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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. is there a way to liquidate a large number of shitty items?

    I have dozens of crates/commons/uncommons/bad rares and honestly listing them for $.03 each isnt worth it with the steam client being what it is

    and I need to be ready for the new meepo set


    The New Bloom update allowed you to offer items for the chance of greater rewards. Perhaps they will do something similar with another upcoming event. Otherwise the fastest way to get rid of items these days is to either delete them (Which no longer gives you anything in return) or to give them away... Which I guess can also be a hassle.

  2. So in short ironsight is ok in realistic shooters but awful in arena shooters.


    I'd agree with something like this. Although I'm pretty mixed on ADS in arcade shooters (Such as Call of Duty). In arena shooters, let hipfire be hipfire. As a lot of people above me have said, those games are for the most part all about momentum and less about putting yourself in the shoes of a regular soldier.


    Truth be told, I have a bigger gripe with the way most "realistic" shooting games handle hipfiring. I assume some of you guys here have fired a gun. Here in Denmark, we still have conscription, so I've had the pleasure of firing a C7A1 Rifle down range (Some of you might know it better as the M95 Carbine) and I can tell you from personal experience that hipfiring is fucking worthless unless the guy is literally 5 feet away from you. Too many games allow for hipfiring to be a viable strategy in medium range combat when it really, really is not. It's a proper waste of ammunition and only dumb luck if you hit anything while hipfiring beyond a short distance.


    Don't even get me started on recoil and reloading. Very few games get it right.

  3. Huh? I wasn't aware it had a reputation as otaku-pandering.


    It doesn't, but after reading the description for the show and catching a few odd screenshots here and there, it definitely looked like your typical otaku-pandering show. I really like the character design of Chaika (Mainly her fucking eyebrows), but I can't be fucked to sit there and watch some moe-blob disguised as fantasy, if that is the case.


    This image standing out in particular.




    But real talk? Yeah its pretty much otaku pandering, its got moe glob who can't speak in full sentances, Kind-of incest because the main character grew up with the girl he calls "his sister", and a moe loli. i'm still following it but you wouldn't like it pretty sure. 


    Gotcha. You and I have argued over anime long enough for me to trust you, when you say I probably won't like it.

  4. I'm watching some shit this season:


    -Selector Infected WIXOSS

    -Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

    -Ishuukan Friends

    -Hitsugi no Chaika


    Real talk: Is Hitsugi no Chaika actually worth something, or is it just your very average otaku-pandering anime?

  5. Some of them are unknown to me, but I could name you the rosters of:

    Team Liquid

    Sneaky Nyx Assassins

    North American Rejects



    Isurus Gaming


    And I don't even follow the American scene all that much (Only really C9, if you can even call them a NA team). So I wouldn't call those teams completely no-name. Sneaky Nyx Assassins is Fluff n' Stuff and Ixmike's new team. North American Rejects is Theeban (1437) and that lot. Etc.

  6. Contrary to what I've been saying on the past few pages I'm about to start Girls und Panzer. Partially because it seems like cute grills doing cute things and partially so I can say Guy's waifu is shit.


    I'm not sure you will like it. I'm a GuP fan, but even I recognize that the show is pretty mediocre. The only reasons I got through that show was because of my interest in tanks and Yukari (Who is best girl all day, every day).

  7. Can somebody explain the eyepatch trope to me


    There are so many anime girls with that eyepatch thing


    Depending on the anime you're watching it can be a couple of different things. The most common two things are:


    A: They've actually lost/damaged an eye (This is the case for a character in Jormungand for example)

    B: Their eye has some kind of mystical power that they need to keep hidden (This is the case for a character in Code Geass for example)


    Now finally there is a last "reason" for the eyepatches that is becoming ever more popular within anime/light novels. That reason is characters wearing it for the sake of "looking cool". Literally these characters have seen/read about anime/manga characters wearing these eye patches, thinks they're cool and mysterious and then decides to wear them themselves, despite their eyes being perfectly functional and having no special abilities.


    Basically, it's become "moe". (This is the case for a character in "Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!")

  8. So uh, while I appreciate the dictator discussion and image dumps and all that, has anyone actually been watching anime recently?


    I picked up "Jormungand" recently and it has been surprisingly enjoyable. It wasn't what I was expecting and there are a few things about it I dislike, but overall it's a good watch, especially because of the staggering amount of


    Cool guns



    And I literally just finished "Kokoro Connect", which also took me by surprise. A bit on the melodramatic and teenage angsty side, but for the most part is was fine and the voice actors were excellent.


    Can anyone here think of any games in which you play as PMCs?

    I need to know for reasons and I am having a hard time thinking of any myself.


    Mercenaries 2 (and I presume Mercenaries 1) has you play as the leader of a PMC.


    Sorry, I should have specified it being for the PC. Updated my original post.



    tbh i kinda dont like the thought of cute anime grills getting slaughtered by/slaughtering young/old men and other anime grills








    This is gonna fucking go one of two ways bitch nigga.


    1. pls dont

    2. I start dumping my Free! folder



    Fine, I'll stop.


    You know that third picture I initially posted of the anime characters in Nazi uniforms? Yeah that third picture totally got my gears turning, if you know what I mean.


    I'll leave you with that.



    How can you not like cute girls in uniform?

    Uniform is all good. It's when it's specifically nazi shit that I begin to get weirded out. That being said from what I can see none of yours were, but still god damn that last picture.


    How about some cute Russian grills then?








    Some people I know keep telling me to watch more anime.    What are some good ones so I can watch them and tell said people to shut up?


    Some of the aforementioned people keep telling me to watch Attack on Titan.  Is it actually decent, or will I be vindicated in my typical strategy of hating what is stupidly popular at the moment?


    Attack on Titan is fine, nothing more. Pacing is atrocious but the action is pretty damn good. Incredibly overhyped though.


    As for what to watch. It totally depends on a lot of things. Do you have any genres you prefer in general (Romance, Sci-fi, Horror)? How new are you to anime?



    I like sci-fi a lot.  I have watched a little before, but it was never a huge part of how I entertained myself.  I remember liking what I saw of Cowboy Bebop.



    Cowboy Bebop is a good place to start because it's a very broad anime. It's episodic with the exception of half a dozen episodes that explore the characters and their backgrounds. Due to the episodic nature of the show, it covers a lot of themes. Cowboy Bebop was what got me hooked on anime and it is sci-fi at the end of the day, so it would probably be a good place to start for you.


    Tell your friends to hush regarding Attack on Titan. And for the love of god don't watch Sword Art Online.

  13. Don't understand the whole cute anime grills and nazi thing,


    Don't like the whole cute anime grills and nazi thing.


    How can you not like cute girls in uniform?


    Some people I know keep telling me to watch more anime.    What are some good ones so I can watch them and tell said people to shut up?


    Some of the aforementioned people keep telling me to watch Attack on Titan.  Is it actually decent, or will I be vindicated in my typical strategy of hating what is stupidly popular at the moment?


    Attack on Titan is fine, nothing more. Pacing is atrocious but the action is pretty damn good. Incredibly overhyped though.


    As for what to watch. It totally depends on a lot of things. Do you have any genres you prefer in general (Romance, Sci-fi, Horror)? How new are you to anime?



    Why don't you just use the Edit button, Paero?
