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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. This is terrifying man. I can't even imagine how his family must feel.


    In 2012 my mother collapsed in the middle of a hallway and was rushed to the hospital. Turned out she had a heart defect and a weak heart in general (She lived, don't worry). That also turned out to be genetic and I share the same heart defect. I was told at the time that dying in my forties was a real possibility if I didn't take care of myself. It's something that lingers in the back of my consciousness at all times and in the days following those news, I was pretty down about things. I thought shit was fucking unfair actually. Today it doesn't really bother me, it only really pops back into my thoughts when I'm having a really bad day, or when something like this happens to remind me of my own mortality.


    Reading this thread, I initially thought it was some sort of joke in poor taste, but I've come to understand that it is genuine. I cannot claim to have been close to XYTWO, but he definitely deserved better than this. All human beings do. God rest his soul.


    I was upset with the prospects of dying a middle-aged man, but XYTWO died in the hospital at age 18. Talk about not fair.

  2. I've now taken to reading the Lucky Star 4-koma manga after experiencing symptoms of withdrawal and a gradually increasing anger over the fact that no second season of the Lucky Star TV anime exists.


    The good news: The manga is a lot longer than the TV series and unless I'm gravely misaken it is still being produced to this date, so there's plenty of content.


    The bad news: The manga eventually starts following different characters. This angers me further.


    It was never supposed to be like this. A stupid moe slice of life schoolgirl anime was never supposed to make me feel like this. Yet here we are. I owe it to Kagami-sama to read the manga. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.


    On another note, I haven't slept in 20 hours.


    EDIT: I have now finished the Lucky Star manga.

  3. I'm here to speak with you about a very important issue that we in the Dota2 community face everyday, memes.  Memes are infiltrating our ranked queues. Memes are infiltrating our in-houses.  Memes are raping our mothers and killing our fathers.  The World Health Organization has traced the source to a subset of extremely toxic streamers.  This group of streamers is led by the one called SirActionSlacks.  If you ever come in contact with SirActionSlacks, please do a 360 and moonwalk away from his stream.  Unfollow and unsubscribe.  If you do this, we may still have a chance.  I dream of a future where Dota2 is played in parks and playgrounds, in office and student lounges, and even in the bedroom, completely free of memes.  Please support our cause.

  4. It's high time I downloaded Legend of the Galactic Heroes, since very few shows this season are capturing my interest.


    I might finish before I graduate if I watch enough at a time.


    You might experience what I did, which was an inability to put the show down. Like I said in my long blog post about LotGH, it starts out pretty slow, but following the first season climax I was hooked. It's really good if you can get past the initial episodes (Which aren't bad mind you, just not as good as the rest of the show).


    Speaking of things that are really good: "Seirei no Moribito".




    This anime is basically my wet dream. It's got all the qualities of a good Samurai story, but without all the clichés that follow, because it's not actually a Samurai story. It follows a female warrior named "Balsa" whose past is a mystery to the viewer. All you're told in the initial episodes is that she "once took the lives of eight dear people" and she now works as a bodyguard for hire in an attempt to find atonement. She will not rest until she herself has saved the lives of eight people. This anime has a number of things that really sells it though, besides the "Wandering warrior haunted by ghosts of the past" trope.


    1. Animation. It is fucking gorgeous looking. It's made by Production I.G. so it is not too big of a surprise that it looks good, but this TV anime has better quality than many animated films.
    2. Setting. Even though it might look like we're on planet earth somewhere in Asia, we're not. This world has two moons and the culture that surrounds Balsa is a mishmash of Chinese and Japanese squished together to form something unique.
    3. World building. I can't really explain this very well but there is something about the world of Seirei no Moribito that just makes so much sense. It's not an anime that spends literally entire episodes on exposition (See: Fate/Zero) but instead just makes it feel natural by the sheer detail put into the world that surrounds our heroine. It feels realistic, even though the show includes supernatural elements. You'd probably have to watch it to experience what I mean.

    The truth of the matter is that I've only seen the first four episodes (4/26) of Seirei no Moribito, but with the way things are currently looking I will be very very very very very surprised if I find any of the stereotypical clichés that permeate Otaku culture in this anime


    TL;DR: If you like medieval/martial arts/fantasy/samurai themed stuff, give Seirei no Moribito a try. I can almost guarantee you will like it.

  5. im watching Koi Kaze boys. ty for ur suggestions



    last time we did this i ended up watchign "11eyes" and it was the worst fucking shit ive ever seen in my entire life fuck u corv u fucking piece of shit.


    You didn't like eyepatch-kun?


    That reminds me, did you watch the OVA for that one? It totally redeemed the series. Totally.



    I never want to see anything related to that anime ever again.



    watch free.


    thank god you werent the first responder now i get to see incest instead of free which is a win in my books.



    Kino's Journey?


    I've already seen it. It was good.

  6. suggest me an anime of a maximum of 26 episodes and i will watch it no matter how bad it might be. last time we did this i ended up watchign "11eyes" and it was the worst fucking shit ive ever seen in my entire life fuck u corv u fucking piece of shit.


    the time is now boys, make me watch ur favourite anime or make me suffer the ravages of japanese otaku pandering.

  7. Shanghai's posting of fauux.neocities.org gave me quite a bit of songs to listen to


    Hey, glad you got something out of it even if you probably haven't seen Serial Experiments Lain. That website is one of the coolest things on the internet.


    Also, the Lethal League OST is so fucking good. It's like Jet Set Radio 2.0


  8. why is juggernaut currently the most broken hero in existance?


    skill build:


    Level 1: Spin

    Level 2: Crit

    Level 3: Healing Ward

    Level 4: Crit

    Level 5: Crit

    Level 6: Omnislash

    Level 7: Crit

    Level 8: Stats


    Now continue on to max stats and then fill out healing ward and spin only in the last levels


    Item build


    Lane appropriate starting items

    Power treads

    Mask of Madness


    Whatever the fuck you want because you can now murder any hero in the game in seconds by right-clicking them 2000 times per second and critting for 35% of those. Thanks Icefrog.


    It sounds clowny as fuck but it is genuinely overpowered if you're not braindead.

  9. Seeing Axe so much in pro games made me start playing him. I mean hey, I've got a 70%+ winrate on Centaur, I'll be a natural at Axe.


    3 games, 3 losses. Maybe I'm just not manly enough to play Axe. But man, having screen shake on makes Axe so satisfying. 


    Axe is strong as hell. Definitely a hero to play if you want to win.

  10. I wish I could say that the past decade hasn't changed my point of view regarding Islam and radicalized muslims. What I am about to say is of course common sense and shouldn't really need to be said honestly, but I'm gonna go ahead and cover my back. Of course the vast majority of muslims are normal people in every sense of the word.


    That being said, my patience for these kind of things is waning slowly but surely. Month after month after month the West is hit by news of Muslim extremists commiting atrocities in the Middle East, Asia and even in the West. We're at a point now that whenever I read the "terror attack" headline, I just assume that it is muslim extremists.


    So what's up? Why is this a continuing theme?


    There are many answers to those questions and I'm sure it can all be rationalized. Western influence in the Middle East, volatile political situations in muslim countries, civil war uprisings and military remnants of deep-rooted proxy wars.


    But with the amount of times these rationalizations are uttered, it starts feeling like an excuse we're making up in order to avoid sounding like bigots. One part of me wants to keep repeating it: "It's a minority, the majority of Muslims are peaceful" and that is the truth. Another part of me is sick and tired of this shit. It's not satisfying anymore. It doesn't solve any problems.

  11. Just so we're clear, that status update I made a few days ago about starting a blog was supposed to be a snide remark and not an actual consideration from my end.


    All bullshit and witty comments aside, this community isn't big enough to warrant blogs. It's nice being able to participate in small thread-centered discussion, but I have this lingering feeling that no one is going to be fucked to read any blogs by users of this site. That's my opinion anyway.


    What would people blog about? Their daily lives? They do that anyway with Status Updates/TIAM thread. Video games? Movies? TV-series? Anime? Basically any topic I can think of is already covered in a thread, most of which are barely even active anyway. The only thing that could warrant a blog is site updates by the admin, just for the sake of centralizing information or if a user was someone of importance or had interesting experiences to share. Now don't get me wrong boys, you're all important to me (XOXOXO) but I ain't gonna sit on my ass and read a blog about your day, just like you're not gonna sit on YOUR ass and read a blog about MY day.


    I mean remember when we had that thread about a subSPUF Mumble server? Remember how many people chimed in on how it would be a good idea? Remember how many people actually used it? Now you've got a bunch of people vouching for a blogging system and I can't help but wonder how many would actually even use it past the first week. I hate to sound like a cunt guys, but those are my thoughts.

  12. So while we're talking about critically acclaimed anime with interesting discussion about story development and expectations between western and eastern audiences, I was shown Yuri Kuma Arashi.


    It's... unusual.


    Hey uh... You might want to not watch Yuri Kuma Arashi. Honestly, I don't know if it is actually good or not, but considering the fact that it is straight up Shoujo Ai (Girl love) it will probably be pretty jarring for someone who isn't used to something like that. I don't want to dismiss it entirely, because it is directed and composed by a guy called "Kunihiko Ikuhara" and he has done a couple of things that have been critically acclaimed. Basically what I am trying to get at, is that the director of the show is a dude who has done really good stuff in the past, but the themes of Yuri Kuma Arashi make me question whether or not it will be a good watch... Unless girls kissing girls is your favourite.


    If you want to watch something by Kunihiko, watch Revolutionary Girl Utena or Mawaru Penguindrum. Now admittedly I haven't actually seen Penguindrum myself but 2/3 people whose anime opinions I trust have given it a 10/10 and the last person hasn't seen it. I also wrote a long-ass blog on Utena in this thread somewhere, I loved that anime. Utena is a bit old though and does have some issues, so if you're more into the newer stuff, try Penguindrum. I should also probably mention that both Utena and Penguindrum are Shoujo anime and both touch on homosexuality, but they're not straight up Shoujo Ai like Yuri Kuma Arashi.


    Please bear in mind though, that Kunihiko's stuff is usually packed to the fucking brim with symbolism and usually requires you to keep your head straight while watching, otherwise you will most likely miss important details. It also has a tendency to get a bit strange at times.

  13. I don't really get why Cowboy Bebop is so critically acclaimed. I watched the series and liked it, but... nothing ever really happens in it


    Nothing Hitler about that. I know plenty of people who don't think much of Cowboy Bebop. The funny thing is, Cowboy Bebop is not considered a particularly stand-out anime in Japan. In fact, it is only really popular in the west, which means it completely missed its intended audience. I'll bet you that if you went up to Japanese anime fans and asked them what they thought about Cowboy Bebop, a good percentile of them would probably not even know what it is.


    The reason it is popular in the west is most likely because it was aired in a manageable timeslot on TV, had a good dub and wasn't as "Japanese" as many anime are. Cowboy Bebop has many western influences and for that reason it becomes a lot easier for people in the west to watch and enjoy it. Hell, Shinichiro himself is basically a massive Westaboo and spent time of his life travelling the US. That is also why it is considered a good "gate-way" anime (A good anime to begin with if you want to get into the medium) for westerners.


    Personally, I just enjoy the all-encompassing feeling the show has. It manages to touch on a lot of themes and morals in a short time and to me, that made the episodic nature of it really interesting. Quite a few references to western media in there too, which is neat. Not to mention that Spike Spiegel has the cool-factor. The soundtrack is also excellent and I personally got pretty emotionally invested in the characters of the show, which made the ending even more powerful to me. I am pretty biased though, as Cowboy Bebop was the anime I decided to tabula rasa my entire perception of anime with and give it an honest try without just immediately dismissing it as stupid crap. It really impressed me at the time.


    I will say though, that I think that saying "nothing ever really happens in it" is a bit of an understatement. It's very episodic, but not without a story and progression.

  14. I don't know how many of you guys play or have played the Civilization games, but if you have, were you aware that the title screen music for Civilization IV is the only video game song to ever win a grammy?


    This tune has been stuck in my head since the first day I launched CiV4, it's super catchy, but I didn't realize that it had actually won awards.

