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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. Today I've watched Hayao Miyazaki's last directorial film "Kaze Tachinu" (or "The Wind Rises" in English). It's a film which chronicles the life of Jiro Horikoshi, a Japanese aeronautical engineer, who according to Miyazaki himself, had been an inspiration in Miyazaki's life. The name "Jiro Horikoshi" probably does not ring a bell with most people, but I am certain that his final and most famous creation will, as he was the engineer behind the creation of the Japanese "Zero" fighter.


    At a 126 minutes lenght, the movie is a stunningly animated story of the life of Horikoshi and while I personally felt the movie was longer than it needed to be, I was not bored through any part of it. Ghibli made some interesting design choices both in music and animation and while the story of the anime itself might be boring to some (It is not the very "usual" Ghibli fantasy tale), it is definitely one of the best animated works to come out in a while. I recommend watching it.

  2. So the first few chapters of SAO: Progressive is amazing. Its main character is Asuna, not kirito. And apparently Asuna is a grade a student who was on a fast track to tokyo u with strict parents and a studying fetish. Its actually. super good. 

    Nice try Kawahara. 

  3. Bravely Default is a lot of fun. It's been a while since I've absent-mindedly started a game only to look up from the screen 4 hours later and realize it's the middle of the night.


    On the topic of Bravely Default, I like this one.



    Actually, I'll just go ahead and make a note here... This one... Is mine... Yeah I enjoy this one.

  4. Talking about GitS SAC, I just finished second season. It was fucking awesome, I loved characters, pacing, soundtrack, world building...

    If you have not watched it, you are doing yourself a disservice.

    I always forget to watch the TV series for GitS. I watched the two first movies aaaaaages ago and I loved every minute of them, I really should pick up Stand Alone Complex.

  5. Hey friends.


    I am a massive casual when it comes to Pokemon and I have no idea what half the discussion in this thread is about, but I still have a question.


    Now that I've finally beaten Pokemon Y, what do I do in this game? What can I do? I spent some time getting "stylish" enough to enter that one Boutique and I want to go check out that cave near the Pokemon Village that some guy wouldn't let me into earlier in the playthrough.


    Other than that, what do you do in endgame Pokemon?

  6. I'm in a bit of a different situation. I got over Pokemon pretty quickly back in the day and Pokemon Y is actually only the 2nd Pokemon game I've ever owned, Pokemon Blue being the 1st. I used to watch the original TV anime as a kid and I watched the first Pokemon movie, but I never finished the TV anime or got particularly attached to it, so I don't really have a pull from that aspect.


    I can't stop cracking up at the XY TV anime though, I don't know if it is because it is the middle of the night and I am a bit sleep-deprived, but it is actually hilarious to me.


    Also since when does Team Rocket have that blue Pokemon with them? I only remember Meowth.


  7. As I am currently finding myself in a prolonged situation with a very limited amount of entertainment options, I finally took the time to play through my copy of Pokemon Y, finishing the main "story" only ~9 months after I originally bought the game. Not too shabby.


    After finishing the game I felt inspired and decided to download the latest season of the Pokemon TV anime, Pokemon XY and I've been sitting here with the dumbest grin on my face for the past half hour while watching. There is something very weird (to me) about sitting down at the age of 20 to watch Pokemon, which is without a doubt a show targeted towards kids. Despite of this slight awkwardness that I can't shake, it is also giving me a major nostalgia-fever. It's like I am really back in grade school. I'm not going to lie, it's also fun to watch the game I just played through, being animated with a lot of detail.


    Though I will say, watching it in Japanese is kinda screwing with my nostalgia. I am not used to Ash being referred to as "Satoshi".



  8. Copied from the MLM forums, I'm lazy:


    It happened again guys. I received another mysterious package from one of my friends from MLM. This time it was Voodoo.


    I was snapped out of my coma at 10:30 AM by the loud sound of the doorbell ringing through my apartment. I tumbled out of bed in a zombie-like state, juuust barely sensing to at least put a hoodie over myself before answering the door. So there I was, sleepy, in my underwear and in a hoodie that I discovered after having answered the door, was turned the wrong way around... I was wondering what that lump of fabric on my chest was... Turns out it was the actual hoodie part of it.


    To make matters more interesting, the delivery person was a cute girl... Who couldn't help but snicker at my disposition at the time. I apologized for my current state, explaining to her that I was a university student with nothing to do between Christmas and the New Year that required me to get out of bed at any reasonable hour, I gave her my signature and she left.


    I immediately went to work on the package I had received. It was from Shanghai, addressed to my apartment (duh).


    I have to admit, in my "just-having-woken-up-oh-god-where-is-breakfast-mum" state, I didn't at all see the contents of the package coming. Despite the whole "shipped from Shanghai" thing. So I was pleasantly surprised.


    First I got a customized alarm clock


    And it supposedly lights up too, unfortunately I don't have the required batteries right at the moment. Oh and if you don't "get it", it is a reference to the anime "Durarara!!" Thanks Voodoo!


    But there was more. The package contained more. My sleepy self now having been completely dispelled by the giddy "oh-hey-stuff-for-me?" version of myself continued to rip and tear at the package. Once again I was pretty baffled at the context of the next part of the package...






    Just to clarify a few things. It seems to be the sheets to cover a body-pillow of some sort (At least, you can zip it open and stuff it... hehe... penis), anyway it's the cover for a body-pillow, calm down now. That's fine and dandy, but the best part most definitely is the qt3,14 anime grill on the cover. Sakura Kyouko, AKA Best Girl, AKA MAI WAIFU (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧





  9. Disregarding the fact that the quality of Dota 2 cosmetics steadily decline each year, I'm going to say that I believe Dota 2 has one of the fairest F2P models currently on the market. Without going into a debate about certain items changing spell animations to be more/less recognizable or even certain cosmetic items deviating so far from the original hero concept, that the hero becomes not immediately recognizable, you can purchase precisely nothing that will give you any sort of mechanical advantage in the core game.


    You start with access to all heroes and all game modes. There is nothing you can purchase outside of the actual game (Such as in the menus pre-game, for an example) that will give you any kind of advantage.

  10. Ahahahaha! why don't you just hide it when people come over? Have you actually had to explain it? I'm really interested in how that conversation went. 

    Ask JJ on Mumble sometime, he's one of the people I've had to explain it to. I usually do hide it away when people visit, but I have forgotten a few times.

  11. Alright, I had the weirdest fucking dream I have ever experienced that I can remember last night.


    For whatever reason, I was at one of my close childhood friends and soon-to-be roommate's parent's house in this dream and there were a truckload of people there. Turns out, I am getting married. I don't know why that would take place at my friend's parent's house, but sure why not. So I was getting married to my high-school crush, who I haven't spoken to in several years now, named Sofie. Apparently I hadn't invited my parents to the wedding. In fact I hadn't even told them that I was getting married and I had this really bad sinking feeling in my stomach because I felt really bad about not telling them or inviting them, it was the only thing I could think about, as I was talking to people at the wedding about random shit. So then my bride to-be comes over and we start conversing and suddenly it hits me: She's a Scientologist. So not only am I getting married at my friend's parent's house without my own being present or even knowing about it, I am getting married to a Scientologist. (Sofie wasn't a Scientologist though, not to my knowledge anyway) and I just remember thinking in the dream: "Well fuck, that's really bad. I am guaranteed to have to go through one divorce".


    Suddenly i'm sitting there, waiting for my bride to walk up the church floor and my best men are the people I usually hang out with on Mumble: Silent, Grier, Rhombo, Ntizan and Marcus and they're laughing their asses off because I am confessing to them that I really don't want to do this, because she is a Scientologist and I felt really confused about the fact that I didn't remember that until we were at this point in the wedding. Not only were my best men my Mumble buddies, but the minister for the ceremony was Facade for whatever fucking reason and he was being super smug about the fact that I was getting married throughout the dream.


    I was woken up from the dream just as we were about to start the ceremony by a really loud scooter driving right past my window.

  12. It doesn't invalidate everything because the entire plot was set up for this moment.

    Exactly this.

    It's the reason why I dislike it when people claim the movie "invalidates" the TV anime. I'm not trying to tread on you here Simon, because god knows you're not the only one with this opinion, but I just don't understand it. The story progresses, the characters progress, things happens, plot points occur, the story continues. That is what happens in the movie. How exactly does it make the TV anime obsolete?


    With that mindset, anything that has ever been "concluded" can never have a sequel, because it might invalidate something that happened in prior installments of whatever the subject? I honestly just can't help but view it as an irrational reaction to a movie that didn't go the direction that was expected.


    It is 100% true that Homura's actions invalidates Madoka's wishes, but they both exist as characters within the show and all it is, is progression of the story. Nothing about the TV anime is invalidated. At all.


    Changed? Undermined? Invalidated from a character perspective? Yes. But hardly invalidated in its entirety.

  13. The ending invalidates the entire show. That is unforgivably atrocious.

    No it doesn't. All Homura did was rip Madoka as a person out of the Law of the Cycle. The Law of the Cycle still exists and still absorbs the despair of dying magical girls, it's just no longer Madoka. It's its own thing. It totally undermines Madoka's wish to protect everyone and everything, but that's the entire point. Homura has suffered through so much that she got a bit insane and greedy. She doesn't care about Madoka's wish anymore, all she wants is her own personal desire, which is Madoka. Or rather, she doesn't want Madoka to "suffer". She says it herself at the end of the TV series. That Madoka's fate through her wish is "incredibly cruel". All Homura wants is to help Madoka, but she has taken matters into her own hands and is disregarding everyone else. She believes she knows what is best for everyone involved.


    And she has accepted the fact that she will have to become the villain in order to do so.

  14. Could this be it boys? Could there finally be a recommendation made by Voodoo that I will actually like? It will truly be a historic moment if that is the case, though this anime still has 22 episodes left to fuck itself over in. So far "Shinsekai Yori" is really interesting.



  15. DK, iG and EG are my predictions. I know VG have been doing well in the group stages, but I think they're going to lose more with the format changing to BO3's.


    I still want C9 to win, I still believe.


    Also please use the edit post function instead of double-posting within such a short timeframe, it becomes needless clutter.
