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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Of course it
  2. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

  3. Wulff

    SPUFpowered Mumble

    Is it?
  4. Wulff

    SPUFpowered Mumble

    Nothing to be scared of friends. Come have a chat.
  5. Wulff

    SPUFpowered Mumble

    Get in here boys.
  6. Wulff

    Rhythm Games

    Since when do you fucking post here, Mono?
  7. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    After scrapping Log Horizon, I've started watching "Michiko to Hatchin". I'm not very far in, but so far it feels like Cowboy Bebop with a different set of characters and a hispanic theme. So far I'm enjoying it very much.
  8. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Averageshounen.jpg It's probably enjoyable to watch if you're looking for some low-brow entertainment though.
  9. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Well I picked up and subsequently dropped Log Horizon after giving it the "3 Episode Rule". I don't think the anime itself is bad at all, in fact, I wish I could find the interest to watch it through, because it had some really nice ideas at times. Not to mention that Akatsuki is, at the lack of a better term, "moe as fuck". It just wasn't what I was looking for. I think I wanted something a bit more serious and the fact that we were getting panty jokes and pervert discussion not even halfway into the first episode kinda put me off. Plus all of the sillyness that occurred later didn't really put me in the mood to watch. That guild lady who was swooning over Akatsuki being cute got on my nerves real fucking fast and the whole "I'm going to knee you in the face every time you say something perverted" thing between Akatsuki and the Tank guy who's name I forget also got really boring when it had happened like 4 times in the span of 3 episodes. I don't want to call the anime bad, but it felt too much like your typical SoL anime in the first 3 episodes, for me to give a shit. Maybe I'll pick it back up some day where I just want to watch something silly.
  10. Wulff

    Dota General

    It's time http://www.dota2.com/international/announcement/
  11. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I haven't even seen Log Horizon and I still want this OP to make it onto some kinda list of top50 catchiest anime OP's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j5ADYYzMdi8 It's like I'm really listening to a Japanese version of Rage Against the Machine. In other news, I'm having anime storage problems.
  12. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    If you purchased Red Orchestra a long time ago, you will only have full access to Red Orchestra 2. Rising Storm is an expansion for the game, but Tripwire didn't want to split the community, so they merged the two games into one client. Which is why even though you might have only owned Red Orchestra 2, your game becomes "Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2". When you do not own Rising Storm, you are still able to play on all the maps in the game, but you are locked to the Rifleman class and you cannot gain combat experience of any kind, as you noticed yourself. The weird thing is: If you buy Red Orchestra 2, you only get access to RO2 maps and the Rising Storm maps with above mentioned limitations, but if you buy Rising Storm without owning Red Orchestra 2 prior, you get full access to the multiplayer in both. The only thing you don't get is the singleplayer of RO2, which is kinda pointless anyway.
  13. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    [spoiler2]In my mind her little... episode was just the result of ALL THE SHIT she had gone through bursting out violently. I mean, she's endured a metric fucktonne of suffering, over and over and over, culminating in the reason why she kept suffering unexisting herself. Not only that, but she kept on fighting for Madoka-knows how long before eventually being soul-fucked by the Incubators. And then she fucked her OWN mind (and all her friends as well) up so bad that she had to literally escape from her own illusion... by becoming the same thing that killed her friends over and over. So yeah, at least in my mind, she's gone through enough shit to be... Beyond insane.[/spoiler2]
  14. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Dropped Space Dandy at episode 4. I didn't hate it, but it was 2 retarded 4 me. I didn't really laugh at anything past the first episode.
  15. Wulff

    Dota General

    I honestly can't even tell if that's sarcasm. The post above him is obvious bait, but I don't think the rest are.
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Being meguca is suffering.
  17. Wulff

    Dota General

    Lina attack range increased... Icefraaaaaud
  18. Wulff

    How do it do?

    Irashaimase ^____^
  19. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Kinda. The anime is a loose adaptation of the book "The Count of Monte Cristo".
  20. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    This anime was amazing. Not without fault, I admit, but in the bigger picture it is by far one of the best anime I've ever seen. Highly recommend it. The OP is very touching, especially once you've seen the anime.
  21. Wulff

    The SPUFiest Place on Earth

    Is this going to involve
  22. Wulff

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    Chaika's eyebrows are a miracle of the universe.
  23. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    IF you're looking to purchase it, there is no point in getting Red Orchestra 2. Purchasing Rising Storm will give you access to all the multiplayer content in both games and that is really the only reason to play the game. The Singleplayer is practically worthless.
  24. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    An official Tripwire employee just posted this announcement. http://steamcommunity.com/games/RO2/announcements/detail/1353639133892980334 TL;DR for people who can't be bothered to read the link: Red Orchestra 2 will be free to download for 24-hours and you get to KEEP THE GAME if you download it within these 24 hours.
  25. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Yeah, that's the one. Don't misunderstand though, it's not really supposed to be any kind of "cinematic experience", but Red Orchestra is definitely the best WW2 Infantry Simulator on the market currently. In terms of scarring dialogue, all the factions have death rattles that are really fucking depressing. I've seen several incidents of players online putting a bullet through the head of their dying allies, simply because it's so sad to listen to if you just leave them to bleed out. Here are the American ones, for example: Jap ones