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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. Looks like I am in the minority here, but even as a complete newcomer to the Payday series, I am currently enjoying the Heist more than I am Payday 2. It's hard to explain from my perspective, because I will definitely concede that Payday 2 is a lot more streamlined than the Heist has been in terms of levelling up skills and acquiring items and both games suffer from the same flaws (The fact that the only challenge in many (READ: Not all) the heists essentially lies in the AI bruteforcing as hard as it possibly can with waves upon waves of cannon-fodder).


    But with that said, The Heist has a vastly superior soundtrack (In my opinion) and it sets the mood way better than Payday 2 could ever hope to. 


    In a completely different topic:

    I bought a 3DS last year with the release of Pokemon X/Y. Alongside the 3DS and Pokemon, I bought Fire Emblem: Awakening, because I had been meaning to get into the series. Since then, I have not purchased a single game for my 3DS and I am thinking it is about time that I add one more game to my 3DS library.


    Any suggestions for must-play games on the 3DS? I'm open to pretty much anything, but I am not very well-versed in Nintendo products... The last and only other Nintendo console I have ever owned was the original Gameboy.

  2. I have shown up at Silent's record of the Anti-brony vs Brony Highlander War, but unfortunately, he declined to put up the second match, where the Anti-Brony team wrecked the Bronies 3-0 in five minutes, with me backcapping twice, and only getting stopped at the third attempt.


    Other than that, I've shown up in some Rising Storm stream clip. It was one of my first matches as Commander, and I didn't do too well, although our team won the map. 


    I was involved with that as well, though I don't remember losing at any point. Was it a rematch? Because I think I was only involved in the first bit. The maps were Gullywash and Badwater Basin IIRC. Gullywash was a pretty close hustle, but I remember Hertz ragequitting fairly early within the Badwater round and then everything kinda fell apart.

  3. Thank god the Sticky changes were reverted, you'd think that it would cause the unwashed masses who has been crying endlessly about this weapon since the dawn of time to finally be quiet. They had their nerf and it was stupid. Unfortunately I am certain that this is just going to cause people to complain in increased strenght.

  4. These are just our personal games, right? Because the list of games I think people must play because I like them and the list of games I think people must play because of their influence and innovation are very different. Actually I'll just do two lists, why not?


    List of games you should play because they are extremely enjoyable and among the best of the best within their genres

    • Heroes of Might & Magic III
    • Age of Empires II
    • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    • Battlefield 1942
    • Street Fighter III: Third Strike


    List of games you should play if you want to see the roots of gaming as we know it today

    • Doom
    • Dune
    • Ultima
    • Super Mario Bros
    • Street Fighter

  5. I'll have to third in on the "torrenting is not pointless" train.


    Everyone consumes anime differently, but there is no argument in saying that torrenting anime is pointless, because it is just not true. If you're looking for quality, torrenting is essentially the only place to find shows in high definition, outside of buying the Blu-Rays.


    And I heavily disagree with your statement about there being nothing entry-level. Do you believe that there aren't any shows that are more easily digestible for a western audience, inexperienced with Japanese animation as a medium? Entry-level doesn't equate to a show being bad, even if extreme elitist would have you believe that. Compare a show like Cowboy Bebop to a show like Kaiba for example. Cowboy Bebop is very entry-level, due to its many western influences, while Kaiba is the polar opposite of entry-level, because of it being very vague and with an artstyle that can be difficult to swallow.


    "suggestions suck" is also a pretty obnoxious blanket statement to make.




    I disagree with you.


    Because I'm a newbie who doesn't know things, where is the best place to get animus?




    the bit at the bottom, might not have been updated in a while though



    Please do not bully the newbie. I expected better from you Alex.

    Don't follow anything that image says. First of all, those anime are all shit or not real anime, secondly the bottom bit is just stupid.




    Because I'm a newbie who doesn't know things, where is the best place to get animus?



    bakabt.me (private tracker, they expect you to maintain a download/upload ratio, so be careful what you leech and seed)

    subgroups blogs/sites



    Bakabt.me also doesn't support the latest versions of Utorrent. Something to do with it having options to deny seeding or some such. I have to use a seperate torrenter to upload with them (which is horrid because i forget to run it all the time) and still i've taken less popular anime from them and seeding it is useless because it no one downloads it anyway. Oh well rant over.


    Probably because uTorrent has gotten progressively worse and is now an ad ridden, inefficient piece of botnet software. The older versions of uTorrent were far superior to what it currently is. Have some alternatives. First one is an old version of uTorrent from before it went to shit. 




  7. Because I'm a newbie who doesn't know things, where is the best place to get animus?



    bakabt.me (private tracker, they expect you to maintain a download/upload ratio, so be careful what you leech and seed)

    subgroups blogs/sites

  8. I'm going to add my own personal input to your brorther's list, take it as you will.


    Guys, I do not animu and my brother animus greatly. Thus, he has set up this list of must-watch animus for me in order to educate myself.


    Top priority

    -Cowboy Bebop - Episodic series with an overarching storyline. Covers a lot of themes and episodes are varied nicely. Considered one of the most beginner-friendly anime there is, but also a classic.
    -Code Geass - An anime that can be very off-putting due to its art and a few characters. If you can see past that, it is a very captivating story with about as many twists and turns as you can think of.
    -Stein's Gate - This anime is one of the only stories to actually incorporate time-travel in a decent manner. It is by no means perfect and is often slandered for its slow beginning, but once it gets going it REALLY gets going. It's funny, it's cute, it's interesting and it gets really intense by the end of it.
    -AnoHana (w/ movie) - I have an extreme dislike for this anime personally. I forced myself through it, because everyone and their mother's were telling me "how sad it is". In the end it boiled down to nothing more than stupid teenage characters, non-sensical plot twists and a ton of melo-drama. WOULD RECOMMEND YOU STEER CLEAR OF
    -Golden Time - N/A
    -Clannad - I consider Clannad to be the saddest anime I've ever seen. The problem Clannad has, is that it spends a lot of time getting you comfortable with its characters, leading to almost 30 episodes of just "high-school shenanigans". It does try and invoke emotions in this time, but it falls flat for the most part. It is not a bad anime by anime means, but the amazing parts really don't kick in until the second season. It does get really, really good in the second season.
    -Kyokai no Kanata - KyoAni's attempt at making a more serious and violent show. On paper it sounds good, after the first episode it will probably have caught your interest, but around episode 3-4 I dropped it harder than a rock, because it went back to the usual KyoAni business, with cute girls doing cute things. I heavily disliked this anime, as it had a good premise and immediately drops it for HIGHSCHOOL ANGST, which we already have 700000 anime of.
    -Jormungand - Short and sweet. If you like guns, you will probably like this anime. It's heavy on the action and heavy on the characters. Lacks direction and the story doesn't have a whole lot of impact, it's mostly about shooting things. It's a fine action series though.
    -FLCL - I'm not going to lie. If you're new to anime, this is probably one of the worst shows to watch. You won't understand a thing. FLCL is a great show in my opinion, but I think it's a bad idea to make it one of your first anime.
    -Kyousougiga - Starts out a little confusing and overwhelming, but fuses into a very fun and interesting story. I personally enjoyed Kyousougiga a lot.
    -Arakawa Under the Bridge - N/A
    -Psycho Pass - N/A
    -Mirai Nikki - Edgy and angsty teenages: the animation. Mirai Nikki is well loved by many, but I couldn't stand it. It tries SO hard to be as serious and violent as possible and to me it just came off ridiculously. You might like, I personally forced myself through 5 episodes until I decided that it wasn't worth my time. Has a lot of people dying and a very poorly put together plot.
    -Koroko Connect - Highschoolers doing highschool things: the serious version. Kokoro connect was actually a surprisingly good watch. Unfortunately, it culminates within the first arc of the series and never quites reaches an emotional climax like that again. The first arc is great, the rest are just ok, bordering on stupid.
    -Shin Sekai Yori - N/A
    -Durarara - Made by the same people who did "Baccano!!" and has the same spider-web plotline, where a whole slew of characters are introduced and eventually all meet up in the middle. Starts really strong and continues strong, until the first climax in the middle of the series. After that it falls off a bit and the actual ending is underwhelming. Still worth a watch. I'd watch "Baccano!!" over Durarara.
    -Mawaru Penguin Drum - N/A (But a lot of people tell me it is excellent).
    -Little Busters! - Anime is OK. Visual novel does it miles better.
    -Rainbow - N/A (I have a friend who loves this one though).
    -Daily Lives of High School Boys
    Humour is subjective, I won't really say much. Both of these shows have a very similar style of comedy. If you like one, you'll probably like the other.
    Slice of Life
    -Usagi Drop - A very cute and heartwarming show. I'm happy to see that this made it onto his SoL list over many other things. You might not find it interesting, but I'll be damned if it doesn't make you all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
    -Angel Beats - In the same vein as AnoHana, this is an anime that people told me was really sad. I found it poorly paced and planned, not to mention being extremely poorly written around the middle part and an utterly lackluster ending. A lot of shit doesn't make sense and I found it trying way too hard to be funny at times.
    -A Sunday Without God - N/A



    I only know like a third of these, and only in the sense that I have heard the name before. What am I walking into?

  9. Went to my friend's house because he was hosting the school's anime club end-of-the-year meeting and needed someone to keep him sane. We watched like three dumbass shows and I wanted to die they were so dumb. Thankfully we finished with an episode of K-On, which was... ok. Mugi and Ritsu were cute, but eh, not my cup of tea.


    I forget that Ghibli films are good rather than the standard.


    Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?


    Baka to Test


    I am so sorry you had to watch those three, Huff. So sorry.


    Mugi a best, Ghibli a great.


    Still slowly getting through Yuru Yuri (8 episodes in), less uncomfortable to watch now.

    Best girl is

    Sakurako, followed by Chitose.

    Best amusement club member is

    Kyoko or Yui, I can't decide.


    Good taste in best Yuru. Saku bros WW@?


    As long as you don't say fucking Chinatsu, it's all good.
