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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. Beat Transistor just now, I have mixed feelings on the game, but overall it is positive feelings. My biggest complaint would probably be a lack of challenge. I added every single "Limiter" I could find during my first playthrough and I still breezed through it. Limiters essentially buff the enemies of the game in various different ways and reward with you with stacking bonus experience, depending on how many Limiters you add. I never "died" in the game, not even once.


    This could be remedied by the fact that the game has what is basically "New Game +", which I have yet to start, but supposedly it adds another layer of challenge to the enemies, but the base game was pretty damn easy, even with the added difficulty of Limiters.


    The game looked nice, the music was great, the combat had a lot of substance and I spent a ton of time experimenting with the myriad of function combinations. The final bossfight was surprisingly fun and I very much liked the ending. I've yet to play it through on NG+ and I've yet to beat all the "tests" (Which are various challenges), so at least the game will probably tide me over another 5-6 hours.

  2. Okay, maybe someone will explain this to me: why is Touhou and it's fandom so popular ? Is it only because of bullethell games? How do I wrap my head around Touhou? ( I now it's not actually animu, don't bash me)


    First of all it's old. Really old. The Touhou Project will be 20 years old next year, which means it has had plenty of time to grow. Second of all, because of the way the intellectual rights to the Touhou Project works, people can basically do whatever they want with it and this has caused a ton of people to start creating fan content for, both because they like Touhou and/or for profits. Third of all it has a very ambiguous universe and thus people started spinning crazy tales and stories about Touhou and the it's "lore", further helping the fan creation side of things. Fourth of all: It has cute girls... Many cute girls. Fifth and finally the original Touhou games were actually pretty good, all things considered.


    Like it or not, Touhou is actually frighteningly similar to Ponies, with a few striking differences of course, but in terms of rabid fanbase, overall growth and fan created content, they're quite similar... Which is part of the reason why I tend to stay away from the Touhou fandom, even though I enjoy the games and the music a lot, because the fandom is creepy as hell for the most part, just like Bronies.



    Girls and panzer bugs me because they translate Japanese into German for NO good reason. I only understood it because the phrases are so generic in Japanese I could understand.

    In other news, no game no life just keeps getting better and better




    a lot of the greetings or something else would be in german, even though the girls were speaking in japanese Not even japanese with an accent, just normal japanese. But the subbers would put down german, and not english subs. It annoyed me. 



    Yeah, that's because you're watching shitty fucking subs. Let me guess, you used Commie for GuP? Because they throw in pointless German troll-subs.


    That's exactly what I was talking about the other day.

  4. Girls and panzer bugs me because they translate Japanese into German for NO good reason. I only understood it because the phrases are so generic in Japanese I could understand.

    In other news, no game no life just keeps getting better and better



  5. The last three days I watched the first episodes of three animes about girls going to high school for the first time


    K-On: You were completely right paero, this is comfy. I actually watched the second episode as well and found it pretty entertaining, it's a very nice change of pace from Breaking Bad which I've recently been watching. I also really like the endtro song, which is rare since I despise JPop


    Yuru Yuri: was incredibly boring. I liked how they made a joke about one of the MCs being a moeblob without personality without actually resolving that issue.


    Watamote: Why would anyone watch this. It's sad and mean and gross and sad. This is either for people who are just as awful people as Tomoko herself or who find comfort in being able to think "well I could be even more of a useless sack of shit" while watching it, which is even sadder. Why.



    Thus ends my escapade into shows I feel I shouldn't be watching as a 21 year old


    Thank you for your contribution.

  6. I'm scared, intrigued and still pissed off that Lain confuses me.


    Srsly tho what is this site?


    It's just a fansite that someone has put some effort into making. Inspired by the whole "Wired" thing from Serial Experiments Lain. Some of it is pretty fucking creepy though. Have you tried pushing the button that reads "Go Visible"?


    That anime was really fucking good.

  7. I will be surprised if Liquid doesn't take the NA qualifiers. They are by far the most experienced and coordinated team. The only ones who come close to them in terms of experience would be NAR.


    Anyway, with qualifiers about to start, time to avoid the Twitch chat and every Mumble server in the world like I usually do. Last year seemed to be filled with people backseat gaming the whole competition, moaning about their least favorite casters, or talking about Kaci's breasts. 


    Are you trying to tell me that the pros just might have a better idea of what they're doing, than I do when spectating their games? Don't be ridiculous.

  8. Yeah I was actually really uncomfortable when watching Yuru Yuri the first time myself. I mean, we're talking about middleschoolers here. Young girls who've barely hit puberty and yet here they are being brought to life on screen in these frankly disturbing circumstances, where they're made out to be in love with each other, when they've clearly not matured emotionally one bit. It's like the fapfiction of a deranged male that has been brought to life on television with just the right amount of sexual undertones to make it PG 13 and not full on ecchi.


    I honestly think it's a disgusting show that appeals to the lowest common denominator and lonely otakus who have no grasp on reality and want to believe that little girls actually act like this. Here's a hint: They do not.


    How sad that this is what anime has become. The show was so succesful that it got a second season and is now even getting an OVA, yes, there is that much money in it. This is what has taken over the anime market in todays world. In a world where being a pedophile is slowly becoming acceptable in some circles on the internet. Newsflash: It doesn't matter if it's all drawn and not actually real, the thought of people getting off to it is still equally disturbing.


    Truly, society is in a downwards spiral.



    i need a picture of Dekomori doing mugi fish right now. 


    Straight to the point aren't we, Voodoo? Damn.


    You seem to be taking the very serious matter of cute girls doing cute things lightly, Wulff...



    Hey you know me Paero...


    I don't know where I'm going with this, so I guess I'll post cute girls


