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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Dota General

    Yes, the greatest argument, and please, quote that post you made filled with strawmen comparing Wisp to Omniknight without any consideration of hero synergy what-so-ever. There was no case, there was you grasping at straws and comparing heroes by abilities and nothing more, instead of just accepting the fact that all heroes are situational but none of them are "shit", regardless of your personal experience. And if you can't handle a little flak then I don't know what to tell you. The fact that it offends you, doesn't mean that you weren't being ignorant and not the brightest.
  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    Because you're one of those people who seems to state ignorant opinions every time you feel something is shit or something is overpowered because SOMETHING happened in one of your games. It's sad to read and I am afraid that it will spread to other people who don't know better. I'm not saying you can't have an opinion, what I am saying is that you're not exactly the gosumaster of Dota and to just flat out state that X hero sucks or X hero is OP without any reasonable arguments other than "IN THAT ONE GAME I PLAYED..." isn't exactly the brightest. You can hide behind the "MUH OPINION" argument all you want, doesn't make reading it any less frustrating.
  3. Wulff

    Dota General

    Please stop.
  4. Wulff


    I dunno, I think this is kind of misconstrued. One of the reasons Sven is as popular as he is right now is because he already has a built in Battlefury in his Great Cleave and because of this he can skip that item which means he isn't as reliant on getting a good start as other carries because he will passively get his Battlefury anyway. Of course getting a Battlefury on Sven would make his farming and pushing insane which has its place, but I dare it is a very situational item on Sven. Battlefury on Kunkka is a gimmick item, I'll be completely honest with you. Maybe it has more of a place now with the changes to Shadowblade and Critical Hits, but as far as I am concerned Battlefury on Kunkka is not something you should be aiming for. The only niche situation I could think of is if Kunkka is literally the only "carry" on your team, in which case the farming potential could have some merit. To argue that you need Battlefury to "kill many people" also doesn't really work. The only Battlefury builder that can pull something like that of is Faceless Void with his Chronosphere, in his case it makes sense to think of it like that. Battlefury is a farming tool and should be considered as such. It is not a big item, it is not something that will carry you through in the lategame. It is an item you get if you're doing well in order increase your farming speed and thus the speed you can get your big items. Diffusal is a great item on Juggernaut, albeit very situational. Juggernaut doesn't -need- the Diffusal Purge Slow, because his base speed is nothing to be laughed and he will most likely have Phase Boots which makes chasing simple and he can spin out of disables if timed right. Diffusal is excellent in the following situations: -You have NO other disablers on your team, which is rare but can happen. -You are facing a team with some crucial magical buffs (Omniknight is one), in which case it COULD be useful for purging said buffs. -You are facing a carry who has mana problems (Chaos Knight is a prime example), in which case the mana burn will screw him over. Other than in these situations and maybe a few more that I forgot, the utility and stat gain of a Diffusal Blade is not worth spending money on, compared to stuff like a Manta/Butterfly. Oh and I forgot to mention that Diffusals build-up is also not as good as Manta Style's, fx. In regards to Medallion of Courage. I am not here to argue that it is not a great item, because it is. In fact I love building it on most heroes, including supports. But I wouldn't recommend building it on a carry unless you're REALLY behind in farm or if you're intending to dive past towers at 15 minutes and ending the game within 30. MoC is fantastic, but its bonuses stop being noticeable 30 minutes into the game really. And when you reach that point, suddenly the enemy carry might be 1050 or however much gold it is ahead of you in terms of items and that can cause a problem. Not to mention it takes up an item slot. Once again, it is an item that has its uses, but on a carry it is a very specific use and only really worth it in a few situations. On a support who can spare the gold, or a ganking hero like Furion, Gondar, Nyx - whatever I find it EXTREMELY potent. I don't mean to come across as demeaning or condescending, I enjoy discussions like this!
  5. Wulff

    Dota General

    Yeah, they need more retarded builds on Dotafire :P
  6. Wulff

    Dota General

    Probably because a vast majority of players have no clue of how to use him. No clue whatsoever. It is very easy to feed and do nothing with Wisp, but I promise you, that once you get grouped with a player who knows what to do as Wisp, you will feel his presence in the game. Don't even get me started on competent Wisp players who 2stack with a friend who goes Tiny or Sven or CK or something. That shit is unbeatable if they do it right.
  7. Wulff

    Dota General

    Aha. Ahahaha. Haha. Hah. Heh.
  8. Wulff

    Best Support

    The correct answer is: They're situational. You cannot compare two heroes in an attempt to figure out who is better, especially when they are practically nothing like eachother. Sorry to be Sergeant Buzzkill, but just in case anyone actually has the impression that you can determine if one hero is better than another so easily, then they should sit down and consider that thought for a moment. As a small joking thing, I can't decide which one to pick - they both having amazing qualities.
  9. Wulff

    Dota General

    I read it as if it just no longer affected friendly heroes, period. If that is not the case, then I don't think this nerf was enough.
  10. Wulff

    Dota General

    Which was the main problem. Drow will still be a scary hero to deal with simply because of her absurd damage and massive increase in farming potential once she hits six, but there will be no more global pushing power and no more boosting ranged heroes on her teams to do ridiculous damage with little to no items.
  11. Wulff

    Dota General

    Aye, Pure damage just ignores spell resistances and armor, AFAIK. It doesn't actually go magic IMMUNITY. EDIT: On the topic of Batrider, comparing his Firefly to Venomancer ultimate is silly. Very silly. The only thing that is even remotely similar is the fact that it is damage over time. I can't argue that people you've talked to found Batrider "broken", but in my own experience this is not the case. Batrider is a good hero, no doubts there. He is hell to lane against mid but he is by no means unbeatable, can solo hardlane with some success and can even jungle if you do it right - Not sure how that works with the changes made to pulling recently, however. But putting one hero in comparison to another hero, who by the way fills an entirely different role in the game, is not any way to argue anything being overpowered.
  12. Wulff

    Dota General

    I've randomed in at least 300 of my 450 games of matchmaking. It's fine as long as you are doing it ASAP, so your team can pick around you. Wouldn't always recommend it in pubs tho, people tend to not give a shit.
  13. Wulff

    Dota General

    Because the spirit bear is about a million times more survivable than Sylla is in the early game. Furthermore if the bear overextends and dies, you can resummon it, complete with all the items, whereas you'd have to wait for Sylla to respawn. As Sylla gains levels, you start stacking items on him instead, as he does end up becoming more tanky than his bear.
  14. Wulff

    Dota General

    Furion definitely doesn't need a Midas and can jungle very effectively without one, you just need to know where and when to spawn your trees and remember to micro them a little bit. Furthermore, his ability to globally gank (WHICH YOU SHOULD BE DOING) can give him level boosts over the opposing jungler with some extra kills. I actually dislike Furion's who go Midas, except in very specific situations. I prefer getting a fast Mek on Furion, the heal and aura buff is godlike if you can get it fast. The Drow/Visage Stealth Bomber is related to Visage's familiars. Basically they are affected by Drow's Aura, like every other ranged unit on the map and when Drow has a lot of farm, that Aura makes those Familiars extremely deadly.
  15. Wulff

    I'm Already Sick of Christmas

    I too, am bitter about Christmas. This sums it up pretty well for my part. Merry Christmas f
  16. Wulff

    Dota General

    I wonder <3
  17. Wulff

    Dota General

    I'd rather not. I can appreciate all the work that has gone into this, holy moley there is a lot of soundfiles and while I would love to support a project like this, I just can't, because even though a lot of work and thought has gone into this, it is just not good enough. - The microphone quality is subpar, I can hear his computer's fans running in half the soundfiles for heaven's sake and to top that off when he gets really loud, the microphone rebounds and that is not something I'd want to listen to in-game. This is fixable, but indeed something that NEEDS fixing in my opinion. - All these soundfiles are a bit confusing to me. Why are there so many? I have no idea what criterias that need to be filled when submitting an announcer pack, but usually all they contain are: First blood, the various killing sprees, the name of the mode you're playing ("All Pick, Random Draft" etc.) X tower is under attack, X barracks is under attack, X Ancient is under attack and X Victory, so why is there a bunch of dialogue about the various heroes in there? - The Prospector sounds almost identical to Gyrocopter, with a few nuances here and there that I guess set them apart, still too close to my liking though. That's really all I have. I don't mean to be a condescending prick, but in these cases people NEED to not sugarcoat it. Dota 2 has become one of my all-time favourite games and while this is going to sound mean, it is the truth - I would rather not see it watered down by entries of this quality being added. I mean, I guess the intention is for this to be added to the store? If not and it was just made as a sideproject that people could download and use at their leisure just for giggles, then it's more than fine.
  18. Wulff

    Dota General

    Also stop doing the "Poj" thing. It's worse than "Putka"
  19. Wulff

    Dota General

    LightOfHeaven not with Windrunner. I always thought she was his favourite hero, considering how he plays her half the games and always manages to shackle everything.
  20. Wulff

    The Reaction Pictures Thread

    I present to you, the one GIF in my gifs folder that gets me every, fucking, time
  21. Wulff

    subSPUF Weekend In-House

  22. Wulff

    Dota General

    Daedalus, BKB, Armlet, Treads, MoM. That's the reason why Sven is so good these days. His ultimate is such a huge steroid that he basically only needs BKB before he can start wrecking everything. The fact that he has crits ontop of it just makes it even more absurd. Oh and also the fact that Great Cleave was buffed to 70% in 6.75. I do not understand why Na'Vi picked Chaos Knight against a Sven though, Chaos Knight can't stand up to him.
  23. Wulff

    Dota General

    Sven in a nutshell this patch
  24. Wulff

    Dota General

    What Rammite said in a post above me is somewhat true, but since 6.75 where Jakiro saw massive buffs, especially to his animation-times which used to be his weakpoint, he has become an incredibly strong pick, because he is so hard to deal with. Previously, the whole running around him thing was actually viable but these days, Ice Path is nearly instantaneous. Other than watching his animation and waiting for him to telegraph his next move, mobility items are your friend. I guess the very short version is that you need to be able to see Jakiro in order to counter him, because seeing him will allow you to dodge his various breaths a lot easier. There is no specific hero counter to Jakiro, I mean he will still get destroyed by carries and such lategame, but that is the same for all supports. EDIT: I guess one hero that can really screw over Jakiro (And anyone with long cast animations) is Clockwerk Goblin. His Battery Assault procs mini-stuns so fast that it makes it impossible for heroes with cast animations near him to actually get a spell off, because the animation keeps resetting.