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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Considering the amount of Smartwatches launching on the market these days, surely it can't come as a surprise that Apple would launch their own? I watched the Apple announcement conference the other day with a friend of mine who works tech at a retail store and he was very impressed by the Apple Watch, despite the fact that he has been an Android user for many years now. It's not like it takes the knowledge of a person who is experienced with these sort of products to see that the Apple Watch is pretty impressive compared to it's competition anyway, I wouldn't mind having one of those honestly. Grabbing a single quote out of an article to illustrate some sort of point, seems more like hatemongering to me than it does anything else. I suppose people in the gaming world have tendency to automatically look down on Apple, it's not like they're saints when it comes to this stuff, but this is hardly a discussion when both the title and the OP mocks the product in question, without bringing anything into the spotlight other than a quote from an article, that really doesn't do anything other than sound a bit silly.
  2. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm sure their relationship meant a lot if they're still at an age where arguing it in public over Facebook doesn't seem stupid.
  3. Wulff

    Zoe Quinn

    Hey kid Wanna /ss/?
  4. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Shitty moe shows getting second seasons. THE BIGGEST SURPRISE OF MY LIFE.
  5. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    This movie was really good. Highly recommended for anyone looking for some great action or a Samurai film (or both). I enjoyed how no character seemed particularly overpowered and many of the more established characters had a tendency to die in the blink of an eye because they were caught off guard, unlike in other anime or even western media, where the characters in focus usually manage the most crazy feats. That isn't to say you shouldn't expect a slaughterfest though, as the common Ashigaru troops which are essentially the backbone grunts of the Samurai armies are butchered by the dozen near the end.
  6. Wulff


    I had the dumbest fucking dream today, which I guess is just how my dreams are: Dumb. I was a the train station with my good friend and roommate Claus. I don't know where the fuck we were going with train, but that wasn't integral to the dream in any way, we were just going somewhere. We were running late for our train and so we were rushing through the station, but then when we got to the last set of doors before we could enter the train, we had to play this stupid game or something? It was like one of those games you might see in a kindergarten, where you have to piece together a puzzle to let a little marble roll through on a vertical board. For some reason I just couldn't do it. I tried and tried and Claus was yelling at me in the background to hurry up because the train was about to leave. I didn't make it in time and the train took off without us. So at this point in the dream, I felt really bad, because Claus was very upset with me. Now obviously the only logical conclusion for us, was to walk along the tracks to our destination, instead of just waiting for the next train. No we were walking, period. So we start on our trek to an unknown destination and as we're walking along the trails, Claus in front and myself behind him, the surroundings become more and more forested and rural until a point where we're in this dense, jungle-like area. Not a single word was spoken, because Claus was still mad at me for screwing up the puzzle. Suddenly as we walk, we transition into this old deserted bunker-style complex. It wasn't like "Hey, what's that over there, let's check it out!", no we just straight up walked into the concrete maze as if that was the logical way forward. It's really dark in this place and very cramped and I remember feeling very uneasy and breathing heavily. I was fucking spooked by this building complex. So we start exploring the place and it's filled with the usual stuff, rusted metallic doors/tubes/vents etc. We come upon this giant room that seems to be a dead end. At this point, Claus had a lit torch. I don't know where he got that from, but whatever, this was some Indiana Jones shit now. We start searching the walls for hidden levers or passageways or anything, when I come upon this big valve. Like any normal person, I immediately decide to start turning on it. Very slowly, I had to be careful. As I turn, I hear water start flowing and I realize that the valve had start pumping water into the room. I quickly turn it back, but it's too late and water rushes into the room at mach-5 speed. The giant room is literally flooded in seconds. I am panicking at this point, because I have an extreme fear of drowning (like most people I guess). The last thing that happened in the dream was that Claus turned to me, just as the last part of the room is filling up with water and yells: "WE'RE DEAD!" That's it. Then I woke up.
  7. Wulff

    Dota General

    Thanks Techies.
  8. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    So silly polls aside, what are you guys excited for in the new autumn season? Anything you're definitely watching? Anything you're on the fence about? Anything you'd say to stay the hell away from? I'm still not a person who watches anime while it airs, mainly because I hate waiting for episodes every week. I do however have a few shows this season that I definitely want to watch once they're finished airing. Definitely watching Psycho-Pass Season 2 Kiseijuu Sanzoku no Musume Ronja Maybe watching Amagi Brilliant Park Fate/stay night Staying the hell away from Basically anything else on the list. Not all of the rest look bad, but the ones that could be/are good are second seasons and I haven't watched the first. Or they're harem/ecchi SoL. Amagi Brilliant Park is only getting a "maybe" because it's KyoAni.
  9. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Are you implying that girls around me don't look up to me just because I'm a filthy, hairy man and not a cute 2D anime girl?
  10. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  11. Wulff

    Dota General

    No balance changes, no interest. RIP dota 2 Also I hope to Christ that Techies being released will finally get the apparent majority of the Dota 2 community to shut their fucking faces about that hero. Best case scenario people play him non-stop in AP for a month until they realize how niche that hero actually is and he returns to what he was in DotA, a rare pick/low level pubs pick. Worst case scenario he goes the way of Slark and completely changes in his DotA to Dota 2 transition and becomes a staple pick in pubs for months/years to come and I won't ever escape this "TECHIES XD" meme or whatever it is. The Trollface on their abilities icons is the most cringe-worthy and uninspired things I've seen in this game since the initial Troll Warlord voice-lines.
  12. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    You fucking watched from episode 4 to the end in one sitting? Damn. Though at least SnW actually deserves that kinda attention. Isn't Sora no Woto only twelve episodes?
  13. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Misato is a good pick. I like that. Alternatively, Seras Victoria from Hellsing was legal prior to the whole... You know, death and ressurrection sort of thing.
  14. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Well then maybe you should FTFY Wulff Maybe its because my I'm ill with a fever, but I can't see any difference?
  15. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Well then maybe you should
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Speaking of subs, HorribleSubs are just "OK" in my opinion. They're the go-to "If there is nothing else" available. Like Voodoo said, they literally just rip Crunchyroll subs. Their translations are correct, but lack any sort of soul or flair... Not to mention that you can hardly call them subbers, when all they do is rip Crunchyroll. My personal sub tierlist would probably go something like: Good - Unlimited Translation Works (UTW) - Kickass Anime (KAA), unfortunately they're basically dead, but you can find plenty of batches of their old work. - THORAnime (THORA) Acceptable - WhyNot - Doki - FFF - Coalgirls - gg-subs - DeadFish - Underwater - Commie (When they're not trolling like idiots and actually take their project seriously). HorribleSubs tier - HorribleSubs Primarily shit tier - Commie (When they're trolling) - GotWoot - sage
  17. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    But an anime where a sentient magical wand exposes an underage girl to the privates of her unconscious older brother is something you don't get "furious" about? EDIT: I am aware that I am coming across as confrontative and in some ways, I guess I am actually looking for confrontation. I'm looking for an argument that will help me understand a very specific mindset, a mindset which readily enjoys borderline animated pornography and morally doubtful depictions of underage characters. How do people sit down and watch a show in the vein of Fate/kaleid? Don't they think it's disturbing that 30% of the first episode is spent watching an underage girl in a bath, with her chest and privates conveniently covered by the steam in the room (Who knows, that steam might even be removed in the Blu-Ray version, hype!)? Don't they think it's disturbing that the writers create a "joke" out of flashing male private parts to a what, 12 year-old? Don't they think it's disturbing that there is a peadophilic vibe coming from this sentient wand, as it exclaims "Little girls are truly the best" after deviously luring the young character in to lowering her defences? No. They don't because the Japanese otaku and apparently quite a few anime otaku from the west have no qualms about exposing themselves to that sort of filth. I guess they enjoy it somehow? Lolicons maybe? Masochists too I assume, because if they wanted to get off to little girls, there most certainly are better ways than watching these cock-tease "almost-there" shows. Do they live in such a tight bubble, that they manage to convince themselves that stuff like this is OK? I genuinely don't know and I wish I did, because then maybe I could have a discussion with such a person without flaring with anger and contempt. I'd like to round this off by asking you to please not take this personally Voodoo. I know you and I know why you've watched part of Fate/kaleid. You don't fall into the category of the people I am taking a stab at here at all, your post just happened to be the catalyst for my outburst. I love you. Pls bby.
  18. Wulff

    Lizard Squad DDoS

    My understanding was that most of them were arrested and indicted, I'm not sure what exactly happened, but I know one of them went to jail for 32 months. I'm not sure about the sentencing of the rest of them.
  19. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Wait, so you're a person who can sit down and watch Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma☆Ilya and think "Hoho, this amuses me" despite the fact that it ranks as one of the most otaku-pandering bullshit pieces of shit wannabe-ecchi loli's in revealing outfits ONII-CHAN DAISUKI SUKI HAMBURGER anime to be released in this decade. But an anime like Girls und Panzer, which while being objectively poor regarding characters, development, pacing and dialogue, at least spins a fresh take on what essentially boils down to being a sports anime with some light-hearted fun and cool tank action makes you "so angry"? This guy knows what's up. Fluffiest Panzer is best Panzer.
  20. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Lovely insight going on here boys. Really great, I'd love to continue it, but can we just come together for a second and realize that