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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Dota General

    So many people pick Silencer and go carry because "LOL DUDE, GLAIVES OF WISDOM DOES SO MUCH DMG ;=)"Which is true, but pretty much everyone else has more carry potential than Silencer, unless of course Silencer is around for literally every kill and steals a crapton of Intelligence.Also, I just threw a game as Ursa because I kept diving into the enemy base while they had a bunch of towers. Ursa is so boring, but was made fun with a Force Staff...Oh and I randomed him, I would never pick that hero.
  2. Wulff

    Dota General

    His Orb is crazy as well and unlike Silencer he doesn't rely on actively getting kills to carry hard in late-game...Also I hate people who play Silencer as a carry, it angers me deep inside.
  3. Wulff

    Dota General

    Place 2 wards in Lycans Jungle and harass him with regular intervals in the early/mid stages of the game, congratulations you have now completely screwed over Lycan and forced him to either get no farm or actively lane, in which case you just need to gank him on occasion.That or counter-jungle him with an Enchantress/Chen, has the same effect.Phantom Assassin is so squishy that you have no excuse not to completely shut her down early/mid game with a ganking galore (Same goes for all carries, except they are not all as squishy as PA, making her relatively simple to deal with).Chaos Knight is also simple. Get a Diffusal Blade and Mana Burn the ♥♥♥♥ out of him. Chaos Knight has a very weak mana pool and unlike other carries, he actually needs all of it to be really effective. Alternatively, lane an Outworld Destroyer against him and completely win your lane in the early stage (Provided you yourself do not screw up). Oh and remember, there are carries that will "outcarry" CK, which is probably the most long and tedious option, but still an option.I'm not saying that these heroes are not powerful, they are really good - but they are by no means broken. You just have to adapt to them.P.S. Another reason why Lycan and CK especially appear to be OP, is because some of their counters are missing from the game, as it is technically still in beta (Naga Siren/Medusa).
  4. Wulff

    Dota General

    You can keep your magic, I've got laser beams!
  5. Wulff

    Dota General

    Yes.Story time---Played a game just now with a couple of friends who have a higher MMR than I do and so I got placed against people who were better than me in almost every aspect. No biggie, they weren't pro's or anything but you could feel that they had a good grasp of the game.Friend goes Faceless Void (hard carry if anyone is not familiar), I pick Rhasta, other friend goes Lich and we have an Earthshaker. Then we have the last random dude on our team. He desides to pick up Sniper... Okay we didn't need two hard carries, but sure.First thing out of his mouth, in the mid lane versus an Invoker:"How does he kill his own minions?"I don't like these "meme-faces" but this is so appropriate to my immediate reaction.http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDMT7JtHxBMyDGS4q64TK6PHI_MrZ9-M3YFF_lz8Pb2SfQSpn84Lr5Opg8QANeedless to say we lost the game, our Void got harrassed out of lane, Sniper fed mid like crazy and AA was a pro with Ulti's. 30 minute BF up on our Void, epic farm broskis.
  6. Wulff

    Dota General

    subSPUF has a Mumble! But like I said, only a very few people use it, we could totally make something happen there, just PM Ian for the details, at least that is what I did when I first joined.
  7. Wulff

    Dota General

    I implore you
  8. Wulff

    Dota General

    You guys didn't realize you have a Mumble?EDIT: At least I've spoken to Ian and Janobi on there on occasion, so I think you have a Mumble
  9. Wulff

    Dota General

    I really want to play a game with you lot.Do you hang around the SPUF Mumble server when playing or anything?
  10. Wulff

    Dota General

    You guys sound like you have some hilarious games, I want to play with you sometime.
  11. Wulff

    Dota General

    Treant Protector is my new BFFOvergrowth + Chain Frost
  12. Wulff

    Dota General

    I don't post much on these boards, but this thread is too good to miss out on. I too have been bitten by the Dota 2 craze as of late.Lich is best support. Nuff' said.Here's to hoping this hasn't already been posted!
  13. Wulff


    Afternoon guys, I collect Team Fortress 2 themed wallpapers to use in my current wallpaper rotation, so I figured we could get a thread going where we can share wallpapers.I'll go first, with the ones currently in my rotation.These are quite big, so I'll just post the links for now. Feel free to throw in your own stuff, if you have any. Perhaps you'll find something here for your liking.Demo & Solly - MinimalisticMultiple Characters - SceneMultiple Characters - SceneMedic - MinimalisticMultiple Characters - Crossover SceneScenery - ArtsyMedic - Imposing
  14. Wulff

    How do you guys "train?"

    Wonky connotations. I'd dare say there is a huge difference between actually practicing your "skills", as in situational awareness, class match-ups, aim and stuff like that compared to farming coded NPC's to get items that have higher numbers than your opponents items.On the topic of MGE, I don't really like going there for practice. It will improve your deathmatch skills for sure, but TF2 only occasionally boils down to deathmatching. I prefer playing my betters in a standard objective-based game.Allows you to take a breather and rely on people too, instead of constantly being faced off against a single person.
  15. Wulff

    How do you guys "train?"

    Not necessarily (In my opinion anyway). I am one of those people who like performing to the best of my ability. When I am stomping my opponents in whatever game I play, I am having fun, so I don't mind "training" to get better. (This being said I am not one of those people who rage at video games, I can get annoyed sure, but mad? Never). I won't "train" to the extent of playing at pro-level, but I have some servers I regular with pretty skilled players and when I can do good there, I am happy. EDIT: Take "Stomping" with a grain of salt, I don't like rolling over people in video games, but I enjoy a good challenge and I enjoy winning too. On-topic: I play on the European Reddit servers. They're pretty much filled with division comp players of low-high tier and a few who aren't on teams, but just play well. I go there and just play. When you are playing your betters you start adapting and you notice what they're doing and improve... At least I like to think I do.
  16. Hey boys,Forgive me for being too lazy to make my own OP on these boards, but I don't come here all that often and I was in a trading whirlwind. Hope you enjoy your stuff.I just want to add that you can request one item per 24-hours, this will continue until my backpack is cleared of valuables. So prod me tomorrow if there is anything else you want.And don't feel bad about getting free things, if you guys don't take them I will just give them to random people on SPUF, I'd rather they went to a good home.
  17. Wulff

    Music Thread

    Well, I tend to do okay with all types of music, except for stuff like screamo or really hardcore rock, that's just noise in my ears. If I had to list some groups it'd be something like this (In no particular order):Hadouken!S.P.O.R.The ProdigyPendulumAtlas PlugTim MarleyBlack SabbathGuns N' RosesDaft PunkJusticeExtremely tiny amounts of Pony music (Mainly the fully instrumental stuff, I can't stand anything with vocals coming out of that fandom).Other than that, I listen to a bunch of video game soundtracks. TF2, Starcraft etc. and I also really like the 50's/60's style of music. Dean Martin, Andrew Sisters - stuff like that.
  18. Wulff

    We should all get in the IRC channel

    We should all get on Mumble is more like it.
  19. Wulff

    Well, errr, that's weird

    Huh. I could've sworn I saw you drilling that guy (The latest one of the lot) who was moaning about the Stickybomb Launcher being OP... To be fair I did as well, but I do believe that thread got deleted sometime after I told him to take his idea and gtfo.
  20. Wulff

    Well, errr, that's weird

    Gotta defend the Demoman subforum from the drooling masses a little less furiously, Rynjin.
  21. Wulff

    Guy923, You Got Some Splain' To Do

    Nah, I saw a season of him playing Pyro in UGC. He did okay.
  22. Wulff

    Guy923, You Got Some Splain' To Do

    lolstar.I decided to watch one of his videos on a whim and all that video was, was one long rant about the Gunslinger with some random gameplay in the background.I crossed it off after a couple of minutes AFAIK. He does seem to be an above average player, however.
  23. Sometimes I wonder if these people who complain over the fact that it is a shield are just being dismissive because complaining about Demoman non-explosive'esque items is just the cool thing these days.The shield is a mix between the Targe and Screen with a unique mechanic of gaining charge-meter through damage, rewarding you with more frequent charges if you actually do well (READ: Put out damage), which is a mechanic I find genuinely interesting.
  24. Wulff

    Fallout series

    Interesting, I am one of those people who enjoy min-max'ing in games. When I do the math and get the best possible results, I am having fun. Which is unfortunately something a lot of people frown upon, especially back when I used to actively raid in World of Warcraft.I won't ever call someone stupid for playing a game the way they want, but I will and have been annoyed, by people who tell me I take gaming "too seriously". It's not like I rage, yell and tear my hair out. That never happens, but I do prefer it when my teammates in whatever game I am playing have the decency to actively try and perform well, within the borders of whatever we might be doing.On-topic: Fire Axe 2 Stronk...I really should take a break from Fallout: New Vegas, I've been playing for 6 hours straight.
  25. Wulff

    Fallout series

    Mothership Zeta weaponry breaks the game like crazy though. It's way too good considering which level you can access it. Specialize in Energy Weapons, do Mothership Zeta, faceroll the rest of the game regardless of difficulty.Currently going strong on my melee character. I tried my luck with Chance's Knife, but those Cazadores rip me to shreds in my current level, it's going to have to wait. Currently having fun with a Machete I found in a gas station locker room. Melee is actually surprisingly effective as it currently stands, even if I miss getting a ton of skillpoints each level due to high Intellect (Which I had to sacrifice for brute strenght and super endurance).I wonder when I'll be able to get my hands on Chance's Knife and I'm wondering if Power Armour is worth the reduced agility for great protection as a melee character. Any input?