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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. Over the last 3 days I've forced myself to solo queue twice in Dota. The first game was eaten by the Dota archive and there are no traces that it was even played. In the second game I was disconnected with no reconnect button and forced to tank an abandon.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you Reborn.


  2. Finished the "Fate" route of the Fate/Stay Night visual novel today, total playtime reaching 18 hours and 17 minutes. with 13 of those hours played today and yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with myself as I managed to only hit 3 bad ends without consulting the route spreadsheet before finishing and completing the game with the true end (End of the Dream) at that.

    After having looked over the spreadsheet, I realized just how many bad endings this game actually has. I think you could easily reach ~25 hours of playtime on the Fate route alone if you got really unlucky with your decisions/wanted to see all endings.

    Now I need to start the Unlimited Blade Works route, but I don't know if that will be today.

  3. Why are we here... Just to suffer?

    Every night I can feel my eye, Yuuna's sense of taste... Even Itsuki's voice. The senses we've lost... The comrades that have bloomed. It won't stop hurting. It's like they're all still there.

    You feel it too, don't you?

    I'm gonna make them give back our Hero Club.

    The Taisha call for hero work and we answer. No greater good, no just cause.

    The Vertexes sent us to hell, but we're going even deeper! Take back everything that we've lost! 

    Yuuna... I'm already a demon.


  4. Cover for the continuation of the Steins;Gate titled "Steins;Gate 0" which is releasing in a couple of months


    Okabe looks rough as fuck.

    EDIT: Found a few lines talking about the plot, theyre translated from Japanese so there might be some errors

    "This is a story of a future I couldn't save. November 2010, the beta timeline. The timeline where, after enduring so much suffering and sorrow, protagonist Rintarõ Okabe gives up on rescuing "her". Rintarõ Okabe finds himself deep in despair. His friends worry about him. What happened to the girl? A story of "zero" that welcomes and portrays new characters. Yes even now, she is there."


    I asked her out. I decided to save the flowers for the actual date night and get her a bag of gumballs instead. She loved the poster. Everybody who saw it loved it.

    HOWEVER, someone asked her out first, so she denied my invitation saying that she would have accepted it if she hadn't already been asked out. HOWEVER, she promised to ask me out for the next dance: Masquerade, a girls' choice dance (She was counting on going with me to this one, anyway), and paired me up with another one of our friends, whom I also had my eye on, for Homecoming. Girl1 went with me to ask her, and even helped me make the same invitation to her. She said yes, thankfully. (Although, she didn't take the poster.) We had classes to get to, so we weren't able to discuss details. That'll be tomorrow.

    I'm still happy and feeling good.

    ​All according to plan

  6. We have a firearms thread? I didn't even realize.

    Scrolling through it, I envy a lot of countries with loose gunlaws (America mainly I guess). I don't want to get into the argument on whether or not loose gunlaws is a good thing, but I personally enjoy firearms and find them interesting, unfortunately Denmark's laws around guns are REALLY strict. It's not really worth it to own guns in this country, unless you're a hunter.

    That being said, I have fired weapons in my life before. As my country still has conscription, I spent some time in the army back when I turned 18 and basically went through all of the standardized equipment of the RDA and played a few Wargames.

    I served as a conscript for half a year in the 2nd Armoured Infantry/Guard Hussar Regiment.

    The standard-issue service rifle was the M/10 C8IUR


    Didn't receive any side-arm when I was a conscript, I don't recall if they were officer only or issued to standard riflemen as well, but just not conscripts. I've also fired mortars and a M/79 Carl Gustav. I considered staying in the military after my conscription ended, but my parents were very against it at the time. RIP.

  7. Today I was made aware of a TV mini-series made by Amazon called "The Man in the High Castle" which is an adaptation of a book published in 1962 by the same name, authored by a "Phillip K. Dick". I don't watch much in the way of western TV these days, I've only really been following Game of Thrones, but the premise of this mini-series really intrigued me and seeing as how I was jokingly asked the other day why it's been so long since one of my blog posts on this board, I figure I might as well go ahead and blog about this show.

    So far I've only watched the pilot episode for this series, which apparently was released ages ago and got the series greenlit for a full run, so there isn't a ton of material to talk about just yet.

    The Man in the High Castle takes place on an alternate-universe Earth, a universe where the Axis powers won the Second World War, rather than the Allied powers. In this fictional timeline, the war ended in 1947, rather than 1945 and the US has been split in two following its defeat. On the west coast we have the "Japanese Pacific States", and taking up a lion's share of the North American land, we have the "Greater Nazi Reich".


    The year is 1962 and America has been under Axis rule for 15 years. Tensions are rising between the Japanese and the German due to Hitler's deteriorating health and the fact that the Nazi staff-members next in line for the Fuhrer position believe that sharing America with the Japanese was a mistake. It is also heavily implied in the show that it was the Germans who developed the nuclear bomb first in this universe and in a historical reversal, that bomb was dropped on the U.S. which is what ended the war. The Japanese are worried that the Germans will bomb them next.

    Of course, no story such as this would be complete without a resistance-faction and our protagonists become entangled with just that.

    The Man in the High Castle has two POV-characters, a young woman born and raised what became the Japanese Pacific States and a young man born and raised in what became the Greater Nazi Reich. The woman is Julianna or "Jules" and she is a law-abiding citizen who is suffering a bit of an identity crisis. Her father was killed during the war while she was still a young teenager and she's spent her adolescence under Japanese rule. Because of this, her approach towards the Japanese is more soft. She attends martial arts classes with Japanese teachers and she's approached by young Japanese men who clearly wish to court her. At the same time, her mother disapproves of this, as she bears ill will towards the Japanese. The man is Joe Blake, a young patriot who's heard stories from his father about how America used to be like and feels inspired to "Do the right thing". He gets involved with the resistance as a courier.

    I won't talk more on the plot as a lot of things are explained in the first episode and you're honestly better off watching the series. I will say though that the setting is meticulously crafted and you can tell that there is quite a bit of budget behind this TV series. A lot of effort has been put in to making the vision of an Axis-America to life and the sets and costumes are crazy good. It's up there with Game of Thrones in terms of production value, if not even better. The acting is also top-tier, maybe someone more experienced than me with western media can critique, but I personally found no issue. Oh and the last 30 seconds of the pilot is spine-chillingly good. 

    The pilot can be found on Amazon's website to watch for free, but it is country-restricted (Unless you're American, in which case it's fine I imagine), so either use a proxy or find a mirror somewhere else. I highly recommend it.


    Aaand here's a trailer




  8. Working on watching some of Coen Brothers filmed, watched The Big Lebowski. I think there's a lot we could learn from The Dude.

    Just finished watching Leon the Professional

    It was a good watch but the CUHRAAYZEEEEness of the big bad was really over the top for the general tone of the film

    ​I love Stan :(

    Tobi, bring me everyone.


    ​What do you mean "everyone"?
