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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Dota General

  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    Well it works, but it is a little gimmicky on her, since you mainly blow up just a single target. I like Eul's and Blink on her, even before Aghanim's (generally I just don't like Aghanim's, I think it might be because when I first started playing this game I was in a skill bracket where every support for whatever reason said "♥♥♥♥ actually supporting with Wards/Courier/Smoke/Dust" and rushed for Scepter). If you are playing a serious game where you're ahead, I'd say go Eul's and Blink, ton of mobility and a guaranteed stun on enemies during your ganks with Eul's. If you're ahead by a landslide or if you want to ♥♥♥♥ around OR if there are actually people on your team who could do grand things with a Veil of Discord debuff on the enemy (Think Earthshaker/Sandking), go for it. EDIT: Seriously though, if you want to blow people up even faster than you usually do, just get a Ghost Scepter. Cheaper and universally more useful for Lina than a Veil of Discord.
  3. Wulff

    Planetside 2

    In your factions Warpgate area, there are terminals (Similar to the ones you spawn Vehicles/Aircraft/MAX'es/Change class from) with a Globe icon. These allow you to switch between continents.
  4. Wulff

    Dota General

    I play a lot of Dazzle, he is one of my favourite heroes. All dependant on the game, but Soul Ring, Medallion, Urn of Shadows are all good early-mid game items on Dazzle. If your team is lacking Mana Boots, grab those, if they are not needed I actually prefer Phase Boots on Dazzle. He can be a really aggressive support and the phase-walking/increased movement speed can mean life or death in terms of getting in range to Shallow Grave. Mid-Late game items for me usually consists of Mekanism, Eul's, Force Staff, Ghost Scepter - The usual support stuff. I personally don't find Aghanim's to be a worthwhile pickup on Dazzle. In terms of skill build, it depends on your lane. If you are in a lane where you can go aggressive early on (Think Juggernaut), go Poison Touch first. If not, I usually go Shallow Grave first because it can save you or an ally's ass if you get level 1 ganked. Otherwise, it just depends on the lanes and your confidence which spells you level. If you're babysitting a hardcarry á la Sniper/Spectre that have no 100% reliable escapes, I prefer maxing Shadow Wave and Shallow Grave, as you won't be able to go aggressive in the early game anyway. If I am feeling secure in my lane, I max Poison Touch at level 7 (More on this later) with 1 point in Shallow Grave and then Shadow Wave maxed second. In 95% of my Dazzle games I've waited with my Ultimate until level 10 and 11. It just doesn't compare to extra levels in Shadow Wave/Poison Touch/Shallow Grave in the early game. This used to be the way to go, but Dazzle recently received a minor buff to Poison Touch, if you are playing aggressively it is very much worth maxing. The buff it received was reduced cooldown. At level 4 it has a 7 second cooldown and a 7 second duration, that means 100% up time, that means infinite kiting options. It is extremely frustrating to deal with.
  5. Wulff

    Dota General

    I'm game for whatever buddies.
  6. Wulff

    Dota General

    There is a lot of ways to go with Sven, which is why he is a cool hero. Sven can fill roles all the way from Semi-carry to ganker to support. It all depends on the game, which makes recommending items a bit tough. NOTE: Builds in Dota 2 are ALWAYS dependant on the enemy team lineup versus your own lineup and how well you are doing, I am just suggesting some general items that will have universal use within their roles. Semi-carry: Early game: Standard regen, AKA a Healing Salve and a Stack of Tangos and perhaps 3 Ironwood Branches which you will build into a Magic Wand later. Get boots ASAP and finish your wand. Power Treads will be your boots of choice. After that an Armlet of Mordiggian is a good pickup on Sven. Perhaps a Black King Bar along with a Daedalus. Roaming Ganker: Early game: Standard regen, AKA a Healing Salve and a Stack of Tangos. Gauntlet of Strenght x2 for an Urn of Shadows (If no one else is building it). If you know someone else is going to get it, 1x Gauntlet of Strenght and 1x Circlet of Nobility could be good for some early game stats and later you can build them into a bracer and eventually into a Drum of Endurance. Finishing Phase Boots should be your number on priority, after that a Magic Wand and a Drum of Endurance are good pickups. EDIT: Holy shit I forgot Soul Ring, Soul Ring is an excellent, excellent pickup on a roaming Sven. Support: You won't be getting much in the case of items. Support Sven is basically a roaming Sven, except you are also spending money on wards and allowing other heroes to get farm over you in lanes. See above build with added Observer Wards/Sentry Wards and Dust of Appearance, potentially a gem lategame if you are facing an invis lineup. There is a lot more to say, but this should be generalized enough to work in most games. Final Edit: I just read the entry on Sven on the Dota 2 Wiki... Half of the "Gameplay" text blurb about the hero is just plain silly.
  7. Wulff

    Dota General

    I've seen Shadow Fiends who win mid go this particularly mean build where they max Necromastery and Presence of the Dark Lord over Shadowraze and get a fast Shadowblade. This build is only useful if you're absolutely crushing your mid lane, AKA basically free-farming with a few kills on top of it. The right clicks with a maxed Necromastery/Presence and a Shadowblade at 12 minutes is basically unstoppable without some hard disables to throw onto the Shadow Fiend. We're talking like 3-shotting supports. Enigma is an amazing hero, but don't expect to be left alone in your jungle every game. Some lineups have good roaming heroes (Dark Seer, Vengeful Spirit, Crystal Maiden to name a few) and they WILL enter your jungle to either contest your neutrals, farm your Eidolons or downright kill you. Also, mini-PSA: Please max Malefice over Demonic Conversion, a level 4 Malefice at level 7 basically guarantees a kill every time you go to gank a lane (Which you should be doing in 80% of your games). If you micro a tiny bit you can jungle just fine with level 2 Demonic Conversion. I hate timezones ;_;
  8. Wulff

    Dota General

    Friendly reminder that: getting ganked =/= feeding. Just remember that there is a difference and not every death a hero has on him/her/it equates to "lol u feeding breh?" Thanks for reading.
  9. Wulff

    Dota General

  10. Wulff

    Planetside 2

    I don't know what SOE has done in the past 24-hours but my game is running smoothe as silk now. I can play on high graphics with great FPS and I don't crash anymore! The game is so enjoyable in this state :´)
  11. Wulff

    Dota General

    >2012 >I shiggy diggy >4clam maim arrows
  12. Wulff

    Planetside 2

    Since the latest patch I crash every 10 minutes. Oh SOE.
  13. Wulff

    Dota General

    10/10 I laughed so hard.
  14. Wulff

    Mists Of Pandaria

    Can't you hit anything!?
  15. Wulff

    Mists Of Pandaria

    Excuse my laziness, but I'll just copy my thoughts that I wrote down on another forum onto here./opinions onI went to watch this cinematic with low expectations, as I've had mixed feelings on most of the things that have been changed/are coming for MoP (A few misconceptions have been rectified in favour of the game though!)And I thought it was good.Pure and simple.It wasn't on par with "YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!", but I don't think any WoW related ever will. Illidan was a character loved by many and it was the cinematic for the first expansion to a relatively new and extremely popular game (the latter part still holds true).It wasn't on par with the Lich King cinematic, which once again held the benefits of featuring possibly the best known villain/(al)most most developed character of the series. Furthermore World of Warcraft was still shining in the sunset of TBC when that launched.But the way the Orc and the Human interacted just made me smile like nothing else has in a long time. Heck I am one of those people who thinks MoP is looking too silly (One of the reasons I've been tentative with my purchase), but people getting mad over that scene where the dumbfounded human hands the dumbfounded orc his makeshift spear, come on.And finally it's Chen Stormstout! I don't know about you guys, but suddenly I was back in my Warcraft 3 Nostalgia mode. It was awesome to see him again. I don't even mind there not being a big baddy villain (yet) anymore, this expansion looks like it is going back to some of the roots of the Warcraft games, namely adventuring.I still have my reservations about Mists of Pandaria and I did not think this cinematic was the best Blizzard has ever made, but I'll be damned if I call it bad. It was really good./opinions off
  16. Wulff

    Dota General

    Just poke Facade and I, we'll help you with the basics!..Oh and install Mumble, for the love of god. VOIP communication makes this game so much easier!
  17. Wulff

    Dota General

    Balling. No Rapier.
  18. Wulff

    Dota General

    Of course it all depends on how the game goes, but Void doesn't start to 1v5 the enemy team until 40 minutes plus and only then if he has been farming well and hasn't gotten ganked to pieces.If you've been fed dozens of kills before the 30 minute mark however, then you should be able to. Firstly, you shouldn't go a rigid build with a Tinker. Do you want to push as early as possible, max March first, do you want to be an extremely scary ganking presence on a global scale in early-midgame, max rockets and lasers first.Depends on the enemy line-up, your line-up and what you feel will be needed, to be fair.And finally, an "Ultimate" or "Ulti" is the last ability on a heroes action bar. It is an ability that can only be ranked up 3 times (Unlike the others that can go up 4 times) and will first become available at level 6, unlike the other spells, that are available from level 1. Ultimates are powerful spells that really define the hero and are all unique from eachother.In Tinker's case, that would be "Rearm".
  19. Wulff

    Dota General

    "Wulff, you only play support, you can't carry - you always cry about us not warding and buying couriers when we support, but if you were to carry a game, we would lose, respect my skill as a carry, nyah nyah nyah nyah".You cant' carry they said, you would suck they said.
  20. Wulff

    Dota General

    Sorry about missing that game last night Facade, I was sitting there waiting for you gentlemen to finish up your bot game and then suddenly sleep welled over me and I figured going to bed was the sensible thing, as I had work at 7 AM today. It wasn't until I had already shut down my PC I thought to myself that I probably should have mentioned it to you. Oh well. Glad to hear that Scamp had an enjoyable first day of Dota!P.S.Sorry about the potentially weird format and typo's, this was written from my phone during a break.
  21. Wulff

    Dota General

    Heh, thanks.It's eerie how similar our Dota experience is, I spend a lot of time watching the competitive scene as well as browsing the /vg/ Dota 2 general. I don't read guides a ton though, to be fair. I just sort of do my own thing. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes I realize "Welp, that was a bad choice".You also have my apologies for not having a microphone last night, I usually never shut up if I am sitting with people on a VOIP program (*cough* Mumble), but I was out with no Microphone, unfortunately.Hopefully we can find some time to play again.
  22. Wulff

    Dota General

    Thanks for the games last night, it was fun... Even if I didn't get any goddamn Centaurs...
  23. Wulff

    Dota General

    Yeah indeed, as is mentioned above, you gotta make sure you have some time to spare when you sit down for a game of Dota. Most matches are probably 40-50 minutes on average, I've had as low as 20 and as high as a 110 before, however.And I cannot stress it enough: Dota 2 has a very high skill curve and you will be frustrated and you will be annoyed when you first start playing it (That will also happen when you start grasping the game, but for different reasons), but just stick to your guns and don't get demotivated. It may turn out the genre isn't for you, but most of my friends have gotten positively addicted to Dota after their first 30 games.
  24. Wulff

    Dota General

    Templar Assassin is a ton of fun, and you are right about your traps being attackable.If the enemy team has vision on them, they can attack them and I believe they have a two second fade time after you cast one, they can both see and attack it in that time. Other than that, Sentry Wards, Necronomicon Units and a Gem of True Sight will spot them out.
  25. Wulff

    Dota General

    *Raises hand*Do you guys use any sort of VOIP or is it all in-game?Oh and does anyone want to play a game. I keep telling myself "Yeah, I'm gonna play a game with those SPUF guys!" and then I get around to something different or I can't catch any of you online because of timezones and blablabla.Anyway, today is Tuesday the 17th, I have the day off tomorrow which means I can actually hang around in the hours that are reasonable for you guys across the pond, so are any of you up for anything? Or will it be just my luck and everyone is busy?P.S.This site is neat, I didn't even realize it existed, thanks Facade.Also do you guys play Single Draft? Please tell me you guys play Single Draft.