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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. If we're talking anime that aired in 2014, then I don't really have one. Don't watch current season stuff and the things I do end up wanting to watch from current seasons just gets added to the backlog.


    If we're talking just anime that I've watched in 2014 (but didn't necessarily air in 2014), then it's a tough one. Out of the 188 anime I've seen, I've rated 12 of those a 10/10. I saw four of those 10/10s this year: Gankutsuou, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Hajime no Ippo and Ping Pong the Animation. I think I'd have to say Legend of the Galactic Heroes with Ippo following close by.


    Also this list is pretty good.



  2. Amagi Brilliant Park is fucking atrocious, please don't watch it unless you're looking for a prime example of how Otaku culture is suffocating creativity in the anime medium.




  3. Cut past a whole bunch of practice matches and shit that for some reason shows up on Dotabuff. I can also see that I started my first game of Dota in December 2011 and then didn't touch the game any further until April 2012. That's where it all went tumbling down. I think there is something wrong with the Dotabuff record. For some reason it shows a whole bunch of "practice games" in my history, but then stops counting bot games after that fact. I can' remember if it's because Dotabuff used to track bot games and then stopped or if it is because it is classifying those games incorrectly.


    EDIT: They are practice lobbies confirmed, some 1v1 middle lane against people I know in there too. Which means that I legit played ONE game in December 2011 and then I only played practice lobbies until JUNE 2012. I shit you not, half a year of practice games. Granted I didn't even play that many games in that time, apparently.


    I can also do a "Then & Now" thing








    Also that 4/24/6 Won PA game Guy, that is remarkable.

  4. Waitwawitwatiwa Brode-mum's good now what?


    Broodmother has pretty much always been good ever since they allowed her mostly unobstructed movement over impassable terrain. I used to think that Broodmother was a bit of a cointoss, either you win your lane massively or you feed so hard that you have no chance of recovery, depending on the enemy heroes. That still holds true to an extent, but with people going 0/4/4/1 at level 9 (AKA the "No Babies" build), it evens out the cointoss. That isn't to say that the standard 4/4/1/1 build isn't still viable, but the hero has options now and it is literally impossible to lane against a 4 points Incapacitating Bite Broodmother. It is also impossible to lane against a 4 points Spawn Spiderling Broodmother who isn't an idiot.

  5. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2cz1o1_tsukimonogatari-op_news


    Tsukimonogatari airing soon, the OP is fucking gorgeous holy shit


    Now, I'm not saying that the animation isn't good... Buuut... It's SHAFT and it is the Monogatari series, which is like their prized possesion in terms of making them anime bux. One can not really be surprised. I honestly think the Tsukimonogatari OP is one of their lesser great ones. I mean if you want to see SHAFT really bleed money into an OP, watch the Nisemonogatari Bee OP.


    IMO he needs a total rework. He's the literal embodiment of RNG, and yet PA's two random skills are immediately more useful than anything CK brings to the table.


    Isnt CK supposed to be based on RNG and classic board RPGs, since all his skills are based on 'dice rolls'



    Sort of I guess? I mean Chaos Strike's icon undoubtedly looks like a D20, that and the fact that all of his spells have an element of randomness to them. Though Icefrog has been tinkering with the actual RNG of things. Chaos Strike is PRNG now, the damage/stun on Chaos Bolt is inversed (Short stun = high damage, long stun = low damage). His skills definitely ooze of dicerolls.


    Speaking of Dota heroes, I am going to go ahead and compile my list of "Pick these heroes if you want to win pubs 6.83 edition"


    "I will win this game on my own" tier

    Earth Spirit




    2 of us are picked every game on average tier



    Spirit Breaker


    Troll Warlord

    Faceless Void




    Skywrath Mage

    Ogre Magi


    Storm Spirit

    Witch Doctor


    Vengeful Spirit


    Perceived OP by pubbies, but really just mediocre tier

    Phantom Assassin


    Ember Spirit


    I don't care about winning, girls just wanna have fun tier

    Everyone else


    I win games the moment I get my Radiance tier


  7. I don't know. I just feel CK is such a useless hero. Perhaps my perspective on the way he works is wrong, but I see no point in picking CK over any other carry in the game. As with all heroes, it is of course totally possible to completely dominate a game with Chaos Knight, but if you look back on said game, 9/10 times you could have done that with any other STR carry and probably have had an easier time doing it.


    His mana pool is so non-existant that you basically have to build Drums of Endurance on the hero in every game, just for that extra bit of mana. The problem with that is, with all the nerfs Drums have received over the past couple of years, the item is no-where near being as "value" as it used to be. I will concede that it has more utility on CK, because Drums passive aura and active aura applies to his illusions when they are summoned, so I guess Drums does more on CK than many other carries.


    He lacks any sort of ability to flash-farm reliably, which means you have to put extreme amounts of resources into making sure that his laning phase goes well. He is not like a handful of other popular carries, which either have built-in farming tools or who like to build items that accelerate farm, such as Maelstrom or Battlefury. This means, that if CK is having a bad time in lane, he will struggle a lot more throughout the game because he cannot retreat into the Jungle and get any sort of efficient farm out of it.


    His ultimate is a double-edged sword, because while Phantasms are by far the most powerful illusions in the game and while they are actually really strong, the cooldown on the ultimate makes it so the hero essentially makes or breaks the game with one cast of the spell. You could argue that there is similarities with other big spells, such as Ravage or Reverse Polarity, but both Tidehunter and Magnus are heroes that like to build Refresher Orb in the lategame and so their ability to blow their ultimates is a bit more relaxed, not to mention that their ultimate cooldowns are lower anyway.


    I also feel that Chaos Knight is a carry that pretty much needs to rush a big item, such as Heart of Tarrasque. Armlet and Manta Style are all fine and dandy, but it is my personal experience that prioritizing these smaller items on Chaos Knight, causes to the hero lack behind in a significant manner, post 30-minutes. It is my personal opinion that it is impossible to play Chaos Knight in a similar style to Sven and Wraith King. They share similarities in their primary stat, the fact that they are melee and the fact that they all have a single reliable stun. The problem is that Sven and Wraith King's other abilities, allow the heroes to be way more flexible in their gameplay style.

  8. I just came here to say that the anime "Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!" (English: "Listen to me girls, I am your father!") is up there among the worst anime I have ever seen in my entire life. I guess the title alone should have been enough to tip anyone off, but it had an okay-ish user rating and the first couple of reviews were giving it 8-9/10. Not to mention that it is a recommended watch if you enjoyed "Usagi Drop" and I loved Usagi Drop.


    But no. I somehow forgot that your average anime fan is a horny, drooling 15 year-old and that I can't trust user ratings on any site, ever. This show is so insulting that I am genuinely surprised that it was ever allowed to air on TV in Japan, in ANY timeslot.


    PnIwK! follows the daily life of a college student named Yuuta. Alright, so far so good, it's college and not high school, maybe we can avoid some of the more stereotypical tropes from school anime, seeing as we're dealing with young people here who are a bit older and a bit more aware of what it takes to enter adult life. But no. Literally one of the first things that happens, is a fat otaku student being spanked with a fan by a big-titted girl. That's not even the worst parts.


    Due to some circumstances, Yuuta ends up having to take care of his sister's children. Two of them are remnants from the sister's husband's last marriage and the youngest is actually his sisters child. The oldest is in high school, the middle one is in middle school and the youngest one is three years old and in kindergarten. The first episode alone contains several panty-shots of the middle school girl, not to mention a very blatant dick-sucking reference to the THREE YEAR-OLD (It has to do with a toy trumpet) and our protagonist walks in on the high school daughter undressing herself in the bathroom. True to the anime style, they both stare at each other for like 30 seconds, before the protagonist gets a nosebleed and the girl starts screaming the usual "KONO HENTAI, ECCHI!". It is also implied that the two eldest daughters have a crush on Yuuta... Their uncle... But it's OK! Because they're not actually related by blood! HAHA!


    Fuck Japan.





    Wait shit Wulff you actually made it through Lucky Star?




    I've been pleasantly surprised



    Lucky Star can be quite funny, you just NEED to skip the first episode, otherwise you will spend 15 minutes of agony watching about chocolate cornets.



    That was the exact thing that caused me to drop the show with a fury about 1½ years ago.

  10. One of my friends is basically unable to not rant about how good he believes Death Note to be

    it actually sounds quite neat

    any opinions here?


    Death Note is alright up until a certain point. You have to suspend your disbelief to a pretty crazy point in order to give a fuck about what is actually happening at times, but in a show with several supernatural elements in the first place, that wasn't too hard. It's a pretty fun watch if you don't take it too seriously.


    Then it reaches a specific episode with a specific plot twist and then the rest of the show is full fucking retard and I dropped it shortly after.

  11. I swear there must be something wrong with me. When I am at home in my apartment, with Dota 2 readily available to me 24/7, not to mention a selection of good friends to stack with, I feel so apathetic about the game. I barely even want to play it, it actually kinda feels like a chore at times.


    The moment I leave my apartment and my computer for the Christmas holidays, I get an extreme urge to play Dota. Why is this even a thing?

  12. I've fired off my gifts. I originally wanted to do it on the 24th and "in person", but I realized that I am really busy this Christmas and with my recipient also likely being busy for Christmas AND with timezones being a butt, it was probably for the best to just get them out there.


    I hope you'll enjoy them.
