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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. so can someone actually explain to me what is generally expected to be going on in each lane at the beginning of the game because this is where I feel the most worried about fucking up horrendously by doing something dumb like taking a carry and charging it down what is expected to be the solo lane or some such leading to everything turning permanently crap


    I'll just quickly outline the lanes in case you might be unfamiliar with the common Dota terms




    There are a lot of alternative names for the Dota 2 lanes, so I'll list them here too.


    "Easy lane" can also be reffered to as "Short lane" or "Safe lane"

    "Hard lane" can also be reffered to as "Long lane" or "Suicide lane".

    Mid is always mid

    Jungle is always jungle


    Now here's the beauty of Dota 2, nothing is set in stone. Lanes in this game are extremely flexible compared to League of Legends as an example. That being said, there are a few "general rules" for laning. Please note that these don't apply 100% of the time, they're just the "common setups"


    2-1-2 (Two hard lane, one mid, two easy lane).


    This is the cookie-cutter laning setup. This usually involves one support top and one support bottom, helping out another hero who has farm priority. Mid lane is a solo hero.


    1-1-1-2 (one hard lane, one mid, one jungler, two easy lane)


    This is the more greedy setup. You run a solo lane hero top that can survive on its own (See: Offlane heroes) while running a solo mid, a hero in the Jungle and a support + carry duo bottom. The idea behind this setup is that you get more out of the map by also utilizing the otherwise untapped experience and farm you can find in the jungle. However, the issue here is that it leaves your solo lane top weakened.


    Other times it is run because you have an offlane hero who really needs solo experience (Read: A lot of them) and so you pick a jungler so that your offlaner can be solo.


    1-1-3 (one hard lane, one mid, three easy lane)


    This setup is a lot more rare in lower tier games. It's also known as "the trilane" setup. A trilane is basically when you throw three heroes together in a lane for a very specific purpose. Please mind that this doesn't HAVE to be the safelane, you can do it in the offlane too (usually not mid though), it is just most commonly seen in the safelane. You can have two kinds of trilanes.


    Aggressive trilane: You have heroes with good early offensive abilities, usually supports with good level 1 lockdown abilities such as stuns and snares, combined with a farming hero who can help dish out some damage. Main purpose of the aggressive trilane is to murder the opposing laners over and over.


    Defensive trilane: You have heroes with good early defensive (sometimes offense is also the best defense) abilities, usually supports who can peel enemy heroes off the carry and zone them completely out of farm and experience range. Main purpose of the defensive trilane is to secure your carry farm, which is why you will most often see the extremely vulnerable hyper carries in defensive trilanes.




    Other laning setups exist, but you don't have to worry about them for now. Chances are you won't see much else other than the first two I listed (2-1-2 and 1-1-1-2) when you start playing. The trilane setup is more of an advanced thing and anything beyond that is even more advanced.


    Please let me know if you want anything more in-depth or if you have questions. I will be happy to give an answer.

  2. Troll Warlord is currently very high on the "I want to annihilate pubs" list, especially because he enables other right-click cores so insanely well with Battle Trance. Who knew that having an ultimate ability that basically 100% guarantees one or more objectives after a teamfight past 20 minutes into the game would do well in pubs.


    Any experience laning him outside of middle? It sounds awful, but with the right support and a core in the mid lane who can do things with Battle Trance (Nevermore and Tiny come to mind) it could be neat I think.


    Also, Golden Barb of Skadi get.

  3. Sorry about the double-post, but hey it's been over 24 hours.


    A couple of things


    1. A new short Dota documentary has been released. It's only 20 minutes long and it's a neat watch.



    2. The DAC compendium is currently bugged and you can exploit the purchased point boosters to level your compendium to level 150 to get the Genuine Radiance cosmetic for Alchemist. This was still a thing as of two hours prior to this post, which is when I did it. Not sure if it's been picked up and hotfixed yet. Some people speculate it is related to interface latency being a bit jittery with the compendium and that it might not be something that is hotfixable by Valve, but this would also mean that it is only possible to recreate with luck.


    3. The LGD vs. C9 game in the DAC was fucking crazy and you should go watch it.

  4. It's odd to be watching the Japanese DAC stream and understand just enough Japanese to realize that the commentator is wondering why the fuck foreigners who don't understand Japanese are even watching the stream, asking out loud if they're "otaku".

  5. I've been spending the past four days at home with my parents and in this time I've started watching the anime "Great Teacher Onizuka" (commonly abbreviated as "GTO") and I think this is an anime that deserves to be talked about.


    In the past I've lamented the overflow of anime that centers around school life, mainly high school. I've also complained about how anime today features excessive amount of truly unnecessary "fanservice" on many occasions of characters who are clearly being portrayed as underaged. Unfortunately this kind of thing has become the rule rather than the exception with most modern anime, which is made apparent by the popularity of shows such as "No Game No Life" and "Sword Art Online" (Among others). This is however a discussion for a different day.


    The point I am trying to make, is that even though these two things are hot topics for me when it comes to this medium of entertainment, Great Teacher Onizuka manages to incorporate both of them and still be positively intriguing to watch.


    So let's start from the beginning.




    GTO is an anime which originally aired on Japanese television 1999. It has since received an English dub and enjoyed airspace on western TV as well. It has even inspired a real life TV-drama adaptation. All in all GTO has done very well for itself, despite the fact that it ranks as one of the most vulgar anime I've ever seen.


    What's it about then? GTO is a story about none other than the man himself: Eikichi Onizuka, a Japanese delinquent and gang member of caliber. Or at least he used to be. Once renowned in the Tokyo prefecture as one of the toughest and meanest sons of bitches around town, Onizuka is now a reformed man and is looking to make his debut into the world of honest and hardworking people, by becoming a teacher. That is what he likes to tell people anyway. The truth is that he became a teacher mainly because of the (assumed) long holidays and of course his dream of marrying a high school girl in his forties. Not to mention working a job where one is surrounded by young, voluptuous and unspoiled young women.


    As it would turn out, Onizuka-sensei's dreams are very much just that, dreams. In the real world, being a teacher isn't as simple as it might sound and his troubled youth background makes it hard for him to be considered for any sort of teaching position. After a rough beginning, a fierce display of character and an incredible stroke of luck, Onizuka finds himself teaching at the "Holy Forest" Private School. Unfortunately for him, he's been assigned as the homeroom teacher for a middle-school class, rather than a high-school one and even more unfortunate is the fact that this class is made up of the most evil and devious kids in the entirety of Japan.


    Sounds like the beginning of a typical rom-com movie, right? One where the young hot-shot teacher manages to turn the notorious delinquent class into a bunch of straight A students through hard work and unconventional methods which earns him the ire of the rest of the teacher faculty but eventually it all ends well.


    Wrong. From the very beginning of the anime, GTO delves into some seriously heavy themes of emotional trauma which plague Japanese students in real life. Cold family environments, extreme bullying, honor, anxiety verging on the point of suicide and a general lack of understanding from the established (and aging) teacher faculty. Not to mention blackmail and abuse coming from the students, trying to twist the system and frame Onizuka in an attempt to get him removed from the school.


    Don't misunderstand now, the typical rom-com themes are certainly there, but they're joined by themes much more mature and real than you usually see in these kind of stories and I think that is a key point which makes GTO a truly excellent anime. I know I've painted this show in a pretty serious light just now, but it's also a lot of fun. Eikichi Onizuka is, for the lack of a better word, a retard. Once in a while he will man up and do the right thing, proving to people around him, students and teachers alike, that he is a genuine and respectable human being, only for it to immediately be juxtaposed with him doing the dumbest shit you could ever imagine. He's the loveable fool with a violent background. If things get serious he is not above getting into a fistfight and it's very obvious that he himself still has a lot of growing up to do. Not to mention the fact that he sometimes exerts what most people would call "Cruel and unusual" punishments upon his students. They deserve it though, many of these kids are rotten to the core and as a viewer I found myself smiling in satisfaction when Onizuka finally puts them in their place.


    GTO also has a lot of erotic themes in it. Onizuka himself is a hopeless pervert and the anime doesn't shy away from some rather questionable frames of middle-schoolers in their bloomers or miniskirts. It's not as insulting as many other anime (who will shove puffy vulvas in your face without remorse *cough cough* NGNL), but it is definitely there. It feels a bit more at home in GTO, considering the character that is Onizuka, but it still isn't something I can give the anime praise for and it is something that might turn a few people off. Then again, with the amount of vulgarity in the show in general, if you can't handle some "ecchi" themes here and there, you might as well not ever watch GTO.

  6. I'm currently watching the most disgusting thing in Vici Gaming vs LGD.


    VG have a Slark combined with a WD and Wisp + a Juggernaut.


    Slark passive + Healing Ward + Voodoo Restoration + Tether = 400hp/s on the Slark. That's fucking insane. Literally quadruple fountain healing, if not more.

  7. Right so, a while ago I asked people to suggest me an anime to watch and I'd do it regardless of how shit it might be and see it through to the end. Gigolo suggested "Koi Kaze", Guy suggested "Gugure! Kokkuri-san", Moby sort of kinda suggested "Soul Eater" I think? Finally, Paero suggested "Free!"


    Here are the problems.


    1. I can't find any decent subs to watch for Koi Kaze. If anyone has some that are actually decent, please let me know.
    2. I watched the first three episodes of Gugure! Kokkuri-san with some other people and... It wasn't my thing. I know I said I'd watch it through regardless of how shitty the recommendation might be... Buuuuuuut... Yeah.
    3. Soul Eater is a bit too long for me to dedicate. I'll probably watch it someday, but I won't promise to watch through a 50-episode long anime.

    That leaves me with... Free!... Fuck. Seriously, does anyone have worthwhile subs for Koi Kaze?

  8. New desktop rotation here


    It's mostly discreet anime wallpapers, background images and stuff. 80% of it is from Makoto Shinkai films or Ghibli stuff. Oh and the reason the Shinobu image is in there is because I like to draw reference from it... Also something something cute age regressed Vampires.


    Oh and they're all 1920x1080p resolution, with the exception of a few wonky ones that were hard to come by, so they're like 1920x1137 or something fucked up like that.

  9. I suggest to just do a simple condolences message explaining who we are and where we knew XYTWO from, with all our names (maybe nationalities to show how he had friends all over the world)


    Dear Mr and Ms Lebowitz,


    We heard of James' passing through his roommate. We are all part of a small gaming community James was part of, and his passing was a great shock to all of us. He was a great guy, and had friends all over the world.


    Our deepest condolences,




    I fully support this and I will echo what Cactus said earlier in the thread: Please don't make it long-winded and needlessly emotional. Short and concise while still getting the sentiment through will be for the best.

  10. 8:18 AM - [LDT] Spy is a Spy™: YOUR SKILL BUILD IS TERRIBLE

    8:18 AM - [LDT] Spy is a Spy™: jesus christ

    8:18 AM - Guy923: It's the

    8:18 AM - Guy923: NEW

    8:18 AM - Guy923: and improved

    8:18 AM - Guy923: juggernaut build


    8:18 AM - Guy923: nah

    8:21 AM - [LDT] Spy is a Spy™: it's terirble

    8:21 AM - [LDT] Spy is a Spy™: please kill yourself

    8:21 AM - Guy923: it gets results

    8:21 AM - [LDT] Spy is a Spy™: don't do it

    8:21 AM - [LDT] Spy is a Spy™: please


    Can you please tell your friend that he is fucking bad from me. Reading that dialogue made me genuinely angry because he sounds like 90% of the Dota 2 playerbase AKA unable to fathom that other skillbuilds exist or can be developed as the game changes, stuck in the world of cookie-cutter pro player imitation bullshit.


    Half a year ago? Yeah, the max crit + stats Mask of Madness Juggernaut build was probably bad, but you know what? Juggernaut's BAT got reduced and his base Agility was increased by like 30%. Any idiot could probably put 2 and 2 together and realize that with a 35% crit chance, going attack speed with a high base Agility on AN AGILITY HERO would probably be really strong.


    Hope he has fun in 3k bracket.
