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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. That being said, GuP makes me so angry... all the time...


    Wait, so you're a person who can sit down and watch Fate/kaleid Liner PrismaIlya and think "Hoho, this amuses me" despite the fact that it ranks as one of the most otaku-pandering bullshit pieces of shit wannabe-ecchi loli's in revealing outfits ONII-CHAN DAISUKI SUKI HAMBURGER anime to be released in this decade. But an anime like Girls und Panzer, which while being objectively poor regarding characters, development, pacing and dialogue, at least spins a fresh take on what essentially boils down to being a sports anime with some light-hearted fun and cool tank action makes you "so angry"?




    I have not watched panzers but I like this girl because this flash (it's a flash so it has sounds dont fucking complain about it being loud fuckers)


    This guy knows what's up. Fluffiest Panzer is best Panzer.

  2. Lovely insight going on here boys. Really great, I'd love to continue it, but can we just come together for a second and realize that


    Yukari genuinely and honestly is the best Panzer? I mean come on guys, it really isn't that hard to open your eyes for second.

  3. Has anyone heard any positive/negative comments about SAO 2 so far? I'm hesitant after the epic mess that was the elf game arc in the first series.

    On another note, the newest Fairy Tail opening seems to have the goal of cramming as many massive spoilers into 90 seconds as possible. I counted thirteen at least, several of which were both blatantly obvious and major, major plot points in the arc. only one more arc before tartaros bear with it simon


    I am interested in SAO 2 simply because of GUNS. While I have yet to watch any myself, all I've heard from both friends and people I follow on YouTube (Demolition D) is that the new SAO 2 is just... OK? Kinda uninspired?


    Phantom Lancer

    Juxtapose is now a Unique Attack Modifier.

    ...is a patch note I would love to see some day.



    What, why? Phantom Lancer is a bottom feeder among agility carries and you want to nerf him?

  5. According to happenings on spuf, if I was a touhou character I would be this person.  Since I have no clue about touhou things can someone explain her to me?  The info on the wiki about questioning why humans and youkai fight and predicting doomsdays makes me think "philosophical gloomandoom" which would make sense as me but I really have no idea.


    I'm cool with the apparent disco dancing thing though.


    Not really a whole lot to say about her. A level-headed Youkai who takes her job very seriously. Messenger/Guardian the Dragon Palace which is made out of pure gold and silver and is inhabited by dragons. Honestly there isn't a whole lot to her that I am aware of. I can only remember two Touhou games where she appears and she never really stood out to me. Her bossfight is pretty cool though.

  6. ?????????


    Following the retirement of Miyazaki the elder, Studio Ghibli decided to close their doors on original anime production and will now instead continue to function in the distribution/licensing industry of anime.


    You will never see a new Studio Ghibli original animation


    I am legitimately upset by this actually, it pangs my heart every time I think about it

  7. Asparagus, Onions, Garlic, Feta Cheese, some sort of light creme fraiche (I like "Skyr", but I don't know how commonplace that is outside of Scandinavia), freshly squeezed lemon juice + seasoning to your taste is great stuffing for almost anything. Sandwiches, wraps, burgers - whatever and it takes literally five minutes to make. If it's not season for asparagus, replace that with practically any other vegetable of your liking that will add some substance to the mix and isn't too intrusive taste-wise.

  8. Isn't it perfect when you can find characters in a show reacting exactly the same way as you did as a viewer during a specific episode?




    Seriously, what on earth is going on in this anime and why did LITERALLY EVERYONE turn into raging homosexuals after a 2-year timeskip. Both the boys and the girls that is. Why must I sit through scenes of two boys kissing and caressing each other with essentially no build-up and why must I sit through scenes of two girls doing exactly the same thing... Also with no build-up. I appreciate gay girls more than most people, but if I wanted to have this raging hard-on, I would have gone to Exhentai.


    Thanks Japan.

  9. I finally have some money to spend and I'm thinking about buying a figure or something


    those of you that have merch, where did you buy your shit? I've never really buyfagged before.

    Ebay, Amazon, AmiAmi. I honestly just google for the character I am interested in and then spend a while browsing.

  10. Makes it sound like you wanna what it off to the thought of Keions dying.

    I can assure you that your assumption is not the case. I am just confused about the below comment


    Wulff I would berate you for asking that, but to be honest I'm more concerned about this. I would assume that your first time seeing that picture you would have saved it (y'know, because you're you) but you know that this image exists, it appeals to you, you've seen it, but you don't have it saved

    The way this is worded, makes it sound like you're concerned about the fact that I didn't save it the first time around, when I came upon it and I was wondering why that was a concern?

  11. Wulff I would berate you for asking that, but to be honest I'm more concerned about this. I would assume that your first time seeing that picture you would have saved it (y'know, because you're you) but you know that this image exists, it appeals to you, you've seen it, but you don't have it saved


    I swear to dog if you're planning to whack it off to the implication that a keion would be killed by her tomodachi's I'll

    do nothing because you're in Denmark and I really don't expect anything more from you anymore



    yeah this is bothering me too

    I don't understand what the problem is? Why is it a problem that I didn't save the image the first time around? It's an honest mistake.

  12. Hey uh... Now that we're on the topic of tanks and stuff, I have a request.


    Now this might sound a little weird, but I promise you there is no reason look too much into this, it's all very innocent. A long time ago, I found an image which essentially was a recreation of that really famous image of a squad of Wehrmacht soldiers, holding a gun to a Polish(?) boy's head just shortly before torching a church filled with civilians.


    This image



    Now the recreation of this image, was done with the cast of K-On instead. I need it for... Reasons. So if any of you just so happen to have something like that saved, it would be much appreciated!

  13. I was bored, so I decided to watch GuP. It was basicly what I expected, cute girls doing cute things in tonks. Thou I did not expect that I would like to watch more.

    I was under the impression you had already watched GuP.


    Yukari is also undisputedly best GuP
