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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. Yeah thanks for adding 2 more shows to my ever expanding list of shows to watch


    Here, let me help you with that. (Sorry, I don't know what you have and haven't watched, so I am just going to list a bunch off the top of my head).




    Millenium Actress

    Tokyo Godfathers

    Paranoia Agent

    Wolf Children

    Sword of the Stranger


    Haibane Renmei

    Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro

    Hellsing Ultimate

    Bunny Drop



    Barefoot Gen

    Anything by Studio Ghibli

    Vampire Hunter D

    Daily Lives of Highschool Boys

    Welcome to the NHK!


    Black Lagoon

    Hataraku Maou-Sama



    Darker than Black

    Summer Wars


    Little Witch Academia

    Perfect Blue


    Samurai Champloo

    Ghost in the Shell


    Detroit Metal City



    Ergo Proxy

    Kino's Journey


    Code Geass

    Serial Experiments Lain

    Rurouni Kenshin

    Kokoro Connect

    Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt

  2. I appreciate the thought you put into this, lol.


    I kind of just assumed that it had something to do with Japan's fascination with Germany, stemming back from when they were allied during the second world war. Also the language sounds rather imposing, and yes, I am aware that it is very, very rough German. I've studied the language on A-level and consider myself semi-fluent in it, but they're at least trying for it to sound German.

  3. Well, that was actually pretty interesting to read, but there's one thing I do want to bring up.


    Can someone explain to me Japan's obsession with using German lyrics in their anime soundtracks?


    I first noticed it in GuP, where it makes sense, because one of the factions is basically supposed to represent Germany. I can give them that. Then I noticed it in the OST (And not just the OP's) of Attack on Titan, once again I can give them that, because the setting of the show is basically medieval Europe with a twist, so taking some German themes in there doesn't seem too far out of the left field. Then it came in KLK's OST too and that show has nothing where I could tie in a potential German reference. Other than Ragyo being Hitler or something. Now upon listening to the OST for Rebellion Story, I notice there are several songs with German lyrics...


    Do they just really like the sound of that language or something?


    The composer for Madoka Magica, Yuki Kajiura, was raised in Germany up until middle school. However, this is all irrelevant, because the actual lyrics of the songs themselves are a mix of Latin, various European languages, and Japanese. The words have no meaning whatsoever. This pattern reoccurs throughout the entire OST, with tracktitles being in Latin from my little knowledge of it. Why this was used would probably be for the effect of your imaginary language surpassing human knowledge, and instead being entirely emotion driven. She could have easily made a song with Latin or German or whatever lyrics with a meaning, but instead, she deliberately chose to compose entire OSTs with a fake language. This is probably most prevalent in Sis Puella Magica out of all songs.


    The thing is that this method of capturing emotion via a different language has been used to the same effect, but with actual languages. In Sora no Woto's Servante de Feu, you have an actual song with French lyrics. But honestly, the meanings don't matter, but rather the emotion that the language captures.


    In other news, I love music too much and keep getting OSTs for shows that I finish.


    That makes a lot of sense, though it doesn't explain German being prevalent in soundtracks spanning across several different composers and anime. 

  4. TF2 is definitely P2W. It's less P2W than it used to be though, which is good. Thank god Valve realized that having set bonuses, which were fully purchasable was a bad idea, even if it did take them forever. Let's be real though, Valve haven't given a hoot about TF2 since late 2011/early 2012, other than for its use to experiment just how much shit they can get away with throwing at their playerbase before its too much.

  5. i go away for 2 days and suddenly the dota general is blog central.


    so are we all sick and tired of the new patch yet? i know i am, i lost a game as Shadow Fiend, clearly something is fucking wrong.


    I7TtbyN.png 6liuywo.png


    thanks icefrog, i am ownage for longer than half the game and then because of a single 3-man smokegank into my jungle which resulted in me dying, their cores have 10.000 gold + 10.000 experience more than they had a minute ago and suddenly their team has 5 new big items.


    also jungle axe is still so fucking trash and rushing a Crimson Guard is the clowniest thing ive ever seen LOL.

  6. So, as requested by XY, I'm here to type up wot i think about Madoka Magica: Rebellion.


    Personally, I think the ending was amazing. Not only did it tie up all loose ends about the show, but also tied back to Episode 1. All endings truly are beginnings. I don't really understand why people didn't like the ending, so explain I guess? If anything, I feel satisfied because of the ending.


    We discussed the Rebellion ending about 1½-2 months ago in this very thread. Just search "Rebellion" or "Homura" in the search field for this topic and you will find all those long-winded posts.


    Also GL with Toradora.

  7. Damn Wulff that is pretty good, especially with the wind stuff going on. The feet are a bit odd but the anatomy of the arms and shoulderbones are very well done


    Thanks. The right foot always shames me whenever I dig this doodle back up, but unfortunately I don't have the original anymore, so there's not much to do about that.

  8. TobiWan is acting like the biggest tool regarding this patch. I'm sure the vast majority of Dota players: Pros, pubbies and casters alike are scratching their heads, wondering what these map changes are going to mean for Dota 2 and how the game will be played now, but he seems to be the only one who is acting like a spoiled child about it, on a public forum no less. I mean, the man can seemingly only remember what spells do on occasion so am I supposed to seriously believe that he has any real insight into the new Dota patch? "League of Legends" as he calls it. What a twat. Here's a hint: Play the fucking patch for a month, then start complaining if it has messed up your beloved game.


    Other than that, this patch looks to be the clowniest shit Dota 2 has seen in a while and I can't wait to play it.

  9. The anime in question is "Steins;Gate" and lo and behold, it is one of the only stories in any medium I've ever seen that manages to make time travel not incredibly contrived. Of course it's still pretty far out, but the story doesn't strangle itself with endless plot holes because of the time travel. It is one of the better anime to come out in recent years and you should watch it if you like time travel... Or cute girls...


    Sorry, I don't mean to derail your thread. Your handiwork looks very nice and I would like to see more.

  10. I've just finished up Jormungand: Perfect Order, which is the second season of the Jormungand series. Turns out I am retarded, but I guess you guys already knew that. I watched the first season of Jormungand about 5 months ago and while I enjoyed it quite a bit because of its great action and gunporn, I lamented the fact that it introduced a ton of characters and gave very few of them any decent development within its 12-episode runtime.


    Turns out that Perfect Order was a direct continuation of the first series and even aired the following season and guess what? It covers many of the characters who didn't get that much screen-time in the first series. It's still not perfect by any means, but it was a welcome development and it certainly didn't go down on neither action nor gunporn.


    It's a bit hollywood, it's very over-the-top and it won't make you question your beliefs or sit down and think after you've watched it, but it's a great action-show, in the same vein as Black Lagoon. If you're in the mood for something like that, I highly recommend it.

  11. In fact, it's Keeper of the Light who is now giving me bother, as the only hero I've lost thus far with - twice. First game was my own incompotence (bad ward placement, didn't participate with team often enough, enemy carries got ahead) and second game was because the enemy Tinker... Well...

    Not even sure what the defense for all that burst damage was (Tinker's everything, Clinkz's strafe, Invoker's Sunstrike and AA's Ice Blast.) I considered Eul's Scepter, but it was too little too late.


    Midas Anti-Mage

    Lothars + Vlads Doombringer

    Aghs first Lina

    Almost 43 minute game and no Dagger on Shaker.


    Wauw, your team really wanted to lose. I can forgive the Earthshaker, because playing a support in a losing game is truly suffering, but the item progression (and item choices) of 60% your team is genuinely so fucking atrocious that I don't think that game was ever winnable. Whereas the enemy team actually has real items.

  12. Let's see.



    Turbo Plasma Rifle

    .223 Pistol


    Fallout 2:

    Solar Scorcher


    Fallout 3:

    The Terrible Shotgun

    Xuanlong Assault Rifle


    Fallout: New Vegas:

    AER14 Prototype


    I love this laser rifle and its damage is ridiculous





    Also Enclave are the best faction and shame on you for killing all those qt3,14 Enclave Officers


  13. Legion is by far the worst choice. I don't even know why people would ever play a Legion-aligned character, other than just to try it out, for RP reasons or for achievements. Less quests, less content, less goodies, more people are hostile towards you when you are legion-aligned than vice-versa. They're a faction that follows Caesar and not his ideals and most anyone with some insight of the faction in-game, predicts that it will crumble following the death of Caesar. Not overnight, but over several years. They also suffer the same issue the NCR does, with their forces not being large and organized enough to truly "conquer" a larger area. The Legion is spread too thin as well, or will be with a little expansion.


    House is a personality lost in memories of the past. He cares more about New Vegas as a symbol of the old world, than he does the actual inhabitants in New Vegas, Freeside and the Mojave in general. An eccentric character who plans and plans and plans, but lacks any real way of taking action if his plans don't go accordingly. His rule might bring stability to New Vegas, but can New Vegas truly continue to exist as an independent state in the Wasteland? He greedily consumes wealth and power accumulating within the city and that wealth of power isn't going anywhere, leaving tons of resources wasted.


    Independent New Vegas is one of the better options. With House out of the way, the city opens up for more readily available trade and distribution of resources, but that doesn't mean that New Vegas won't remain that secluded paradise in the Wasteland. The ruling families of the city are greedy, ambitious and ruthless and will no doubt continue bleeding the city and its trade dry, just as they did when House was in charge. It's a better alternative than House-ruled New Vegas, but still presents a slew of problems, especially because New Vegas is the shining beacon of old world tech that it is, it will probably never be utilized to it's full potential under the independent rule of its citizens.


    The NCR is a mixed bag of a faction, ranging from being laughably incompetent, to being a unifying force within the Wasteland. They resemble the old world government more than anything else and while they have their ups and downs, their share of stupidity and issues with rapid expansion and personnel, they are my favourite faction in New Vegas, simply because they present the most long-term solution. They originate from a town you visit in the original Fallout and have a long line of presidents that have ruled them. Some have been good, others have been bad, but the faction is ever-changing, which is why I prefer it. They know what they want and what they want to do with it. They don't rape, burn or pillage, they do what they must and while they fuck up at times, it eventually turns out for the better when they hang around. They're probably the best suited to take control of New Vegas, simply because of the logistical opportunities it would give the faction, in combination with Hoover Dam.

  14. I think it's perfectly reasonable to find TTGL uninteresting and/or stupid. I remember in the months following my first watching of that anime, I couldn't really fathom how anyone could dislike that show, because I had loved it. Then as time went by, as I spoke to people (VDZ) about TTGL, as I watched more anime and finally, as I rewatched TTGL, I came to the realization that it must be quite easy to be put off by that anime. It's just shounen tropes piled upon shounen tropes for the sake of posterity Now personally that is an absolute plus for me, because my guilty pleasure are these kind of shounen tropes and because TTGL pours it on the viewer to the extreme, I found myself loving the show. Despite the fact of how little sense it makes and how many power-jump asspulls are made, I found TTGL to be thoroughly enjoyable.


    With that perspective in mind, I realized as I wrote above, how easy it must be to become annoyed or uninterested with TTGL.

  15. Is it really a bad thing if Fallout 3 is "not a Fallout game"?


    Just because a game isn't a faithful reproduction of its predecessors doesn't mean it can't be as good as or better than them.


    While that is true, Fallout 3 is also inferior to it's predecessors in every way... In my opinion at least. I guess I'll go ahead and state that you can probably find hundreds of people who will disagree with me, just like you can probably find hundreds of people who will agree with me, but Fallout 3 is not just a poor Fallout game, but a mediocre at best game in and of itself. It has a slew of issues with continuity, game balance, dialogue and writing. That game has to be modded into real playability, with the big overhaul mods the community have made. EvilBrain summed up a few of the numerous issues FO3 has, but outside of failing miserable to adhere the established lore of the games (while still showing signs of actually trying to do so), it just ends up as a lackluster experience. The one thing I always hear a majority give Fallout 3 praise for, is its "atmosphere", but I find that to be lacking as well.


    The only interesting thing Fallout 3 did, was bringing the series to a first-person 3D sandbox world and while that was cool for the first hours, the novelty wore on me fast with the lack of actual content in the game.



    Pertaining to the Fallout S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and Skills discussion above, Charisma is borderline OP on a softcore New Vegas run. Max Charisma ASAP via stat allocation in the beginning + apparel/implants, recruit ED-E as your robot companion and either Veronica, Raul or Boone as your living companion. Do ED-E's quest to upgrade its weapon systems, do the companion quests for your companion of choice. Make sure Veronica gets the "Causeless Rebel" perk from her side quest and not the "Bonds of Steel", make sure Raul get's the "Old Vaquero" perk and not "Full Maintenance" from his side quest, make sure Boone becomes Bloodthirsty and not Repentant following his side quest. Proceed to watch your companions crush all but the strongest opposition.


    It's particularly strong in New Vegas, because if you've played the game before, you can build your character to be able to recruit ED-E and Boone on your first visits to Primm and Novac, which are some of the most easily accessible locations in the game (Unlike Raul, who is rather difficult to get to) and you can have two high Nerve companions before even hitting the Repconn Facility and completing "Come Fly With Me".


    If you want to fully optimize your party and don't have a favourite companion, you should pick Veronica if you are a character focused on ranged combat (She is a monster in melee with her Power Fist and will soak up a lot of damage at the front while you and ED-E shoot from the back), if you are a melee focused character, grab Boone or Raul, as they both excel at range, though Boone has a higher accuracy than Raul (but lower rate of fire + tends to become retarded in CQC).

    Also, Charisma increases your Speech and Barter skills. Barter is useful in general, but Speech is probably the most impactful Skill in the entire game, as Fallout New Vegas sports a lot more speech checks than anything else.

  16. - Fallout 3 higher than Fallout New Vegas AND the original Fallout?

    - Rome 2 and Empire Total War over the Original Rome Total War, Medieval 2 or Shogun 2?

    - Tiberian Dawn AKA the "first" C&C over Generals?

    - Mass Effect 3 in the top 10?

    - Not even a mention of Battlefield 1942 or Battlefield 2.

    - Fucking STARBOUND


    OK look, I'm aware of the fact that I can come across as overly critical of things at times and I am very much an opiniated jerk myself, but this list stinks of lack of research. I'm only addressing the games that I have any real kind of experience with here and already it's embarrassing to look at. I don't understand where this seemingly overflowing love for Fallout 3 comes from, though I have a theory that the reason people hold it in such high esteem, is because for many "gamers" of today, Fallout 3 was their first dip into the Fallout universe. That isn't to say that Fallout 3 is disgustingly terrible, but it's just not a Fallout game. It truly is not and ranking it above Fallout New Vegas, which at least takes it back to more similar roots of the older Fallouts and fixes a lot of things is bad enough, but ranking it higher than the original Fallout is clearly pandering to the younger fans of the Fallout series. I'm not even talking about young people in general, but just fans who haven't been playing Fallout for very long.


    It's a fact that Rome 2: Total War has been THE worst launch for any of the Total War games ever, period. I have two close friends who are massive fans of the Total War series, the original Rome in particular, one of those being my current roommate and they were both soured from their experiences with Rome 2. I'm a Total War series fan myself, having played them all except for the original Medieval Total War and while I don't own Rome 2, I have played it with a friend. Once again it falls into that same pot as Fallout 3 I mentioned above, it's not godawful and with the patches CA have been rolling out over the past 6-8 months, it has gotten way better, but it was positively appalling at launch and even lacks a lot of features. Going into that from Shogun 2, which was fucking excellent, I am hard-pressed to find reasons for it being on that list. The story is the same for Empire, at the time of it's launch, it was the most broken Total War game ever released and it only really became playable with the Napoleon expansion.


    Tiberian Dawn is a great game and was essentially what spawned the C&C series, but it's a pretty obvious fact for anyone who has experience with C&C that it is extremely basic and considering that the series' popularity really soared with Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2 and C&C Generals, who brought the well-known and loved multiplayer functions to the game and really spiralled the community onto a higher level and started having internal competitive leagues, it's clear which game deserves to be on the list. It's like putting Warcraft: Orcs & Humans above Warcraft III.


    As for Mass Effect, oh boy. I don't even want to rant too much about this. I'm a huge fan of the Mass Effect series and I have been since I played the original. My hype levels were off the charts for both ME2 and ME3, but even I won't argue that the ending for ME3 was some of the most contrived shit ever written in the history of video games.


    Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 make the list, regardless of the fact that they were probably the least innovative and impactful in terms of the Battlefield series. Graphically they look great, but really they've just ripped Battlefield 2 and Bad Company, meshed them together and slapped nice visuals on them. The leap between 1942 and Battlefield 2 was much more respectable, not to mention the amount of attention 1942 got when it was released, which was ridiculous for the time.


    Starbound is not even finished.
