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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Dota General

    T-thanks Valve
  2. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I just googled Hayate No Gotoku. A 52 episode harem show? Whaaat? Sounds crazy, I added it to my list. I usually dislike harem, but I think I might have to watch this at some point. On that note, I started Samurai Champloo.
  3. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I have a Homura plushie. She's pretty adorable. Pics. With or without me hugging her? Witchever
  4. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I have a Homura plushie. She's pretty adorable. Pics.
  5. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Good. Maybe it will never come out. Don't say that.
  7. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Gun- I mean uh sexual innuendos involving guns? Idunno. I loved that show to death though. here have a gif of bestgun Don't direct link from 4chan friend.
  8. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Never has a single statement in the history of our species been more wrong.
  9. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Red+Blue is best pairing. I'm sorry to have to break this to you. Blue is only good in the context of Red, though. Because Red is best girl.
  10. Wulff

    Fallout series

    survivor2299 confirmed for hoax. life is suffering.
  11. Wulff

    Dota General

    Heh. At least they say it themselves. Win rate is not a meaningful measure of player skill. Matchmaking will never be perfect,
  12. Wulff

    Dota General

    If only it was that simple.
  13. Wulff

    Dota General

    While it is obviously impossible for us regular users to make a 100% correct prediction regarding this stuff, Valve have been pretty outspoken during the several beta years of Dota 2 regarding the subject. I think it is safe to assume that we won't be getting a ladder system any time soon. I am afraid I do not have the sources, but "a ladder system" is a topic that appears regularly on the dev forum and I recall multiple occasions, where a Valve employee stepped in and said "It's currently not on our priority list". As for reasons why, I could not tell you. I cannot remember if they ever gave a clear cut reason for it. Some obvious assumptions would be the added elitism that comes with a ladder system. I do not care what anyone says, ranking systems WILL spawn elitism. It has happened in literally every single other game with rankings, some games worse than others. I think the most relevant example I can provide is Heroes of Newerth, the closest "succesor" to the original DotA. That game had ranking systems and my god was it a horrible experience to play. The picking phase was constant flaming and constant arguing about who got to play XYZ role, because obviously the people with a higher rating would be better suited for carrying, yeah right. I'm not entirely opposed of a ranking system in Dota 2. As in, an individual ranking system (We already have a ranking system in TMM). My two major concerns are: A: The added elitism, as mentioned above B: I have yet to see a dota-like game do a competent equation for calculating "ELO". There are -A LOT- of factors that need to be counted in before you get something even remotely reliable and I just cannot imagine a system that can calculate things in a manner that is fair to every role and every type of player. Never say never when it comes to this stuff, because who knows what Valve are planning "behind the scenes". Based on previous statements and actions (Such as dismantling DBR), I don't think any sort of official, individual skill calculator is on its way.
  14. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I've never played a Key VN, so I wouldn't know, but I dare say that people are right when they call After Story "soul-crushing". It's not like I can't go on with my life or anything, but I had been marathoning After Story the other day, I was eating it up from episode 8 and onwards. Then came episode 16. Following that, I honestly didn't feel like watching anymore. I just stopped and sat there, launching random games and immediately quitting them, trying to get my mind off that shit. I'm gonna finish the last episodes of After Story today, hopefully they will be less fucking depressing. Because fuck me dude, last time I felt this awful was when I watched Grave of the Fireflies and that movie is described as "The best movie you will never want to watch again". I'm a sappy guy in general when it comes to this stuff, I don't cry a lot, but I do tend to get misty-eyed at the silliest/corniest things. That episode kinda broke me.
  15. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Clannad: After Story episode 16 has left me severely depressed.
  16. Wulff

    Fallout series

    I just hope it turns out to be the real deal.
  17. Wulff

    Dota General

    Not really all that surprising. The enemy team's lane presence was non-existent. Lich is literally the only hero on their team who does something before 15 minutes. Big fan of Blink Dagger Disruptor though... Blink Dagger in general, to be honest.
  18. Wulff

    Fallout series

    Digging up this thread, because with all the recent developments, that potentially could be related to the new Fallout, I am getting all giddy. http://thesurvivor2299.com/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pJLwd0osKpnp6kEogWh6KAZZiM0Rh-odwWCDc3VEMVE/preview?pli=1&sle=true
  19. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  20. Wulff

    In which Bern buys a PS3

    Right now, none of them are. And from what I understand, the service that will allow it won't be here for a long while. Ah alright. I thought of a couple more games, these are indies and made by the same people who made Journey Flow Flower
  21. Wulff

    In which Bern buys a PS3

    Doesn't the PS4 allow you to download PSX, PS2 and PS3 titles via PS+? I understand that the old discs aren't backwards compatible, but I am pretty sure that most of the PS3 titles are actually available for the PS4 or will be, down the line. Anyway, here are some more suggestions. God of War Heavy Rain Beyond Heavenly Sword Ni No Kuni Little Big Planet Killzone (If you're into shooters). Super Stardust HD Puppeteer
  22. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Tell me about it, life is pretty much suffering right now because of this. In other news, Clannad turned out way more entertaining than I though it would be. Unfortunately I am about to start After Story now and everyone and their mothers always tell me that it is really sad. Really, really sad. We'll see I guess. The first Clannad series didn't elicit any real emotional response from me. I mean yeah, it was sad at times, funny at times and heartwarming near the end, but it wasn't like I was in tears or anything. A friend of mine told me "If you can watch Clannad: After Story without tearing up, you have no soul". Pretty bold statement if you ask me... Time will tell.