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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Dota General

    She's mine get your lusting eyes off of her its ok, the only woman i need in my life is Nevermore.
  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    this is a huge fucking accomplishment right also new avatar because dem phantom assassin crits PA pretty qt
  3. Wulff

    GOTY 2013

  4. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  5. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    U talkin' shit about my waifu m8?
  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I received a mysterious package from a friend on that other forum I administrate. I can't stop laughing.
  7. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I just finished the Steins;Gate movie and was disappointed. Oh well.
  8. Wulff

    REFERENDUM: The Future of SPUFpowered

    I'm well aware that I am not the most active or the most involved member of this community, in fact I tend to sit on the sidelines in various off-topic threads and post snide remarks because I'm a wannabe cynic, but this particular subject is something I do have a bit of experience with. I'm an administrator of another community which is very similar to subSPUF's current situation, but it wasn't always like this. Rather it used to be large and public, with new members joining every day and went on to become a more closed and secluded community. The thing about large and open communities is that it will attract a lot of different people, especially if it is advertised. Here's a fact: You will not like some of those people. Ultimately it is what made me very wary about forum-users, because I (initially) administrated the other community with as much friendliness as possible and I had a real sense of duty to make sure problems were resolved, be it technical or emotional problems between users. This essentially spun out of control and ended up having the administrators and moderators act like councillors for everyone and their everyday problems, because here's another fact: The vast majority of the internet population are retarded and can't deal with their own problems, nor can they let a grudge go. Eventually it boiled down to so much stress on the administrators and moderators, that 70% of them quit their "job" and the community within the span of a year. The rest of us started getting jaded, stopped giving a damn about the community and its problems (because we were bombarded with trivial issues on a daily basis). Essentially, the lack of administration caused a shift in the community, that ended with 80% of the active users to become inactive, leaving only a tight-knit core that's still there today... Much like subSPUF is right now, a tight-knit core of ~25 regular posters. This entire thing happened over the course of 2 years. That being said, there were quite a few benefits to a public community with no real recruitment policies (Anyone and anything goes). A: Even if 90% of the people who joined turned out to be clueless, there were several good people, who we would have never gotten into contact with, had our community been secluded. Good people who I still talk to on a daily basis today. B: Our "services" were packed to the brim on a daily basis. Game servers, Mumble servers, forums etc. All of these were packed with people with a wide range of interests, not to mention our forums got several hundred posts per day. We were definitely getting a bang for our buck in terms of servers and advertisement. Today we've cut down and now run only a single game server, a single Mumble server and our forums. C: With a large community comes a large range of options. I'm not going to lie, we were actually making a lot of money in monthly donations (We offered donator perks on our game serves in the form of coloured text and other visual goodies, nothing p2w, along with access to hidden donator boards on our forums). Enough to sustain our servers and even do little things outside of it (Weekly events, where we offered games as prizes). It allowed us to try things out and better the community, make it an interesting and fun thing to be a part of. That's not even touching on the many in-houses we held in various team-games, back when we were enough members to actively and regularly square large teams (TF2 Highlander, for example) off against each other. *** I have no strong feelings one way or the other regarding this. I am not as involved with this community, as I am with the other one. I just want to make sure that everyone who voted to keep subSPUF secluded read and understood that SupremeCommander would be moving many of the projects, that currently has a home here, to another place where they can better be advertised and gain attendance/viewership/listeners/whatever. There are merits for a larger community and there are merits for a smaller one. An open subSPUF doesn't necessarily have to go down the drain, like my old community did (To be fair, the MAIN reason for my old community "dying" as it did, was because the head honcho kinda left without a word for the better part of six months).
  9. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I'd actually argue about that. I'd say it's a mixed bag. At least from perspective of person used to normal music or film soundtracks. Has few nice things in it, but it's nothing to write home about. And vocalist's accent in Blumenkranz is fucking abysmal. I know a bit of german, but I would never be able to transcript words form hearing. Could be better. I speak fluent German and I don't even understand what lyrics are being sung in that particular theme, all I can make out is "Wünsche". That being said I don't think that derives from the track itself. It's hard to argue taste and opinion, but I adore the soundtrack, Satsuki's theme in particular. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7daZAfecByg
  10. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Yes there is. Mushishi Special (You have to have watched Mushishi beforehand though), Steins;Gate Movie (Once again, you need to have seen Steins;Gate) and Space Dandy. I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I am familiar with. Kill la Kill is an action type anime. I'm afraid to throw around this next word, but I think it fits the anime quite a bit. It's a parody anime. Basically it takes the jarate out of many anime (especially Shounen) tropes and builds its story around extremely caricatured characters. It has a very light-weight story and features a ton of fighting. Literally every episode involves fighting of some sort. In that sense, it's also a bit of a "monster of the week" anime. It has great fighting animation (when it wants to) and has an excellent soundtrack. Not to mention the sharp character designs (Which I am a fan of). Unfortunately it's severely lacking in any kind of story. It's there, but it's so weak that it barely matters. Not to mention that it has a tendency to get repetitive with the constant fighting, that for the most part boils down to the same outcome. In the episodes where the story DOES progress and certain key characters (Satsuki) actually do something however, I think it's excellent. I should probably also mention that it has a TON of fanservice. This is once again due to the whole "parody/silly and over-the-top" nature of the show, but fact of the matter is that it's there. It's made by "Studio Trigger", who are a splinter group from Gainax. I think the closest thing I can compare Kill la Kill to, is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, especially considering both anime are directed by the same guy and worked on by many of the same people. So far I think Kill la Kill is definitely the lesser of the two and has had a rather weak start, but it's only halfway through. Also Nonon Nee-chan is best girl EDIT: I also have to admit, I rather like the Regalia transformations in KLK
  11. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    The majority of them look very uninteresting to me. I probably won't be watching them as they air, but I will pick them up later. Space Dandy Chuu2 S2 Mushishi special Steins;Gate movie (This one I'll be watching ASAP).
  12. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Plenty of action from episode 1 and onwards, weird (and in extent interesting) enemies, cool weaponry and gear, not afraid to swat characters like flies in terms of death. It's like the perfect recipe to hype your typical Shounen fan into thinking they're watching something "beyond" a regular Shounen. I watched Attack on Titan, I enjoyed watching Attack of Titan but by no means do I understand the hype it receives. It's still extremely lackluster in character development, has several filler episodes in the middle of it and re-uses an ungodly amount of frames.
  13. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    epic :^)
  14. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Besides the point. The anime is still good, if you cut out the filler. Let's see you come with a better contender then? Instead of giving me that stump of aggressiveness. I'm not saying that everyone likes Neon Genesis Evangelion, but fact of the matter is that it is universally recognized for revitalizing anime when it was in a slump, not to mention that it without a doubt has become a huge cult hit both in Japan and outside of it. It has garnered the most commercial success of any anime ever made and to this day still has merchandise, DVD and BLU-Ray being produced because of the demand for it. Hell, NGE Even has entire theme parks dedicated to it. The only contenders that have come close to NGE in the past two decades are Pokémon and Naruto (In terms of sales and viewerbase) and Pokémon only has the upper hand in profits when combining everything Pokémon related (We're talking anime sales, game sales, figurine sales, card sales).
  15. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Don't watch Fate/Zero without having read/watched anything of the Fate series prior to that. I watched Fate/Zero without any knowledge on the series, with the reassurance that it would be fine. I thought it was awful. I didn't understand who half the characters were and why they were doing what they were doing. I ended up dropping it in season 2, which in hindsight was probably a good thing, because I hear that the ending is crazy, which probably would have frustrated me even more. I thought that F/Z had potential because of its great visuals and interesting premise, but I don't think it's watchable on its own. Anyway, I'm going to list my favourite plot-based series. You've seen some of them, I can't keep 100% track, just filter as need be. *** Cowboy Bebop (26 episode Space Western. Episodic layout with an overarching plotline following in the background. This is my favourite anime of all time). Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (64 episode Shounen. Long, but worth the watch, manages to steer clear of many Shounen stereotypes and amazingly has little to no filler episodes in its full 64 episode running lenght. WARNING: This show turns very dark and grim). Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (You know this one). Steins;Gate (You know this one). Haibane Renmei (12 episode anime that I know many people would consider "2deep4me". I think it's an excellent watch though. It's really hard to explain exactly what it is about, as it is very much up for interpretation. It's not particularly action-packed, but engaging none the less. The ending is really intense) Trigun (26 episode Space Western. Many people compare Cowboy Bebop to Trigun and with good reason, but they're not quite the same. Bebop is more episodic and Trigun is more story-driven in the second half. It starts off slow in my opinion, but is definitely worth it if you can get through the initial 6-7 episodes). Katanagatari (12 episode adventure which involves crazy duels and cute girls. This anime pays great tribute to many oldschool fighting games (Samurai Showdown, most notably) and if you don't mind a fair chunk of dialogue, this anime is a great watch because of its straight-forward, if at times predictable, storyline and very (very!) unique visuals. Be warned that each episode is ~50 minutes long, so it's more like a 24 episode anime). Neon Genesis Evangelion (26 episode Mecha anime... Well, it goes a bit beyond Mecha, but I won't spoil anything if you haven't seen it. Without a doubt THE most popular anime of all time. It's a love/hate relationship with this anime, either you come to absolutely adore it's symbolism, subliminal messaging and "deep" plotline, or you come to think of it as trying way too hard and put it in the "2deep" category. As you might imagine, I'm one of the people who loves it. I should mention that if you decide on watching NGE, you need to finish it off with the movie "End of Evangelion"... Otherwise you will come out of it dazed and confused). Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (I assume you've seen this). Berserk (Rough and gritty anime in a medieval setting, follows the story of a mercenary who goes by the name of "Guts" and his exploitations. It's violent, it's story-driven, it's expertly drawn and animated and overall a total blast to watch. It has some issues, but I can't talk about those without spoiling). Rurouni Kenshin (Considered by many to be THE definitive samurai story, Rurouni Kenshin is an old, old anime about a wandering samurai and the circumstances of his life. I was urged to watch this by a friend of mine and I have to be honest, for the first 12 episodes, I wasn't impressed. At all. The thing about Rurouni Kenshin is that it unfortunately has a lot of filler. A LOT. I was lucky enough to have someone guide me through it and only had me watching the episodes I needed to watch, essentially avoiding all the filler. Even then, the first season, or first 12-15 episodes are VERY Shounen-y. It's not awful to watch, but it doesn't feel all that compelling. By Season 2 however, the show takes a complete twist. It goes from being this kind of silly show that could easily be shown on kids TV on a saturday morning, to being a gritty and emotion-packed drama story about the past catching up to this wandering Samurai. It basically takes a 180 degree turn and becomes awesome. I can best illustrate it by showing you a picture of Kenshin as he is animated in first season of the show and then have you look at a picture of Kenshin as he is animated in the second season of the show. The show is 90-something episodes long, but you "only" have to watch around 50 episodes of it. The rest is filler that can be skipped. Should you be interested, I can list the episodes that you can skip).
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    What are you in the mood for? In terms of genre, I mean. Anything you've been craving?
  17. Wulff

    Dota General

    This. Too bad Underwater didn't exist when I got my HUD, I forget what the one I use is actually called though. Best Announcer is default with Bastion Mega-kill announcer.
  18. Wulff

    Dota General

    Best courier. That's not how you spell Baby Roshan.. Baby Roshan is boring dude. Chicken is nostalgic as fuck. I should get that courier, because I call the courier "Chicken" all the time anyway because I am the epic wannabe DotA oldschool player.
  19. Wulff

    Dota General

    Best courier.
  20. Wulff

    Dota General

    Exactly, they needed an excuse and the closest they had was Chinese New Year. An excuse for what? I understand that most people think that items in Dota are close to irrelevant, but you make it sound like they're practically breaking the law and considering they've added 3 heroes in 3 months, along with a bunch of other stuff, you can't really blame them for pushing an item focused update. If it even is an item-only update. Who knows.
  21. I was going to suggest Ratchet & Clank, but you already got it covered. Good man, it's my favourite PS2 series. The third game "Up Your Arsenal" is probably the best one to get, if you're only going to grab one related game. I don't know what your taste is in video games, but I am going to add some more to the list. Stuff that I played a lot. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time God of War Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Timesplitters (All of them!!!). Timesplitters 2 if I have to narrow it down. Beyond Good and Evil Psychonauts Suggested by a friend of mine: Disgaea: Hour of Darkness Final Fantasy X Okami Ico Kingdom Hearts
  22. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Is it wrong that I enjoy watching/reading about suffering? Especially when it's Meguca's.
  23. Wulff

    Dota General

    Casually hubbling your way out of high tier spells is the best way to do it
  24. Wulff

    Dota General

    Ranked shouldn't be that scary. It is literally just normal matchmaking with visible numbers. You're going to be playing against the same retards you always play against. The only thing that can cause a slip at the moment, would be the fact that because everyone is starting (basically) from scratch in ranked MM, during your "placement matches" you could be queued with or against really high-tier players. Or on the flipside, really low tier players. This was our first ranked game and it was pretty easy.