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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Ping Pong is great.
  2. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I always forget that's a thing. You could basically skip that and miss nothing of value except best character literally jizzing his pants and going *SCHWING* Greed Island reiterates all that plus more, mostly. Yeah, I liked Greed Island a lot better for that stuff.
  3. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I didn't like Heaven's Arena
  4. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm now officially over the halfway point of the newer Hunter X Hunter (75/148) and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It's got the right feeling of adventure mixed in with some interesting characters, both bad guys and good guys, along with decent development of said characters. Having watched the original Dragon Ball very recently before starting HxH, it's become apparent that HxH pays a lot of homage to Dragon Ball (More so than any other post 2005 Shounen I've watched anyway). The protagonist of HxH, "Gon", is awfully similar to Goku from Dragon Ball in basically all regards. He even has a "Rock-Paper-Scissors" attack, which considering the character's close resemblance to Kid Goku both in personality and appearance, can't be anything other than a reference. It hasn't been all roses though. Hunter X Hunter as a whole is built up of many smaller story arcs, which is pretty normal for long-running Battle Shounen (Though HxH is significantly shorter than most of them) and while most of these arcs are enjoyable, some of them are also kind of uninteresting. It's not filler, actually the arc which I found boring does a lot for establishing the power levels of the characters and the general rules of combat in HxH, it's just the way it was executing and the "villains" that appear in that arc are really, really, REALLY dull. So now I'm about to start the fabled "Chimera Ant" arc, which seems to be the one everyone is raving about. I was actually told that watching the first 75 episodes of HxH were worth watching solely because of the Chimera Ant arc. This has been an official anime blog from yours truly, thanks for reading, have some OST.
  5. Wulff

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    Effects of having a roomie who is obsessed with music, who has a million spotify playlists and who has set up surround-sound speakers in the living room, kitchen, bathroom and his own room is that I am constantly exposed to the music he listens to... And that's a lot of FOB
  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I think maybe this will work? Shit is right.
  7. Wulff

    Dota General

    The only situation where it's better to aim it is when there is a specific target that needs to die. Which is in teamfights, but you can fucking bolt people from fog if you ground bolt it. That's insane.
  8. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I've read the manga and its shit.
  9. Wulff

    Dota General

    I've literally just realized that it's better in 90% of situations to ground cast Lightning Bolt on Zeus since they changed it. I'm not sure why it took me so long to get that. Bolt search range is imbalanced or something.
  10. Slacks has gained minor fame within the Dota community (Mainly on reddit.com/r/dota2) initially because he'd upload videos of himself playing Dota 2 as a specific character and then use voice chat to mimic that character's voice and staying "in-character" for the duration of the match. He then went on to broaden the scope a little bit and showed up for the fourth "International" which is a massive Valve-hosted Dota 2 tournament. Here he went around with camera and crew and interviewed everyone from cosplayers to professional players, casters and analysts, not to mention just regular attending Dota fans. He wasn't on any sort of list of officials, so he kinda just took opportunities while he was there and even managed to sneak into the restricted after-party which was attended by pro-players and Valve staff alike. He streams regularly on twitch.tv/siractionslacks where either does video editing, Q&A's or just straight up Dota 2 and the stream usually has between 200-600 viewers whenever I notice it. Whether or not his content is actually good is up for potential viewers to decide. I have personally never been a fan of his voice imitation videos and I can say with certainty that if I ever encountered a person who talked so much and so loudly in my games, I'd mute him within seconds. Some of the stuff he did at the International was good however and he's certainly made it to where he is now by dedicating himself, so hats off to him. I will go ahead and say that people are pretty split on the content he creates from my perception of things. If you ever visit the comment sections on Reddit for his links, it's a mix of people commenting about how they liked this and that aspect of the video he uploaded and other people telling him that he is not funny and not interesting and to please stop submitting shit. Also this is just my somewhat vague impression of him and what he does... I haven't really followed the guy much since he released his TI4 related work. Things might be drastically different now.
  11. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I appreciate the suggestions, unfortunately I've attempted all those games with limited success/interest. I'm in this weird situation where I feel a severe lack of motivation to play any sort of video game, because I am looking for some very specific traits in them. I don't really know how to explain it, but I crave games where I can test my skill against other players (so not single-player), games where there is a clear sense of progression and games where effort is rewarded. At the same time, I have become so much of a casual that the more advanced games really put me off (See: EVE Online, which I know is a great game, but it just feels like way too much to deal with). I've been like this for a while. I'll find a game I really enjoy and invest a ton of time getting at least competent at the game before fatigue finally sets in and I go searching for something different. It started with World of Warcraft, where I used to do high-end raiding, then followed Starcraft 2 Season 1 Ladder where I played like a maniac for about half a year, then came Street Fighter IV on the PS3 under the guidance of a close friend who was very good at the game. Following that, I had a rekindling of interest in Team Fortress 2 (I had owned the game basically since release, but had only put ~200 hours into it). I found a home server and played against people who were actually good at Team Fortress, to the point where after about a year or so of consistent playing, I attempted some low tier lobbies. Then came Dota 2, which is by far the game I have gained the most from playing in terms of overall satisfaction. If you combine my main Steam account with the couple of alt accounts I have lying around, I easily have over 3000 hours in Dota 2. The game was basically a perfect fit for me. It was polished, it was balanced, it rewarded effort and dedication and it was just plain old fun. I hate to get all nostalgic about events that are barely more than a couple of years old, but the Dota 2 beta was one of the best experiences I've ever had in gaming, especially in 2012-2013. Valve were good at continously adding onto the beta, making the game feel fresh and each new month exciting with the potential announcements of new heroes and game types. Understandably that has died down now that the game has been released and 97% of heroes have been ported from the original Dota and that's fine. Because while the beta was a lot of fun because of the flow of content, release was fun because I started feeling like I was actually getting good at the game. This is where the problem begins for me. The Dota beta had kept me satiated for years, literally, because I felt like I was constantly improving as a player. But now, I feel like I've hit a peak. On one of my alt accounts I calibrated at roughly 4200 MMR in ranked Dota 2. I consistently have games in the "Very High" skill bracket, which is above 3900 MMR and going purely by statistics, I am an "above average" dota player... That doesn't say a lot though, considering Dota 2 has roughly 10.000.000 unique players and the vast majority of those are children. I believe I read somewhere that the average Dota player had around 2XXX MMR. The truth of the matter is that in the bracket of players who actually take Dota 2 seriously and aren't twelve years of age, I am painfully average. That doesn't really bother me to much, seeing as that has been my gaming experience in a nutshell. Above the average because I take my games seriously, but not nearly good enough to be considered a pro at anything. The problem I am having right now is that I feel playing Dota is like slamming my head against a wall. I don't feel like I am improving anymore. I feel like I am just playing Dota for the sake of playing Dota. To pass the time. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, I understand that many people like to do just that - for me though, it just kills all interest. This same thing happened with Starcraft, it happened with Street Fighter and it happened with Team Fortress (though Team Fortress had other reasons which added to my waning interest). So now I am looking for a new game to satiate this craving for improvement. That isn't to say that I'm done with Dota forever or anything, that game doesn't unhook its claws just like that, but right now I have serious trouble focusing on my gameplay in Dota. So what's on the board? Well to be quite honest, I've tried a lot of the other games that maybe fit the bill and none of them have really given me anything. TL;DR: idk what the fuck to do with my spare time
  12. Get the most legal copy of Sony Vegas on this earth. I used to do video editing many years ago for my own YouTube channel, which has now been taken down on copyright claims because god forbid I use footage of certain video games that I AM PLAYING in the background, and while Sony Vegas wasn't without fault, it was a lot better than anything else I had used.
  13. I think it's becuase we didn't want 500 topics about random crits or memes, WHO KNOWS
  14. people kept accidentally referring to this board around me and then pretended like they didnt know what i meant, when i asked them what the fuck they were actually talking about. eventually i got really mad and someone gave me a link because i demanded that they stop being goddamned idiots. this was a couple of months after the board had initially gone live. i still dont understand why this place was ever seen as some super secret club or w/e, to the point where people online stuck fingers in their ears when i asked them about it.
  15. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    my spare time is an endless spiral of pretending to be good at dota 2 whilst wishing that i had the willpower to invest myself in any other game because i've plateaued in terms of skill level and im actually fucking awful what is a cool and competitive video game that i can invest myself in and become a cool dude?
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Urobochi literally didn't do anything but assist in writing the initial storyboard and most of the first episode. They're just using him as a catch to get people watching. He has not even looked at 95% of that anime. Don't be fooled. They are genuinely just trying to rope you in.
  17. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm sitting at episode 25 of Hunter x Hunter(2011) and this is very enjoyable so far. It's feeling a lot like the original Dragon Ball to me and that is definitely a good thing. It's got that nice "carefree adventure" feeling to it, not to mention that with the main character being a young boy with endless optimism and a pure heart, he is pretty much Son Goku 2.0
  18. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    being a casual epic
  19. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    He STILL does that? ROFL That doesn't even work against people with a clue... No offense. It's a low tier pubstomping build that more experienced players (who actually scout their enemies and have reactive playstyles) will crush under and iron boot with ease. It's the same thing as 6pools, 7RR or proxy rax in SC2. Seriously any Feudal Age timing push demolishes Paladin rush. I did it ONE time that we played just for funsies and now you're telling me that Monochrome does nothing but Paladin rush? He should count his lucky stars that the AoE2 ladder is no longer active or relevant, because he would have probably quickly discovered just how bad of a build Paladin rush is.
  20. On the topic of reminiscing, sometimes the people on the Mumble go over our old posts both here on SPUFpowered and on MLM to see just how bad we used to be. MLM goes all the way back to summer 2011, so there's some fucking golden posts there. I recommend it, it's a good laugh.
  21. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    I've only played Fire Emblem: Awakening out of those three and while that game gets a lot of slack from the "original" fanbase for not being a "true" Fire Emblem game, I found it to be a lot of fun. Awakening was my first dip into the Fire Emblem series and it does a great job at making you feel right at home. Honestly, if you're a fan of RPG's, you will probably enjoy it. The main story is pretty much rail-roaded, but there's a lot of fun character relations that you can develop... I also really liked the fact that you got to choose your own wife/husband... And have cute kids... That change depending on who you give sum fug.
  22. Wulff

