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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Dota General

    EDIT: New Dazzle looks sick.
  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    got 2-0'd by push strats and Blitz didn't even show up. Night ruined.
  3. Wulff

    Dota General

    gonna be streaming RD2L tonight, going to play against BlitzDota's team and I will stream me being a baddie, so feel free to tune in if you want to watch some wannabe-pro dota. 7PM EST http://www.twitch.tv/followmeontumblr
  4. Wulff

    Dota General

    This is all a matter of us just teaming up and actually playing more, maybe not team matchmaking, but just in general. I'm not trying to advocate the MLM group as the next up and coming pro team, but we've played together a lot over the past year and that obviously really helps in matchmaking. I'm down for playing with anybody though, just let me know and we can do something. EDIT: On that note, I am looking for someone to draft against me. I need practice since the patch.
  5. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    So I have some options now friends, I'd appreciate your thoughts as I am a really indecisive person in general. In my own time, I am currently watching Nichijou. The thing about Nichijou, is that it is not one of those shows that I can plow through really quickly. I find myself getting laughed out after a matter of 2-3 episodes and anything beyond that, I struggle to continue watching. Kinda like too much of the good stuff, if that makes sense. I need a show to watch alongside Nichijou, something to break the chain a bit. The two shows I have on my "to watch" list that are currently downloaded and ready to go are Death Note and Clannad + After Story. Both are highly praised shows and I have been meaning to watch both of them for the longest time. I hear that Death Note is very much on the same page as Code Geass when it comes to the whole "Strategizing and planning are a big part of the show" department and I know for a fact that Clannad is a school-yard themed show that really unfolds in After Story. With that being said I really don't know what to watch. I worry that I will grow tired of Death Note because I watched Code Geass two days ago and I've been told they share similar traits. I am also worried that I won't be able to keep up an interest with Clannad for multiple reasons. A: It's a school-yard show. I know it's so supposed to be really sad and also really heartwarming and all that, but the truth of the matter is that I have actually seen the first three episodes of Clannad months ago and it felt pretty stereotypical school-yard/high school anime for me. I'm not doubting that it does get better, but I worry if I can be bothered with getting through until the good parts. B: I hear it only really gets good in After Story and I am not much for watching an entire season of something I'm not enjoying too much, in order to then fully enjoy a second season. With those complaints being out there, I have promised a lot of people I would watch Clannad at some point, so I definitely WILL watch it... Question is, will I be up for watching it alongside Nichijou. What would you guys do?
  6. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    In the two days I was left without internet while moving into my new apartment (And I am fucking grateful to my new ISP that they worked fast, it could have been 7 days if I was unlucky), I was pretty much binging on anime, because I needed something to do. I watched the entirety of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 in a little less than 24-hours and I enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. I watched Code Geass R1 several months ago and while I thought it was "good", I didn't think much more of it. I definitely couldn't see where all the 10/10 reviews were coming from. I enjoyed myself watching it, but there were quite a few things that really irked me about the show. One of those being character design, for example. R2 was a completely different experience for me though. I'm not quite sure what happened over the months after I had watched R1, but within 5 episodes of R2, I was glued to my screen and only put the show down to visit the bathroom. Not only did the entire premise feel way more interesting (Basically, we were out of the "plotting and planning" phases of R1 and moved into things actually being resolved in R2) and for some reason still unknown to me, I actually liked the character design in R2, even though barely anything had changed about it. Overall it was a great experience, having watched R2, I can definitely understand why people hold Code Geass in high regard. The ending in particular was really good. If I had to rate it, it would be 9/10. Also, the following characters are super qt3,14's and are definitely for cuddling and tugging in at night:
  7. Wulff

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

  8. Wulff

    Risk of Rain

    I beat the game yesterday together with Mono, was a ton of fun. Granted it was my first time playing and the difficulty kept increasing based on time spent, I think it is fair to say that I was carried by Mono. Although I did not die until Stage 4.
  9. Wulff

    Update thread

    Raijin is pretty much 10/10 husbando tier now. He was great before, he's perfect now.
  10. Wulff

    Update thread

    Friends, I present to you http://www.dota2.com/threespirits That new Storm Spirit pose just screams "I've come to fuck bitches".
  11. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    1st and 2nd episode are pretty damn alright, but don't let yourself get deceived, rest is pure trash. Pretty much this. It goes full DeviantArt tier pretty quickly.
  12. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    sorry i only watch things i actually know exist Wait uh you know what fuck it yes that is what I am watching, clearly Wait a second. Using my excellent deductive skills, I am going to go ahead and guess that you're watching GJ-bu.
  13. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    ahhahahhahahha no that's not possible Oh hey guys guess what I just started watching you'll never guess Mami's got some nice mammies... I don't care if she is 15... And as long as you haven't started watching Black Rock Shooter, we're good.
  14. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I can tell you where to buy 1 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Max-Factory-Puella-Madoka-figurine/dp/B006GIML7K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1384195426&sr=8-1&keywords=Kyouko+Sakura
  15. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    This lady arrived today.
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Are we Madoka AMV's now?
  17. Wulff

    Dota General

    He is. Omniknight is actually just an all-round supportive character. He heals (His heal hurts enemies as well, if they are close to the target you heal), he grants allies magic immunity, he snares enemies around him with an aura and his ultimate makes every allied unit and hero within its cast radius virtually immune (99% Reduction) to physical damage and grants them crazy health regeneration for its duration. He does suffer from an arguably weak laning presence, early game mana issues and rather long cast animations.
  18. Wulff

    Dota General

    Like I said to you a couple of days ago, if you ever have the time and urge, just poke me and I'll be happy to practice with you/explain shit. If you'd rather do research on your, a friend of mine, "Finch", from Flipsid3 Tactics (Pro Dota Organization) has done an extensive, 10-episode guide on the very basics of Dota, aimed specifically for new players. it covers: General Movement, Hotkeys, Courier Attributes and Abilities Hero Roles The Jungle General Support work (Stacking and Pulling) (THIS ONE IS REALLY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO GIT GUD) The different shops Warding 101 (THIS ONE IS REALLY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO GIT GUD) Dewarding 101 (THIS ONE IS REALLY IMPORTANT IF YOU WANT TO GIT GUD) Last Hitting, Denying and tower mechanics Micro and control groups It might be a bit intimidating, when each episode is between 10-20 minutes long, but Dota is just a game that requires a ton of knowledge and dedication if you want reach a decent skill tier. No one is expecting you to become a pro of course, but Dota is definitely up there on the "Games with a fucking high skill ceiling" list (Along with Dwarf Fortress and EVE Online). This link should start you off at the episode and have the rest in a playlist, if I did it right. EDIT: Oh and my own personal recommendation is to limit your hero pool to begin with. Maybe focus completely on one hero for a while, until you understand the map and the basics of the game. Then you can start worrying about the skillset of other heroes. I had ~5 games of League of Legends, 1 game of HoN and maybe 3 games in the original DotA of experience when I started. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I said to harbl (the guy who talked me into playing) "I want to play a supportive healer role" because I figured it would be less pressure. I ended up picking Omniknight and I ran that hero for probably 10 bot games and 20 actual matchmaking games before I tried something different and it really helped me to not get overwhelmed.
  19. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I just finished this and it was excellent.
  20. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

  21. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    It has been pointed out to me today, just how big the whole "advertising via anime" is for Microsoft in Asia. They have a ton of characters, several of them with active twitter accounts, promotional videos (Well, they're obviously Microsoft product promotionals, but they feature their "assigned" character(s)). Not to mention that they have made short films of already established anime characters using Microsoft products (There is one for Ghost in the Shell, for example). https://twitter.com/windows7_nanami/ https://twitter.com/Claudia_Azure/status/366382608831115264/photo/1 http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2012/10/25/windows-8-hits-akihabara I don't quite know what to say. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeMPbUYJCA0
  22. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Actually, you could watch Bakemonogatari. I remember you showing some interest in it some pages back, when me, Insectan and Silent were discussing best girls. There's no guarantee you'll like it though, it is very heavy on dialogue and doesn't always spell out for you exactly what is going on. Not to mention that some of the impact of the dialogue (which very much is the main focus of the anime) is lost in translation. You do really need a good sub group to fully appreciate it. If you do decide to give it a go, I'd recommend ANE (Afternoon Nap Empire) subs. They manage to make a really fluid translation. If you can't find the ANE torrent, THORA is probably the second best option.
  23. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Cencoroll... Although that will effectively last you half an hour. If you're looking for a series to watch, I guess I could refer you to my list of stuff. I don't mean to imply that I have impeccable taste, but I genuinely have no overview over what you have and haven't watched, so I'd rather not sit here and suggest more shows you've already seen! http://myanimelist.net/animelist/Wulff Anything I've rated 8 or above is something I'd recommend... With a few exceptions. If you have time, you might be able to find something you haven't seen in there.