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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. also WHY are those things good, I'd like to improve my understanding overall rather than just ape things.

    ​This is a good attitude to keep!

    As for Centaur Warrunner:

    DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a Centaur player, but I do have a general idea of what to build on the hero and why.
    DISCLAIMER: Dota 2 is a very fluid game and there is no rigid item build that will always serve you perfectly in whatever game you're playing.

    EDIT: This ended up becoming REALLY long because I wanted to explain what the items do and why you grab them, a quite literal Wall of Text in the spoiler, open at your own discretion. I hope I didn't go too overboard and scare you off, but I like talking about Dota and I have nothing to do today.


    So Bradwarden the Centaur Warrunner is an initiator, pure and simple. There was a time in Dota where he was more of a right-clicking carry position, back when his ultimate just gave him a flat Strength increase (Much like Drow Ranger's ultimate currently does with agility) but with the rework to his ultimate he definitely falls under initiator and not much else.

    100% CORE ITEM(S)

    Boots of Speed
    Blink Dagger

    In a game as Centaur, you will of course most likely progress further than just brown boots and a Blink in terms of items, but purely categorizing by items that Centaur NEEDS in practically all games, it would be these two. Boots of Speed is a mandatory pickup on most heroes in the game and shouldn't really require too much information. All I'll say is that for the amount of gold they cost compared to the amount of MS they increase, in comparison to other items that increase MS, brown boots are VERY cost efficient. Due to Centaur's innate tankiness, relatively short cooldown AoE stun and potential AoE nuke damage, Blink Dagger is a great item to pick up on the hero. It allows you to guarantee stuns on enemy heroes, allows you to execute timing-sensitive ganks on very mobile heroes (Storm Spirit, Ember Spirit, Lycanthrope, Phantom Lancer etc.) and because of the aforementioned innate tankiness of the hero, combined with his Return passive (which reflects % damage back to enemies that attack Centaur) he is a hero that LIKES being in the thick of things.

    TL;DR Blink Dagger synergizes with practically all your spells and is thus an amazing pickup.


    Tranquil Boots (Centaur hurts himself with Double Edge + he likes to tank during engagements, the passive healing active of tranquils and the bonus armor allows him to stay on the map much longer and armors him up a decent amount).

    Aghanim's Scepter (Until recently, Centaur had no Aghs upgrade, but with 6.84 coming out our benevolent Snow Toad overlord saw fit to bestow one upon him and boy what an upgrade it is. With the Aghs upgrade, Centaur's Ultimate not only gives him and his entire team maximum MS for a short duration and a damage nuke calculated from Centaur's Strength when allies run over enemies, but it also gives them a 60% damage reduction AND the ability to move unobstructed through trees and normally impassable terrain. You can literally run up and down cliffs with this item. This VASTLY increases Centaur and his team's angle of attack possibilities and improves his initiation options manifold, not to mention it makes the initation itself a lot more safe for everybody on your team due to the massive damage reduction. Aghs is an EXTREMELY good pickup for Centaur).

    Hood of Defiance/Pipe of Insight (HoD gives you magic resistance, which INCLUDES THE SELF-DAMAGE YOU INFLICT VIA DOUBLE-EDGE being mitigated, so you take less damage from the kickback while the enemies still take the full amount, this has great synergy with one of your own spells, but obviously also tanks you up against all other magical damage sources and gives a good chunk of HP regen. Not to mention that you can build HoD into a Pipe of Insight later in the game for some added team utility).

    Force Staff (Force Staff sort of fills the same role as the Blink Dagger, except that Force Staff sacrifices travel speed and distance covered for more team utility, such as being able to Force Staff allies or enemies into positions most favourable for you. It can also be activated despite taking damage, unlike Blink Dagger. A great secondary mobility item pickup).

    Heart of Tarrasque (Should speak for itself really. The best item for tanking up in the game and allows you to weave in and out of teamfights to regen some HP before diving right back in. It's a rather expensive item and mostly for the lategame, it's probably Centaur's best lategame pickup, but try not to rush it immediately after your blink. It's components are expensive and you could end up dying a lot in the mid-game, being the initiator and all, so go for some items with better buidup. See fx. All of the above).

    Situational Items

    These items are a little bit more specific and/or gimmicky in their useage. By no means are they bad, but unlike the Core and Top Tier Items, I wouldn't say you could build the following list of items at your leisure. A little bit more consideration into the state of the match you're playing will have to be made.

    Power Treads/Arcane Boots/Phase Boots (All the other cheap Tier 2 boot types fall into this category. They can ALL be built on Centaur, but rarely will they give you more benefit than the Tranquil Boots. Power Treads can be good if you want to have a little bit more semi-carry impact in the early-midgame due to the increased tankiness from the STR treads and increased AS. Arcane Boots can be good if your team has no other natural Arcane Boots builders and you have a lot of mana-hungry heroes. Phase Boots fills the same role as the Power Treads but sacrifices the increased tankiness for better mobility).

    Blademail (A strong item, especially in the early game and against some heroes that have a lot of damage they can't control (Tinker, Leshrac). It has a good buildup and could almost be considered a core item, if not for the fact that some heroes in Dota really don't care about Blademails or the fact that if you build it too late (past 20 minutes) it won't have much of an impact. When it works, it will allow you to have your way with the teamfight, because no enemies can attack you without putting themselves in mortal danger, giving you free reign to run them down and cast spells as they try to kite you during the Blademail duration).

    Vanguard/Crimson Guard (A good and efficient early-game item that is especially potent if the enemy team have a lot of physical damage right-clickers. Mediocre at best if there's only a few right-clickers on the enemy team, which is why I put it as a situational item. Good to buy if you're behind in the game after grabbing your blink and you just need to tank up in a flash. Can become a Crimson Guard for added utility in the mid/lategame. Make sure not to stack Crimson Guards on your team and communicate if you're building one).

    Drum of Endurance (A great and cheap item that will allow Centaur to participate in the early game. Beefs him up a decent amount and ups all of your stats in general, plus providing a good aura and active for both chasing, teamfighting and escaping. Should be skipped if possible due to it quickly falling into irrelevance, but is a great "pick-me-up" if you're having a rough game).

    Hand of Midas (An item to secure the lategame. Purchase this if you know the game is going to go into the lategame and you can farm it in a reasonable time (<10 minutes as offlane, <7 minutes as safelane... If you're safelane Centaur for whatever reason. Do NOT prioritize this item if you're not getting much out of your lane).

    Eul's Scepter of Divinity (Often overlooked on Centaur and perhaps not as viable since the massive increase to the Cyclone mana cost, but still an option. Provides you with movementspeed, a decent increase in mana pool and mana regeneration, plus the active Cyclone allows you to stop channels, take cores out of a fight momentarily, stop people escaping and giving yourself a breather to blink out of a dangerous situation. Using Cyclone on enemies also makes it really easy to set up your own War Stomp).

    Black King Bar (Having been nerfed repeatedly over the past many years of Dota, BKB isn't what it once was, but it can still be an absolutely necessary pickup if the enemy team have magical disables out the fucking ass. Purchase this if you get controlled too much to have an impact in teamfights).

    Shiva's Guard (A lategame tanky item for Centaur, this one focused more on armor than pure health (which would be Heart of Tarrasque). Great vs. strong lategame right-clickers and gives you a mana pool large enough to do whatever you want without having to back to base for the rest of the game. The active frost field is also great for teamfighting and really screws with carries).

    Assault Cuirass (Now we find ourselves closer to the "Semi-carry Centaur) items. Assault Cuirass provides you with a great amount of armour, but also beefs up your allies and reduces the armor of your enemies. Great if you have physical damage dealers on your team (Bristleback, physical carries) that would rather have something other than an AC in their inventory. Usually a lategame item. Make sure not to stack them on your team and communicate if you're building one).

    Vladmir's Offering (The more supporty version of Assault Cuirass. A lot cheaper and with a much better buildup, this item is great for a quick defensive boost for your team. The +5 armor aura is no joke vs heroes like Witch Doctor, Bristleback or PA and the lifesteal can allow your team to easily secure Roshan. A great mid/lategame pickup. Make sure not to stack them on your team and communicate if you're building one).

    Glimmer Cape (Allows you to weave in and out of vision and beefs up your magic resistance, further helping the self-damaging component of Double Edge and any enemy spells. Can be cast on your teammates as well and WILL save lives if used correctly. The only downside to this item is its rather expensive mana cost to activate. Good in games with a ton of magical burst flying around or if you want to improve your chances of living through engagements after initiating. Be mindful of enemies carrying detection).

    Medallion of Courage/Solar Crest (A VERY potent item for its cost and with great multipurpose. Keep the buff on yourself as you initiate, debuff enemy heroes to bring them down even faster with your team, cast it on an ally getting focused to beef them up significantly. A great all-round item that a lot of heroes in Dota could benefit from building more. Also allows you to take Roshan easily with your team, if you cast the negative armor buff on him. Make sure not to stack them on your team and communicate if you're building one).

    Shadow Blade/Silver Edge (Probably the most gimmicky iniation tools available for Centaur, but still nothing to scoff at. Surprise Shadow Blade pickups in the midgame can win you Dota, can also prey on your enemy's stupidity, allowing you to escape or initiate in situations where you normally never should have been able to. Not to mention it forces the enemy heroes to spend money on detection or get pulled around by the nose. I wouldn't recommend this over Blink Dagger or Force Staff, but can be a good pickup after those two for ultimate initiation utility. Can be upgraded to a Silver Edge to further increase your own survivability and to disable strong passives on enemy cores (Void Backtrack and Time-Lock, PA evasion and Coup de Grace, Bristleback's Bristleback and Warpath etc.)

    Sange & Yasha (Like AC, this item exists more in the semi-carry Centaur sphere. It's a well-rounded item which increases your MS, AS and Armor, along with health and health regen. It can make you a terrifying midgame hero but the downside is that the item can quickly end up being dead space in your inventory if you don't pull enough worth out of it. Purchase mainly if you find yourself balling out of control).

    Armlet of Mordiggian (Another semi-carry Centaur item, this one with a bit more merit, as experienced Armlet-togglers can live through the most ridiculous situations and this is what initiators would love to do - live. Purchase if you're comfortable with toggling the Armlet of if you need to beef up in a flash). 

    Urn of Shadows (Are you playing balls-to-the-walls Dota 2 and ganking/teamfighting non-stop? Consider picking up an Urn. Good stats for Centaur and an amazing multi-purpose active HoT/DoT, you almost can't go wrong with this item, unless the game is super passive. Make sure not to stack them on your team and communicate if you're building one).

    Heaven's Halberd (A great "Fuck you" item to use on enemy right-clickers. The disarm forces them to disengage from the fight or to pop their BKB's and the item itself makes Centaur innately tanky with a good chunk of Strength and a decent amount of Evasion. Purchase this item if you forsee the enemy core becoming an issue in the next 10 minutes).

    Radiance (A relic from the time of Centaur being more of a carry hero, this item helped him speed up his farm and increased his teamfighting capabilities. It still does these things, but has lost a lot of relevance due to Centaur becoming almost purely an initiator. Purchase only if you're farming EXTREMELY well and can get it before 15 minutes, if you're really far ahead and want to cement your victory or if there is a ton of Blink Daggers on the enemy team that you want to disable).

    Mekansm/Guardian Greaves (With the recent mana cost increase to Mekansm (225!) I'd dare say it is not a viable pickup on Centaur anymore. It eats up way too much of your mana pool. That being said, if you make the conscious decision of buying it in order to combine it with Arcane Boots and creating Guardian Greaves, I think it might have some merit. A great item for teamfighting and a great item for beefing you up, both in terms of health and armor, but also mana. One of the best self-sustaining items in the game. If there is a natural Mekansm builder on your team (Io, Omniknight, Dazzle, Shadow Fiend, Razor, Viper), let them build it. Make sure not to stack them on your team and communicate if you're building one).



  2. How are you laning/building her? My brother fuckin loves LC, but nowadays he can't find that fast blink that he needs to start doing shit. He hasn't played LC in forever because he believes she's unlaneable in this meta.

    ​I definitely think that Legion Commander is laneable in 6.84. LC currently has the benefit of being  positively average, both in terms of pickrate and winrate. She's a hero that does "OK" against basically everything but excels vs. a few more specific heroes which ends up making her a really solid pick overall. Not to mention that she can lane in all lanes on the map, which makes picking her early less revealing to the enemy team in comparison to other cores.

    For laning my personal preferences are:

    Safelane > Midlane > Offlane > Jungle

    They recently changed the way Moment of Courage (MoC) works, so LC jungle is actually a lot more viable than it used to be, but it's still a last resort for me. LC's laning is extremely nice because of her decent base damage and excellent auto-attack animation, not to mention the fact that she has the ability to clear waves at the press of a button. Because of these things she can solo lane very easily, but also works well in conjunction with a support because Press the Attack (PtA) allows her to purge any stuns and debuffs off of her allies if they're caught out. This spell can COMPLETELY ruin some laning combos because it instantly peels everything off your allies. It's extremely good in the middle lane as well, because you can purge stuff like Queen of Pain's Shadow Strike off of yourself immediately.

    I realize into this already long post that you brother "loves LC" so I guess I'll stop talking about basic shit, I was just trying outline why I think the hero is definitely laneable, if anything her laning stage is the least of her worries.

    Regarding Legion Commander and Blink Dagger, I am actually no longer of the persuasion that she needs that item to function with the addition of Silver's Edge. Don't misunderstand now, I am not saying "Don't buy Blink Dagger", because it is still a totally relevant pickup in some games, but Silver's Edge has a much easier buildup and gives you stats and bonuses that are very relevant to your hero. Not to mention the fact that in lower skill brackets (<5k) I think Shadow Blade offers LC a lot more utility because people are, to put it bluntly, stupid. Some games will need a Blink Dagger, some will need a SB/SE, just try to consider an option outside of Blink.

    As for further item builds, I am a big fan of Armlet of Mordiggian and Desolator on LC. With the recent reduction in Desolator's cost (600 less gold) that item can be achieved with blazing speed if you're farming even a little bit well. If your lane is going well, you should be able to farm Power Treads > Armlet > Desolator in ~20 minutes, make that ~25 if you add a Blink Dagger/Shadow Blade before the Desolator. Even if you're not farming that well, it can still easily be achieved within 30-35 minutes in a bad game and it will make you hit like a truck AND lifesteal like crazy, as MoC does not stop lifestealing simply because there is a Desolator debuff on the hero you're beating up.

    I think Blademail is questionable, you need it really early (<12 minutes) to make the most of it, but against certain lineups with a lot of "uncontrollable" damage, it can be good.

    Of course the biggest thing about LC is not picking her into her counters. I know I said above that you can pick her early because of her fluid laning options, but I think its better to hold your pick, otherwise you will be dealing with heroes such as: Dazzle, Shadow Demon, Winter Wyvern, Wraith King, Troll Warlord, Oracle and Wisp. (All of which fuck LC if played well).

    Hold your pick, indicate where you're going to lane with the minimap function in the picking phase, but ask your allies to pick before you.

  3. I have finished love live (season one at least). Enclosed is a picture of best girl. This is a subject not up to argument, any other girls are under-qualified to be called best..

    Hidden Content

    ​Her hat is stupid.


  4. I remember watching this trailer way back in 2006 and being beyond intriqued with Team Fortress 2. I had a vague idea of what the original Team Fortress was, but I had never really played it. It might just be nostalgia talking, but I remember thinking 9 years ago that this trailer, however short it might be, oozed with flair and I still hold that opinion today. Team Fortress 2 is without a doubt my favourite shooter of all time and I think it's a damn shame what happened to this game. I've ranted on that topic many times in the past though so I won't go into too much detail. So I'll just chime in here and say that I think Team Fortress 2 is definitely dead.

    I had a short stint with the game again for 30 days or so roughly four months ago and while I did get some fun squeezed out of it by playing with stacks of friends, it really just wasn't the same. I know it might be a bit pessimistic to call the game "dead" but honestly I was kinda done with this game by the beginning of 2013. The art direction was a big thing for me and watching it get summarily dismantled as the updates rolled in, it just annoyed me. Of course that wasn't the only thing, but it was big for me. Some people might think that silly as cosmetics don't -really- affect the game, but it was enough to put me off playing, combined with increasingly unbalanced unlocks.

    Of course age is a factor as well, we are closing in on the 8-year anniversary of TF2, which is pretty darn impressive. Perhaps it's just that the game has run its course for me with 1k+ hours put into it.

    I really wish I could still have fun playing Team Fortress.

  5. Decided to go to /a/ after my morning dota only to realize that the new Little Witch Academia has released and I completely missed it. Read the sticky on the board and then realized that the 1080p version was removed from nyaa. I was too late, now I'm stuck with the 720p one.



  6. i dont actually understand what the problem with abaddon is.

    EDIT: Other than the obvious "melee support Xd" meme, but that's like the most basic shit. Just pair him with a ranged support in a trilane or a decent ranged core that can abuse his spells (Weaver) and you're fine.

  7. I'm floating right on top of 3k to the point where if I so much as fart in the wrong direction, I'm down to ~2980.

    This also means that I can run shitty lanes and get away with them half of the time, like the most recent one where my brother randomed Zeus and I said fuck ti and supported him mid with Lich

    Which ended up going swimmingly because sacrifice + frost nova was more than enough to keep SF underleveled, even though I sapped half of all the experience.

    ​That's not even a bad lane though. Shadow Fiend is the sort of hero that will run away with his lane at level 5+ against virtually any hero, unless the other hero is murdering him over and over again on his own. Laning a support middle to put even more pressure on him is a completely valid strategy and it's actually great if you managed to pull it off (Zeus free farming and the SF struggling to get levels/farm/runes. Lich is one of the better heroes for this as well, simply because of Sacrifice being an auto-lane winner.

    The only problem I could see with that being the fact that you weaken other lanes to have a dominating presence in mid and some core heroes can't really lane without a support because they're weak laners (Whereas a Zeus should do decently vs. SF middle, even on his own). But obviously if you communicate your intentions to your team and have them pick laners that can sustain themselves and not fall behind in experience because they're getting zoned out, Lich + Zeus is not a bad lane at all, even though mid is most commonly solo.

    What I'm talking about here is shit like solo mid Sven with treads > drums > heart at 40 minutes into the game or solo offlane Naga Siren with brown boots > Radiance at 35 minutes, both of which I experienced yesterday.

  8. I wish people would just pick real heroes so I could have real lanes and not have to fight an uphill battle from minute one because our lanes get absolutely shit on to the point where we have to fight under our towers for the rest of the game, to even have a chance to win Dota 2 the video game thanks for reading my blog.

    tl;dr everyone is a fucking idiot.

  9. Well done, are you using that drawing tablet thingy or are you doing it "manually"?

    Sketches start off on paper and are since scanned and imported into a program on my laptop, so it's sort of a mixture of both.

  10. Hey.

    I recently had a day off from my stationary PC and video games and all that good stuff I usually do in my spare time. I actually thought my PC had broken down, but as it would turn out, it still had some life in it, so I got it up and running the evening of the same day it "broke". In the time I thought I was without a "gaming PC" however, I ended up alleviating my intense boredom by drawing some stuff. I used to be pretty interested in drawing when I was like 10-16, but I got away from it and haven't really drawn seriously since. A couple of years ago I posted a sketch in the anime thread (of an anime character) but I figure since we have this board now, I might as well post these here.

    Requested by anons in the dr/a/wfag threads.

    Kumiko and Slacker-senpai from "Hibike! Euphonium" enjoying ice cream (Best girls according to the anon who requested it and I am inclined to agree).


    Ayano Sugiura revealing her panties while embarrassed




    As you can see, both of these are very much WIP, especially the Ayano one. Like I mentioned above though, I got my PC back and running on the same day and my interest in drawing faded that same night. I posted these in the drawthread and encouraged anyone willing to finish them, because I wouldn't be doing it. 

    I doubt I will be updating this thread with any sort of frequency because I usually don't have an interest in doing these things, but who knows. I might end up in a similar situation in the future.


  11. Did you watch the latest episode? They literally confess their love to each other. Unless they pull some really weird backwards bullshit, but Kumiko quite clearly says "This is a confession of love"

  12. Yes, as of episode 11 it's one of the best homosexual relationships I've seen in anime so far (this is hard to say with a straight face, Xd). Seriously though, I'm really appreciating this anime because it manages to have two same-sex characters develop feelings for each other without being super contrived and ridiculous, which is usually the case with gays presented in anime. It's more like a subplot to the overarching storyline and that makes it feel so much better. Hibike! Euphonium is not a yuri-anime with a bit of music, it's a muscal anime with a bit of romance. The romance just happens to be between two characters of the same sex, among others.

    Now it's not done airing yet, so I don't want to sing it's ultimate praises, but episode 11 was fucking great.
