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Everything posted by Wulff

  1. Wulff

    Fallout series

    Aye, I brainfarted completely. In my defense I've only had 4 hours of sleep.I've decided to make a melee playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas now (Very Hard + Hardcore mode, as per usual), I'll let you know how it goes...
  2. Wulff

    Fallout series

    Hrm are you sure you're not just imagining things? As far as I remember, the difference between TTS and the regular Shotgun's durability is incredibly tiny, 5 shots less before breaking or something.Besides, the TTS can put out insane damage if you build a crit-based character. Like Rynjin said above. On my second playthrough I made a stealth-combat character, intending to use Sniper Rifles. I stumbled upon TTS and never looked back. With the "Better Criticals" perk, I don't think I encountered an enemy NPC I couldn't one-shot with a stealth crit with TTS.Anyway, I love Lincoln's Repeater as well, simply because it's very easy to come by Hunting Rifle ammunition (Seriously, 90% of Super Mutants carry it), it does sufficient damage and has reliable accuracy. Easy to repair due to the amount of Hunting rifles you find.I can't comment on the melee weapons, I've actually never gone beyond level 10 with a melee character, something I really ought to, but I like to play these games on the hardest difficulty and going melee is incredibly suicidal at this point.Anti-Materiel Rifles or Gauss Rifles of any variant are stupidly good.
  3. Wulff

    Fallout series

    How about we discuss favourite unique (Named) weapons in the Fallout Universe instead? I personally like using "The Terrible Shotgun". When you unfold this thing in close quarters, you're going to see some serious shit.
  4. Wulff

    Fallout series

    A discussion about what? The way I see, we've both had our say on Fallout 3 and New Vegas respectively and after that the thread took a turn to reminiscing about crashes and glitches and then we advanced to Vault X discussion.Just lay it on me, I am happy to discuss most things (Two things I will never discuss on an online board, however: Politics and Religion).EDIT: Let's have some classy music as we commence discussing.http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sTP994tOMk
  5. Wulff

    Fallout series

    Yep, I do believe there is also one with the roles reversed, 1 Woman with 999 Men... Sucks to be that lady.
  6. Wulff

    Fallout series

    Vault 69 confirmed for best Vault.
  7. Wulff

    Fallout series

    How about we stop being pretentious and assaulting subjective opinions simply because we have a different perspective, I get enough of that on other forums.In my experience, neither Fallout 3 nor Fallout: New Vegas had "bugs that made the game nigh unplayable". I was actually amazed when I saw some of the YouTube videos detailing the bugs within the games, because I had never experienced any of them. I had the occasional enemy NPC spas out and I had the occasional crash, that was as many bugs I got out of those games. Perhaps I was just lucky.My initial point was not based on the amount of bugs contained in the games anyway, it was more the fact that Fallout 3 felt really... Dumb, I suppose. By the end of Fallout 3 you are a demi-god with nearly all skills maxed out and a ton of perks, if you play it just a tiny bit smart.The dialogue often fell flat on me and I was actually bored throughout the main quest. The Broken Steel DLC redeemed this somewhat.Some of the skills were not developed. At all. I am talking about Melee and Unarmed here. You want to make a Melee character in FO3? Have fun spamming M1 all day, the only defining factor being your strenght. Going Energy Weapons was also rather pointless as you won't really come across any reliable source of Energy Weapons until you start battling the Enclave.Small Guns was by far the easiest way to go about it and it's near essential to choose Small Guns as your primary battle skill when playing the game on the harder difficulties.These are my complaints regarding Fallout 3, there is of course good things about that game. It was really cool to see the D.C. Ruins in a first person perspective and the atmosphere of the ruined city-scape was amazing. The random encounters were really good and genuinely creepy at times and certain parts of the game really felt like the older Fallouts in wackyness (Republic of Dave, Ant Enhancement).Fallout New Vegas on the other hand, did things differently and more to my personal liking. Unlike Fallout 3, you cannot become a demi-god that will roll over just about anything at a certain level, mainly due to the 1 perk every 2nd level policy, which I welcomed. It made the perks feel more important. Not to mention that they added a bunch of great perks to FO:NV and removed many of the dumb ones. The dialogue was better in Fallout: New Vegas.The weapons were more varied in FO:NV and actually gave you an incentive to play an Energy Weapons character, because lo and behold! It's actually easy to come by Energy Weapons from the first 5 minutes of gameplay if you snoop around Goodsprings just a tiny bit.The melee was more fleshed out, with unique moves you learn as you increase in Melee/Unarmed level, along with hidden NPC's that teach various techniques to use in combat, much more fun than spamming the same animation over and over again and once again you could go Melee from the beginning and not feel like a cripple, because there are actually really good Melee weapons lying about in Goodsprings.Overall I felt that Fallout: New Vegas was way more streamlined, more refined and more balanced than FO:3 ever was. My one disappointment with Fallout: New Vegas was mainly the setting, it's not as eerie and atmospheric as the D.C. Ruins were and New Vegas itself is very colourful, too colourful for my tastes. I prefer the Mojave DesertOh and all the nods to Fallout 1 & 2 were good as well, something Fallout 3 was sorely lacking.EDIT: I should probably mention that all of this is just my subjective opinion before I get jumped. Feel free to disagree, do not feel free to tell me that I am wrong.
  8. Wulff

    Fallout series

    Oh boy, did someone say Fallout?This is probably my favourite game series of all time (Except for Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, we don't talk about that around here). Fallout was fantastic, Fallout 2 was fantastic, Fallout 3 was meh but Fallout: New Vegas redeemed FPS Fallout (Thank God they got Obsidian Entertainment to do New Vegas, they have a clue when it comes to the Fallout universe, unlike Bethesda).I'm looking forward to the next installment, even if it's Bethesda doing the development (I do believe Obsidian Entertainment went bankrupt), hopefully they took some lessons from New Vegas (And hopefully we will see a new engine). The only sad part about the upcoming Fallout game is that it might be the last (Bethesda only acquired the license for 3 games AFAIK and they've done FO3 and published FO:NV already).Anyway, Old World Blues is best DLC, The Pitt is worst DLC. Dead Money takes the cake as most annoying DLC, however.And finally, fuck you Pariah Dog!
  9. Wulff

    We have a "Problem".

    Right behind you.
  10. Wulff

    Favourite class, and why?

    Demoman. Because I love his character, his drunken slurring during combat always makes me laugh. The main reason I love the Demo however, is because when I first started playing Team Fortress 2 I saw a single Demo/Medic combo lay complete waste to a bunch of Sentry-nests all huddles up on Dustbowl Stage 3, Point 2.We had been beating our heads against that wall for 15 minutes and he just came in screaming "ALL YOU DANDIES!" and then suddenly it was like being in a Michael Bay movie and RED got turned into paste. I sat there, a complete newbie, flabbergasted by that display. From that day forward I played Demoman. A lot.
  11. Wulff

    So, Steam is down.

    Inb4 wild update theories.
  12. Wulff

    Hulu/SPUF Poll: Best show of 2012

    Game of Thrones is fantastic.Just saying... I don't watch it on TV, though. Downloading HD rips is where it's at!
  13. Wulff

    SPUF Fanon

    I'm an orphan with a dark, traumatic past and a brooding personality... And a scar above my right eye... Oh yeah and my eyes are RED because of stuff.Purty Kewl, huh?
  14. I locked the cabinet guys, our secrets should be safe... What do you mean "We have no secrets", that's preposterous!
  15. Wulff

    Tribes: Acend

    Nah, you're not alone. I mean I am not exactly bored of the game, it's just that I prioritize other games above it the spare time that I do have.
  16. Wulff

    Lets Improve Rep Here

  17. Wulff

    Vidya Game Music

    Oh boy, here we go.
  18. Wulff

    The "Favourite genre and games" thread!

    I'm an RPG nut (Not so much the JRPG's, however). Wasteland, Baldur's Gate, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Amalur, KotOR, Neverwinter Nights - I've played them all, multiple times even.Other than that I enjoy strategy games, everything from Starcraft and Age of Empires to Civilization and the Total War series. As for shooters I really only enjoy Team Fortress 2. I've tried Call of Duty, I've tried Battlefield they don't really do it for me. Tribes: Ascend is on the list of shooters I enjoy too. Portal series deserves a mention here.Don't make me pick a favourite game though.
  19. Wulff


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