be doing
  18. Razputin

    The Guillotine is Good Even Without the Sandman

    I use the pistol (wel, more often the winger) because it's a reliable finisher if I need to finish someone and don't have time to reload. And yeah hightower is what I mean with guessing distance. And that is indeed real fun to do but it isn't actually good
  19. Razputin

    The Guillotine is Good Even Without the Sandman

    I'm very hard pressed to think of an area open enough where you can approach an enemy all the way through seeing him, switching to the guillotine, throwing it and switching back to the scatter in time to be in range for 50 a shot. Actually even stronger I don't think you can throw the guillotine and switch back in time before the scatter would've outdpsed without starting at a range where you are guessing (IMO not worth it over pistol) or your opponent is completely oblivious (in which case you don't need it)
  20. Razputin

    The Guillotine is Good Even Without the Sandman

    Aha you see I said reloading because I thought that if I said shooting you'd say "but maybe you have to reload" so I thoroughly memed myself there didn't I But as with every single Scout secondary or melee that is based on combat the problem is always that you are just better off shooting your scattergun. If you're close enough that you can actually aim the guillotine (instead of vaguely guessing where your target is going) the scattergun will already outdps it
  21. Razputin

    The Guillotine is Good Even Without the Sandman

    In the time I have switched to the guillotine, thrown it and switched back I could have also reloaded 3 shots of my scattergun, so why am I not just shooting the strongest DM weapon in the game
  22. Razputin

    TF2 general

    Nothing enrages me more than dying as a spy because my gunshots decide to curve around my opponent with the random spread so I'll be maining the fuck out of Amby once this goes through
  23. Razputin

    Magic The Gathering (TCG)

    Yes YES all of this