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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    World of Warcraft

    Ok well, I've run a few heroics now. They're not really all that difficult from my experience, I don't know if I've just been getting lucky with my groups though.
  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    That is a Tau Ethereal if I've seen one. I'll reserve judgement on the model until I see it actually moving, but that portrait looks clowny as fuck yo.
  3. Wulff

    World of Warcraft

    Closing in on sufficient gear to queue LFD on the new Heroics. Pretty excited to experience their difficulty.
  4. Wulff

    Recommend Me a Good Game

    Any country is a given in my opinion, if you limit it, you will lose out on a ton of good games.
  5. Wulff

    Recommend Me a Good Game

    Binding of Isaac.
  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Funded in ~15 hours. I think the Nips were genuinely surprised at the amount of money people in the west are willing to throw at their products. It was the same with Trigger and Little Witch Academia 2 as well. Hopefully they will begin opening up more venues like this for western anime fans, because let's face it, anime and visual novels especially, have been things marketed solely towards Japan for the longest time. They're taking babysteps now with LWA 2, Space Dandy Simulcasting in both America and Japan and now this. Can't say I'm too surprised about Clannad being funded so fast, it is without a doubt THE most popular Visual Novel in the west, not to mention that anime adaptation has been seen by an ungodly amount of people. It will be a nice addition to the Steam library... Now the question is if I can stomach playing through it again and if they can get some real voice talent for the English version. Oh well, we'll see... Time to depress people who've watched Clannad.
  7. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Am I the only one who is excited for Valkyria Chronicles being released on Steam tomorrow? I've never played the game on the virtue of it being a PS3 exlcusive, but it looks like a lot of fun... It's my understanding, that it is basically Fire Emblem, set in a World War II esque setting and with some different combat. I know three people in my real life who've played it, two of which are not even fans of Japanese animation or games and they've all told me it is a lot of fun. I'm just hoping that it doesn't succumb to the usual Japanese otaku pandering bullshit that riddles both animation and video games from Japan.
  8. Wulff


    The Beta is TBA 2015, God knows how far into 2015 it will be. Which is a shame. I got my hopes up that the closed Beta would be getting invite-waves immediately after Blizzcon, but it seems they only had an Alpha build available to play on the show floor.
  9. Wulff


    Just wanted to share this image. Seems like there is at least 3 characters that have been unannounced (the ones on the left). Oh and apparently Blizzard have commented saying that there will be NO GAMEPLAY CUSTOMIZATION (Such as talent trees and so forth), which I am quite happy about. Though they did mention "long-term progression" It has also been confirmed that Overwatch was made with the scraps of the elusive "Titan Project" that Blizzard had been working on. It supposedly shares similar traits to the intended PvP mode from Titan, though it has morphed into something a lot different in this new incarnation.
  10. Wulff


    I don't know what to think about Overwatch honestly. On one hand, I think its nice to see that Blizzard are branching out and trying something new (for the company). I also find the artstyle they've chosen to be very endearing and truth be told, I can see the potential in Overwatch. On the other hand, it's another arena-based class shooter with some tiny twists. It's new for Blizzard, but not exactly the new innovation in gaming history. I worry greatly about the development team's ability to balance such a game, considering their limited success with games such as World of Warcraft and to an extent, Starcraft 2. It's not that Blizzard does not have the ability to create a balanced game and World of Warcraft is a bit of an unfair comparison, because that game is vastly bloated with abilities and gimmicky mechanics. That being said, if you've followed Starcraft 2 even a little bit on the competitive level, you will know that Blizzard have become notorious within the Starcraft community because they seem unable to pay even the slightest attention to the issues, that the community brings up. That isn't always a bad thing, but it is definitely a big part of Starcraft 2's extreme stagnation. As far as I am aware, they haven't said anything official about the payment plan for Overwatch. I assume it will be F2P with a cash shop for cosmetics etc. Unfortunately, that also worries me a bit, especially considering some of the ridiculous items Blizzard have made available for purchase with real life currency in World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm. It's not Pay 2 Win by any means, but in both games they took the immediate leap into butchering any semblance of art direction. It's like Team Fortress, except rather than it happening gradually over years, it was just immediately in the game from the get-go for the sake of cash grab. I don't want to immediately write the game off and I have already signed up for the beta, but I have serious reservations about it. I'm hoping that Blizzard will be a bit more serious about this new IP, compared to their latest "releases" (Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm (Which is still in testing, I know)). It's clear that those games are meant for a casual audience and as such, I don't really mind the fact that they're riddled with sillyness (Heroes of the Storm specifically), but for me it kills any interest. I don't think worse of anyone for enjoying those games, but I lose interest really fast. So hopefully, Overwatch will be a more serious investment from Blizzard's end in terms of regular content update and balance patches, even outside of the beta. Edit. Oh and I really liked the look of Reinhardt.
  11. Wulff

    Touhou Containment Thread

    Scarlet Devil Mansion are still best touhous.
  12. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  13. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I just watched the first three episodes of Tokyo Ghoul and it was awful.
  14. Wulff

    Touhou Containment Thread

    These two videos are super neat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKx4lKYuXLk
  15. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    It's OK. Soundtrack is really good.
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I liked it when the tentacles touched the elf girl's vajin.
  17. Wulff

    New User Introduction

    Yo. You probably remember me as "Wulff" if anything at all. Sorry about the whole Dota disparity thing that happened a couple of years ago.
  18. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  19. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Welp, this current season of anime looks like shit. Time to rewatch Legend of the Galactic Heroes. See you in 3 months.
  20. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    So uh, is anyone watching something this season that isn't generic moe girl tropes jammed into a 12-episode cashgrab? I was kinda hoping someone could give me an update on the anime adaptation of Parasite or the new Ghibli TV series... Or maybe even Grisaia.
  21. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Actually I agree with Skye. I think the second half of TTGL is significantly worse than the first half. I didn't drop the show because of it and I did thoroughly enjoy the ending, but it definitely felt weaker in my opinion.
  22. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I just want to take a moment out of my busy holiday schedule to truly appreciate the OVA "Legend of the Galactic Heroes". It's rather difficult for me to convey my thoughts on this topic into something structured and readable, because I always end up feeling giddy about all the things I am bursting to talk about and never knowing where to start. This anime moved a lot of my own personal frontiers, the biggest of those being my inability to sit down and watch "long" shows. Prior to watching Legend of the Galactic Heroes, the longest anime I had ever seen was Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, clocking in at 64 episodes. LotGH was a whopping 110 episodes and was accompanied by no less than 3 movies and for me, that's a lot. Despite my initial insecurities regarding the series' ability to keep me motivated and interested in watching for a full 110 episodes, I ended up loving LotGH. So much that I would dare say that Legend of the Galactic Heroes is my new favourite anime of all time. Time flew by as I watched this OVA and there was rarely a moment where I found myself being bored while watching. I loved nearly everything about this anime and there is a lot to it. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is epic and I don't mean that in the twisted internet terminology, where epic is more mockery than it is flattery. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a journey through a turbulent time in mankind's history, seen from the perspective of two warring factions. Now I'll be the first to say that Legend of the Galactic heroes is by no means an original show. It is heavily inspired by Sci-Fi giants of the time (Star Wars) and incorporates many traits, tales and references from European history. I mean, with the two warring factions having clichéed names such as "The Alliance" and "The Empire", you can already guess what kind of power-struggle we're dealing with here. On the surface the show might seem bland and uninspired, but it drives itself home with an excellent setting, excellent characters, excellent pacing and quite a few unexpected twists and turns throughout its 110 episodes. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a character drama, I cannot drive this point home enough. If you're looking for the fast-paced action which dictates a lot of newer anime, you won't find it here. Legend of the Galactic Heroes' action consists mainly of fleet combat in space, with the main focus being on the commanding admirals on either side and their thoughts during the battle. I think the best comparison I can make to the modern anime fan on this point, would be Code Geass, though LotGH is a lot more grand in scale. All the intrigue and draw of the show lies on the shoulders of its expertly written characters. There is not a single character that feels out of place and if you sit down and earnestly watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes, I guarantee you will find favourites on both sides of the conflict. Which leads me to the next big point. Legend of the Galactic Heroes manages to create a truly grey-area anime for the most part. The Empire and the Imperial army isn't an evil and malignant force, just like the Alliance aren't republican patriots with an insatiable hunger for freedom and democracy. Both sides have their villains and heroes and all characters join the story with their own backgrounds and objectives, like any good character should. I could probably write an entire paper on my praise for the anime, but I think I will close off by saying that not everyone will like this anime. I know this is technically true for everything, but I feel like this anime in particular will chew up a lot of people if they can't get used to the pacing of the story. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is very slow and deliberate, at times it feels more like watching a documentary on history than it does watching an anime. There is a lot of politics and intrigue, but also a slew of battles, dramatic moments and character deaths. If someone started this anime and came to me saying they were bored, I wouldn't blame them at all. The truth of the matter is that I don't feel like this anime truly unfurls its strenghts until the very end of the first season (First 26 episodes) and that is quite a lot to watch through, just to see if maybe you'll like a show. I would rate this anime a 10/10 and considering it's lenght, that's impressive. It made me cry (THREE TIMES!!!), it made me smile, it made me worry, it made me cheer. Overall it was a fucking grand experience and I am simultaneously happy to have watched it, but also sad that it is over. It felt like a good book. Also, Empire is the best faction.