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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    What did he mean by this? What did she mean by this? Is this what they meant?
  2. Wulff

    Spring 2016

    The Spring 2016 anime season has started! What are you watching? Got any good first impressions? Which shows do you think are going to end up as absolute trainwrecks? What show is going to be AOTS? I'm personally watching a lot of stuff this season, but I'll probably end up dropping some of it... I usually do anyway. List of shit I am watching: Boku no Hero Academia flying witch Hai Furi Joker Game Kiznaiver Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Kuma Miko Mayoiga Sakamoto desu ga? Sansha Sanyou Shounen Maid
  3. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Yeah pretty much. It's because the waifu-characters are the only reason to watch that show. Me and the other guys who've commented on it aren't kidding when we say it's literally one giant candy commercial covered up by two cute girls for people to obsess over.
  4. Wulff


  5. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    Now that we're into a new season, I guess I'll take a moment to reflect a bit on the previous one. I was watching 7 different anime in the Winter season of 2016 (Not counting a couple of shorts I watched as well). Ajin Boku Dake ga Inai Machi Dagashi Kashi Dimension W Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Musaigen no Phantom World Schwarzesmarken Ajin is a pretty controversial anime in the sense that it is made entirely with CG Animation rather than drawn digitally. Created by "Polygon Pictures"(Who previously did "Knights of Sidonia", another fully CG anime) Ajin is about a young Japanese student who discovers that he is a demi-human or "Ajin". These Ajin are mysterious beings with the unique trait of being immortal. They can die just as well as any other human (Being shot, stabbed, drowned etc.) but their bodies will always regenerate after a little while, bringing them back to life. Personally, I consider Ajin a sleeper hit of the Winter season. Not many people watched it and that is a shame, because it was really good. I should mention that I haven't actually finished Ajin as of writing this, due to real life butting in on my viewing schedule, but the 7 episodes I did watch were absolutely excellent. The story is mature and doesn't shy away from violence, it has none of that stereotypical anime bullshit and the characters aren't just caricatures of various anime character-types. The writers make great use of the established "laws" of the world, for example, the military forces that hunt the Ajin use sedatives to subdue them rather than regular bullets, because while killing an Ajin might momentarily disable it, it will eventually come back to life. I'm gonna link a fight scene now that showcases how the writers get creative with the Ajin and their abilities. As you can see, they use sedatives to knock this particular Ajin out of commission, but he works around it by chopping off his own hand initially and then by shooting himself in the head, causing his body to regenerate and "reset", circumventing the sedatives in his blood. Dope as fuck? Dope as fuck. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi or "Erased" as it is called in English is one of those anime that everyone was raving and ranting about when it first aired. The anime revolves around a man who has a unique ability to go back in time and stop bad things from happening. As neat as that may sound, he doesn't actually have a choice in the matter. If something disastrously happens near him, he is automatically pulled back in time to a timeframe where he can prevent it. He doesn't get any information on what he must do and time keeps looping until he figures it out. One day he finds his mother murdered in his own apartment and he himself is framed for the murder, at the depth of his despair he is sent back in time once again, but this time it is all the way back to grade school. I've only watched 3 episodes of BokuDake, I'm not exactly sure why I never got around to watching more of it as it aired, because it was very enjoyable. I won't speak too much about this anime, because I've only seen a quarter of it, but what I did see was very compelling. I've heard that there was some controversy surrounding the ending, but I think the first 3 episodes are strong enough to make me recommend Boku Dake ga Inai Machi. Dagashi Kashi is an anime about the son of a candy-store owner out in the middle of no where Japan. His father wants him to take over the family business, but he just wants to write Manga. Enter our female protagonist, the daughter of a massive candy-corporation, who wishes to buy out the candy-store and bring their brand into the corporate fold. The father agrees on the condition that she can convince his son to take up the mantle as candy-store owner. HILARITY ENSUES. Except not really... At all. I was hoping for some silly slice of life shenanigans with a sprinkle of comedy, instead what I got was an anime-length candy commercial. The character designs are endearing, but pretty much everything else about Dagashi Kashi falls completely flat. Stay the fuck away from this one. Dimension W is set in the future of our world. A new dimension has been discovered which contains vast amounts of energy which is harvested using tools known as "coils". Enter Kyoma Mabuchi, a mercenary with a DARK AND MYSTERIOUS PAST who has very little love for coil technology. On a routine job he runs into a very advanced coil android who claims to be the creation of the very man who discovered coil technology many years ago and through a set of events, the two of them end up as unlikely allies. I... Didn't really like Dimension W. I really wanted to, because it's made by the same people who did Darker than Black and I enjoyed that anime, but unfortunately Dimension W is just so fucking convoluted and weird and I just didn't give a fuck about any of the characters. The first three episodes are OK, but as the anime progressed it just got more and more annoying for me to watch. I'd say give it a go, you might like it. I didn't. But at least we got this sick-ass dance. Hell yeah dude. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! or "KonoSuba" as it is commonly called is an anime that I initially had no intention of watching. I read its synopsis and it just sounded so fucking generic. A NEET Otaku pushes a girl out of harms way on his way home and ends up dying in her place. In the afterlife, he is offered a second chance at life if he will allow himself to be reborn into a fantasy world and fight the demon king. It might as well have been another one of those TRAPPED IN VIRTUAL REALITY anime because the fantasy world, while not technically a video game, was pretty much a video game. Luckily KonoSuba actually manages to be a genuinely funny comedy series. At no point in time does it take itself seriously and the cast of main characters are so fucking dense, self-serving and generally pathetic that it's hard not to laugh at them when they get into sticky situations. A useless goddess, an explosion-crazed archwizard and a masochistic crusader form up the main crew, rallied behind our NEET Otaku who functions as the voice of reason for the most part throughout the anime. He reminds me a bit of Araragi Koyomi of the Monogatari series and that is a good thing. Honestly I can' recommend KonoSuba enough. I'm pretty jaded when it comes to anime and especially comedy anime, but this show had me laughing earnestly and it's only 10 episodes long. I understand that humour is subjective, but I'd still like to recommend KonoSuba. Musaigen no Phantom World was the Kyoto Animation show of the season and thus I had to watch it. Long story short: Humans have manifested the ability to see the "Phantom World" and use various powers and now people form groups to deal with phantoms causing a ruckus in the human world. I personally found Musaigen no Phantom World to be pretty underwhelming when I first started watching it, but the characters and the world grew on me eventually. The show is very well animated and extremely colourful, as expected of Kyoto Animation and while the characters aren't particularly unique they are at least pretty to look at. For a simple Slice of Life show, I think Musaigen no Phantom World is well worth watching. It does have a little more story than your average SoL school anime, but that only works in its favour and in general it's just kinda cute. It unfortunately also has a few fanservice scenes, beacause KyoAni have discovered that they need to please the otaku crowd in order to make sales. One of these scenes was so fucking ridiculous that I almost dropped the show right there and then, but luckily it is toned down a lot following that one scene. H-Here it is... Yeah... It's pretty bad. BUT PLEASE BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THAT THE REST OF THE ANIME IS LESS RETARDED. Schwarzesmarken is a spin-off of Muv-Luv set during the cold war. I watched it initially because I had been told that I could watch it without any prior knowledge of the Muv-Luv franchise and because of its military themes. It's fucking shit, don't bother. I guess if you're a Muv-Luv fan it might do something for you, but I was just fucking bored watching it.
  6. Wulff

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    I will destroy every living fiber of your being.
  7. Wulff

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    Please provide examples of this. Here's one
  8. Wulff


    Alright last night was weird af, so please bear with me. In my dream I was back at my old Gymnasium (Which is the high school equivelant in Denmark), but it had been super modernized. I recognized the basic layout of the various buildings, but the exteriors and interiors were totally foreign to me. Looked like something out of a fucking sci-fi film. Minimalistic design, lots of fountains, sliding tubes instead of stairs and tons of windows. In this dream, I was pretty much aware that something was wrong. I don't think I ever realized that I was dreaming per se, but I definitely knew that I was long past high school and wasn't supposed to be there. Now this is where it gets weird. In this dream I had to visit the bathroom really badly and I was running around the place looking for a toilet, but I couldn't for the life of me find one. Eventually I pulled a random student over and asked them where the toilet was and he told me that with the renovation and redesign of the school, they had decided to remove toilets. Turns out that there was a new government reform which stated that toilets breaks were eating up way too much learning time, so all students just wore diapers permanently now. I remember being weirded out even in the dream by that, I had this weird sinking feeling my gut. I then decided to sneak into the teacher's lounge, because I figured that they would have a toilet for teachers at least. When I got to the teacher's lounge, I bumped into my psychology class teacher (Which is weird, because I never took psychology at any level in high school) who wanted to speak to me. She sat me down by a table and started talking about how she appreciated my "free spirit" in the sense that I had been skipping her classes for months, but that enough was enough and that she would prove to me her worth as a teacher. She motioned for me to follow her once again and she led me to her own personal little office space and booted up her PC. She then proceeded to launch a Pokémon game on her computer and stroked the screen as she waited for her save to load. She then showed me her Pokémon team and that's around the time I woke up.
  9. Wulff

    TIAM: Entertainment Stuff

    Furries XD
  10. Wulff

    TIAM: General Gaming edition

    Thoroughly enjoying Tree of Savior's launch, despite some server stability issues. Ran my first dungeon recently and my party did some sick anime posing after we killed the boss.
  11. Here's a suggestion: Go fuck yourself.
  12. That's pretty much the last thing I want. I've already been chewed out once back in Week 1 because I didn't tie the laces on my boots properly and they came undone in the middle of a drill, which cause me to nearly trip over and mess up formation. The ten minutes of being yelled at in front of the other recruits that followed that little mistake were not very fun.
  13. You know, if there's one thing I have been disappointed about in regards to joining the army, it is the fact that the female recruits do in fact NOT wear cute military-styled skirts like in my Japanese anime. They just wear the same shit the rest of us do. What's even the point of being here.
  14. Wulff


    It's stupid as fuck, but I don't really expect much different from 2016 Blizzard. Though the fact that they would buckle under such a complaint just seems... Weird. The pose they removed wasn't even bad at all. More "sexualized" than the rest? Sure. Offensive? Only to fucking third wave feminists and bored people who love to complain on the internet. I've been a devout Blizzard fan from 2003-2013 and I honestly can't really think of a precedent to this decision in the company's history. TL;DR: Suck my ass Blizzard, you fucking Asian Jews.
  15. Religion of peace at it again I see.
  16. Wulff

    Anime General Discussion

    I'm autistic
  17. First week of basic completed and I feel like death. Wake me up on Monday.
  18. Benjamin tells me to off myself everytime he comes onto Mumble though...
  19. MLMchan was literally the dankest meme.
  20. A tripcode is sort of like a hashed login or password which you can enter to identify yourself as a specific poster. It's basically a password you can make for yourself, which doesn't require a profile registered or anything, but when you to type it into the correct field when posting a message on 4chan, it will identify the post as a specific tripcode associated to the password. It ends up looking like this when you post: Of course that is just a stock example code, but tripfags are essentially those people with some kind of name identifying them, followed by a letter/number code that identify their tripcoding. The whole idea behind having a tripcode on an anonymous imageboard is so that you may be identified among everyone else and so that other posters can trust that you are a specific person. It's meant to be a way for people creating content to easily identify themselves. You see tripcode users in the drawthreads on many boards, because using tripcodes there can make it a lot easier to take and provide drawing requests and giving/receiving input. What a tripfag is, is someone who uses a tripcode to give themselves a lasting identity outside of just being "Anonymous" when they post. They're not necessarily contributing anything special to the thread/board they're in, they're just posting like any other board user would, except they're identified by a tripcode. It's attention-seeking at the highest level and is heavily frowned upon by the userbase of 4chan. Example of using a tripcode properly: I am making a CYOA thread on /whatever/ and adding illustrations and options to it. I use a tripcode to identify myself, so that people know what post to consider and respond to in order to progress the CYOA. This eliminates any idiots trying to pretend to be the CYOA-maker and disrupting the flow of the story by posting non-sensical shit. Once the thread is done and dusted, I remove my tripcode and return to being Anonymous. Good job! Example of using a tripcode improperly: I am random Anonymous user on /whatever/ and I am starved for attention both in real life and online. I'm going make a tripcode for myself so that people will recognize my posting wherever I go on this anonoymous imageboard. I never remove this tripcode and I don't post any original content that could even warrant me using a tripcode to be identified. Bad job! Kill yourself!
  21. Wulff

    Random Image Thread: Animu Edition

    For all you KonoSuba watchers out there
  22. I will literally never be able to have a decent discussion about Madoka Magica on /a/ ever again because all the Madoka threads for the past year have been infested by trip and avatarfags who won't shut the fuck up about which character is the best and constantly fantasize about how they would spend a day with their 2D Waifu. Why. Why do people tripfag, namefag or avatarfag on an anonymous imageboard? If they're not taking content requests or leading a project and looking for input or doing anything that would validate them using a tripcode, then why the fuck do they even bother? Are people really that fucking autistic? Apparently so. I blame Reddit.