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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Diablo 3

    Try this http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/crusader#beORfQ!YiZS!bbYYbb Crit chance/Crit Damage/MS are your preferred secondary stats. Combo Judgment + Law of Valor active + Bombardment to effectively 1-hit Champion/Unique mobs. Exchange Fervor with Heavenly Strenght if you have a good 2h Weapon you want to run with a shield. Exchange Finery with Wrathful if you don't have a lot of sockets. Exchange Law of Valor with Steed Charge (Endurance) if you're running normal bounties.
  2. Wulff

    Diablo 3

    What Crusader build are you running?
  3. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Well, I'm gonna dump some stuff.
  4. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Basically they nerfed the cheesy Core of Arreat loot run that people were doing. Contact Blizzard support.
  5. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm doing my best to forget.
  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I haven't even seen this season's releases. I don't really watch shows as they air, KLK being the exception. If I recall correctly, wasn't a new season of Mushishi supposed to air? That's definitely going on my list.
  7. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Picked up "Gankutsuou", an anime adaptation of "The Count of Monte Cristo", for three reasons: 1: It came highly recommended from friends. 2: The VA for The Count in Gankutsuou, is the same VA who voiced Alucard in Hellsing (And his voice is godtier) 3: It's directed by Mahiro Maeda, who has worked on everything from the original NGE, to Samurai Champloo to Ghibli films. Quite an experienced guy. So far it has been amazing. I seem to be on a lucky streak with the anime I pick up, usually I end up with one or two that I dislike, but the last five I've watched have all been great. Hopefully Gankutsuou stays consistent.
  8. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Well, I finished Usagi Drop. Chewed through its 11 episodes over the course of 12 hours, 6 of those spent sleeping. I absolutely loved it, I can't remember the last time I was able to watch episode after episode of an anime without tiring. The anime is cute done right. Fuck moe characters and stereotypical harem females and their silly archetypes. If you want to watch something genuinely cute, to the full extent of the word, then you should be watching Usagi Drop. It's a calm and quiet anime for the most part, mixing in a bit of humour here and there. However, it also has a more serious side that sometimes shows up, because at the end of the day, the anime is centered around an illegitimate child and an adult who is a serious work-a-holic and their lives together. Their dealings with the rest of the family, who showed disdain towards Rin (The young girl), not to mention the confrontation with Rin's real mother are some of the serious and depressing topics that show up during the anime. It's not hyper dramatized with yelling and screaming, but it just has such a melancholic tone to it, because as a viewer, you seriously want what is best for Rin. I can't explain it any other way. She's such a sweet kid and you just can't help but love her. When she's happy, you're happy. When she's upset, you're upset. The anime doesn't overextend in any way, it's just a show about daily life in a bit of an oddball family. Usagi Drop manages to make all its characters likeable though. Rin doesn't steal the show, even if she is the main focus point. Daikichi, the young man who ends up taking her in, is a character you can relate to. He's not some all-knowing benevolent master parent-figure. He has no idea of how to take care of a child, but watching him and Rin learn and grow together just leaves the viewer which such a nice and fuzzy feeling. Forget the manga, just make yourself cozy and comfortable and watch the TV anime. It's probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
  9. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    im crying right now You can watch it dude. I confirmed it with my friend. The anime stays cute and heartwarming all the way through and doesn't touch any of that weird shit the manga continues on with. Just forget about the manga. That's what I am going to do, because I am really enjoying Usagi Drop. It is BEYOND adorable. EDIT: And it is also only 11 episodes long, so it's easily digestible. At least the anime had the sense to cut out the weird shit, but I gotta wonder if there are people who complain that the source material was better like they always do even if they're wrong. Knowing people, yeah, there probably are some people complaining out there. Fuck der Welt.
  10. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    im crying right now You can watch it dude. I confirmed it with my friend. The anime stays cute and heartwarming all the way through and doesn't touch any of that weird shit the manga continues on with. Just forget about the manga. That's what I am going to do, because I am really enjoying Usagi Drop. It is BEYOND adorable. EDIT: And it is also only 11 episodes long, so it's easily digestible.
  11. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    As a guy who has also suffered from the whole "My friend really fucking loves NGE" (That friend is actually the one I was just talking about), I'm just going to go ahead and say that I don't think NGE is actually as good as people claim it is. I watched it. I didn't really like it. I then watched it AGAIN at a later date and started to understand more of what was going on. I then read up online and had several long conversations with my friend about NGE overall and only then did I start to find some respect for it. There is tasteful incest?
  12. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Okay look boys. I don't mean to cast doubt on you, but the thing is: A close friend of mine (Who is really into anime and has been since the mid 90's) watched Usagi Drop a couple of months back. It's mainly on his recommendation I am watching this. He loved the anime. He gave it either a 9/10 or a 10/10, I forget which. With that being said, this guy is not one of the creepy otaku's you read about online. He is very vocal about excessive fanservice and the degeneracy that can sometimes be found in Japanese media. He's the kind of guy who would read about the ending to Oreimo and then never ever watch it, because it basically has an incest ending. I find it very hard to believe that he would recommend me this anime, if it truly ends like that. EDIT: I think I know what's up. The manga ends with the whole falling in love and getting married. The anime never reaches that part.
  13. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    WHAT Yeah, I remember drama about the ending a while back. She finds that she has romantic feelings for him and they get married I think. I remember some hilarious weeaboo responses trying to defend marrying your aunt as ok, and those who were opposed were just prudes with a western bias. Jesus fucking Christ I hope not. That sounds beyond disturbing. Especially since I've just finished the first two episodes of the series and it has been nothing but cute and heartwarming so far and not in the stereotypical over-the-top "moe" way. It's nice and cozy and down to earth. I'm going to keep watching, but if it turns out like you're describing, there probably won't be an end to my anger.
  14. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  15. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I finished "Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetaemo Omaera ga Warui!" (Also known as "Watamote") the other day and it was an enjoyable watch. I don't know where people come across throwing hissyfits over this anime. Yeah it's dark humour at the expense of the MC and yeah it's cringeworthy as all hell to watch Tomoki act out, but it basically cements the fact, that it is going to be like this from episode 1. Now I'm gonna try my hand at watching "Usagi Drop", which I have a feeling is going to be cozy as fuck. The short side of it is basically: 30yo male bachelor discovers his grandfathers illegitimate child at his funeral. Turns out the rest of the family wants nothing to do with the little girl, because she is born a... Well illegitimate child and that is embarrassing for the family. Fucking Japan. Disgusted with his relatives behaviour, this young man decides to adopt the little girl and the anime is focused on their struggles to make a functional living together. It's compared to Wolf Children and Clannad: After Story, both of which I absolutely loved, so I have high hopes for this short series.
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Interesting. See, Paranoia Agent also became one of mine new favourites after I had watched it, yet I'm glad thine liked it though! That first song you've got embedded there is literally my favourite song out of the entire Madoka Magica OST. I listen to it every morning on my way to class. The topic is so depressing though ;_;
  17. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  18. Wulff

    Dota General

  19. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    70p41 on glorious aryan master race Crusader waifu, Torment 1 Nephalem Rifts incoming. The grind starts now baby.
  20. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    KLK is a battle shounen with excessive amounts of fanservice at its core. It has more ass-pulls and shounen powerjumps than basically any other anime I've ever seen. With that said, that is its whole spiel. It's supposed to a comedic parody of your stereotypical battle shounen. If you do decide to watch it, you should begin with a state of mind prepared to laugh with the show, because it tries it's hardest to be as corny and ridiculous as humanly possible. You might not like it, I didn't like it, but I still recognize it for what it is. TL;DR Don't take it seriously, watch it to have a laugh, don't try to care about the plot and characterization, because it's all shit... Shit on purpose. It also references quite a few other anime (Top wo Nerae!, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Dragon Ball Z, just to name a few), but those might fly above your head. Shouldn't kill the enjoyment though.
  21. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Regarding KLK
  22. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    After Story unlock is basically The true end is As far as exploring the other characters, none of them actually have