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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. Since this seems to be the plot to some animes, I feel this is relevant: What is a "host club" in layman's terms? The best description I'm getting thus far is "night karaoke bar."

    It sort of is a night karoke bar. It boils down to females or males entertaining the opposite gender. You know, like prostitution, except legal and without any sexual intercourse. It's just somewhere people go to wind down and/or get attention. The employees at a host club will converse with you, play games with you, sing karaoke with you, drink with you etc.


    Actually you know what, a better description would be a strip club without the nudity and stripping.

  2. Corv got me to watch the first episodes for Lucky Star and Nichijou along with the first 3 episodes of K-On.


    Am I allowed to participate here now.

    I am very curious about something EvilBrain and I am not trying to antagonize anyone here but...


    Did you find Lucky Star to be interesting or funny at all?


    I don't want to go into a long rant on this, but I just can't imagine that someone who has limited experience with anime and Japanese culture in general can find that show to be particularly interesting. I am not trying to put you down or anything, but Lucky Star's comedy relies a lot on Japanese topical humour or stabs at anime culture and tropes in general. Not exclusively, but majorly. I remember attempting to watch Lucky Star about a year ago, when I was still getting into anime in general and I just found it to be beyond boring. The first episode where they spend ~10 minutes talking about food nearly made me give up on the anime right there and then.


    Nichijou and K-On I can understand. K-On is a very beginner friendly anime and it was the second anime I ever watched and I liked it quite a bit. It's comfy. Nichijou is a bit less beginner friendly, because that also has some Japanese topical humour, granted it is not on the same level as Lucky Star.


    I finished 11eyes and I hate you for making me watch this Corv. It was so bad. Sooooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.


    yukiko a best tho amirite


    Sorry, I generally don't like megane shoujo. I can't remember a single anime where the character with glasses is my favourite. I actually find glasses mostly unappealing, which is weird considering I wear glasses.

    Also can I just say that the only redeeming factor that anime had, was the fact that the female school uniform included a beret and I fucking love berets.

  4. 11eyes is a go.

    Starting off strong with some delicious suffering, my favourite.




    By the way Corv, I have no idea if this anime was something you wanted me to watch because you yourself liked it, or because its shit and you wanted me to suffer. So for now I am going to assume that it's going to be a decent watch. NEVERMIND THAT, WITHIN THE FIRST MINUTE OF ANIMATION FOLLOWING THE OP THERE HAS BEEN A RANDOM PANTY-SHOT AND THE MC IS AN EDGY TEENAGER WITH AN EYEPATCH.



    EDIT: That's the third panty-shot within the first 10 minutes. What the fuck am I watching?


    EDIT3: oh titty-fucking Christ this anime is literally everything that is wrong with this medium. please kill me. now. why corv, why?

  5. And Wulff would beyond hate Zero no Tsukaima


    Come on guys, hate is a strong wor-






    Also I will be watching 11eyes. First 4 episodes are ready to be watched.

  6. Hey friends, I just finished Psycho-Pass and it was really good. Like "Best anime I've seen in months" good.


    Now I am looking for something new to watch and I figured we could have some fun. I'll watch the first anime that is recommended to me in this thread, following this post. Regardless of what it is. I have some rules for this though.


    1. No porn. Ecchi sure, but no straight up hentai.

    2. No more than 26 episodes in the season.

    3. If I can't find any subs for the anime, I'll watch something else. I don't want to watch raws or dubs.

    4. If I have already seen the anime, I won't rewatch it.


    So now is the time to force that anime you really love onto someone else or to make my life miserable by suggesting something completely moronic.


    please have mercy


    Whatever you do, give me something (anything!) before Voodoo wakes up and sees this thread... Otherwise I'll be forced to watch Fate Kaleid Prisma Illya and my brain will actually melt and seep out of my nose and ears.

  7. Psycho-Pass has been really good so far. The unfortunate side effect is that I find myself having to stop watching it after a couple of episodes, to go play Deus Ex, as they share all the same themes.


    It's like Ghost in the Shell all over again.


    I need a Spheal for reasons. How 2 Obtain?


    pls respond ;_;


    I have access to spheal if you don't mind waiting like 8 hours.



    You're my fucking hero. Unfortunately, I won't be able to come grab it for a while. Mind if I send you a PM when I am ready some time in the future?
