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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. I've started playing Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (Touhou 10.5). It's pretty fun. Lots and lots and lots of bullet spam.


    I thought I was the only one.


    Mokou is

    Best girl



  2. After scrapping Log Horizon, I've started watching "Michiko to Hatchin". I'm not very far in, but so far it feels like Cowboy Bebop with a different set of characters and a hispanic theme. So far I'm enjoying it very much.



  3. Well I picked up and subsequently dropped Log Horizon after giving it the "3 Episode Rule". I don't think the anime itself is bad at all, in fact, I wish I could find the interest to watch it through, because it had some really nice ideas at times. Not to mention that Akatsuki is, at the lack of a better term, "moe as fuck". It just wasn't what I was looking for. I think I wanted something a bit more serious and the fact that we were getting panty jokes and pervert discussion not even halfway into the first episode kinda put me off. Plus all of the sillyness that occurred later didn't really put me in the mood to watch. That guild lady who was swooning over Akatsuki being cute got on my nerves real fucking fast and the whole "I'm going to knee you in the face every time you say something perverted" thing between Akatsuki and the Tank guy who's name I forget also got really boring when it had happened like 4 times in the span of 3 episodes.


    I don't want to call the anime bad, but it felt too much like your typical SoL anime in the first 3 episodes, for me to give a shit. Maybe I'll pick it back up some day where I just want to watch something silly.

  4. I haven't even seen Log Horizon and I still want this OP to make it onto some kinda list of top50 catchiest anime OP's.




    It's like I'm really listening to a Japanese version of Rage Against the Machine.


    In other news, I'm having anime storage problems.


  5. I have had "Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2" for about a year, but when playing on a Rising Storm map today I only had access to rifleman class and didnt get any xp and such. So I basically have to buy Rising Storm even if I didn't think I had to. Or am I wrong? Either way, it is strange, but I guess it's alright.


    I didn't play much of it, mostly just started playing Red Orchestra 2 this week. It's pretty fun.


    If you purchased Red Orchestra a long time ago, you will only have full access to Red Orchestra 2. Rising Storm is an expansion for the game, but Tripwire didn't want to split the community, so they merged the two games into one client. Which is why even though you might have only owned Red Orchestra 2, your game becomes "Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2". When you do not own Rising Storm, you are still able to play on all the maps in the game, but you are locked to the Rifleman class and you cannot gain combat experience of any kind, as you noticed yourself.

    The weird thing is: If you buy Red Orchestra 2, you only get access to RO2 maps and the Rising Storm maps with above mentioned limitations, but if you buy Rising Storm without owning Red Orchestra 2 prior, you get full access to the multiplayer in both. The only thing you don't get is the singleplayer of RO2, which is kinda pointless anyway.


    It's a bit out of character but I can SORT OF see it happening sort of kind of? Still really weird & super surprising/out of character.


    I think had I not seen the last 15 minutes of rebellion I think I would've been slightly happier with rebellion, but it was still pretty good, 9/10 would watch again


    [spoiler2]In my mind her little... episode was just the result of ALL THE SHIT she had gone through bursting out violently.


    I mean, she's endured a metric fucktonne of suffering, over and over and over, culminating in the reason why she kept suffering unexisting herself. Not only that, but she kept on fighting for Madoka-knows how long before eventually being soul-fucked by the Incubators. And then she fucked her OWN mind (and all her friends as well) up so bad that she had to literally escape from her own illusion... by becoming the same thing that killed her friends over and over.


    So yeah, at least in my mind, she's gone through enough shit to be... Beyond insane.[/spoiler2]


    See, the problem with that perspective is that movie itself sort of contradicts it. I'm on the same page as you: In a way, I can understand why Homura would go batshit crazy after dealing with what she has dealt with. The issue is however, is that she spends 10 minutes of the film talking about how she would rather sacrifice herself, than let the Incubators take control over Madoka, because Madoka (and Madoka's wish) is so precious to her. When she realizes she is the master of labyrinth and the witch who is keeping all of her friends trapped, she has a rather long dialogue with Kyubey, where he reveals the true nature of the labyrinth. She asks him what the purpose of all of this was and he tells her that it is to confirm the existence of the karmic force known to the Incubators only as "The Law of the Cycle". Homura's had enough dealings with his race to not believe that though and she calls him out on there being more to it. Indeed, they want to ultimately control this karmic force, in order to force Magical Girls into becoming witches.


    That whole spiel is why Homura decides to sacrifice herself inside of her witch egg, giving up her salvation. At this point in the movie, her desire is still for Madoka to be safe and she is willing to suffer eternal despair to keep her safe. That's what that whole segment is about.


    The problem then arises when Madoka and friends bail her out of her predicament and save her from her horrifying fate. All of this takes place over the span of about 20-25 minutes in the movie and then immediately following all this, this whole dramatic sequence of Homura's sacrifice and her friends coming to her rescue so that she may know peace within the Law of the Cycle and be reunited with Madokami, she goes and fucks with the laws of the universe.


    I would be more willing to accept this drastic change of character, if they hadn't been building her up like they did prior to the ending of Rebellion Story.


    Like I said in my original post on the subject, I was extremely disappointed with the last 15 minutes of the movie and me being the Meguca fanboy that I am, I immediately went off to the corners of the internet, to see what people way smarter than myself had to say about it. Some of the stuff I came about helped soothe my anger about the ending and some of it helped flare it right back up. Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few plausible explanations for why Homura acts like she acts, but as plausible as they are, they are still totally turned on their heads by the fact that Homura is willing to sacrifice herself for Madoka 10 minutes before she basically becomes the devil. 


    Funnily enough, I found an interview with Gen Urobuchi (The writer of Madoka Magica, among others) and he confessed that the initial draft for the movie was actually for it to end with Homura ascending peacefully with Madokami, which is probably the reason why it plays out so much like a real ending, that it fooled most people. The whole "Homura becomes the devil and tears Madoka from the heavens" was actually an afterthought, added only because the director of the movie, Akiyuki Shinbou (Director of the Monogatari series, among others) suggested it as an idea. Urobuchi liked the idea so much that he decided to write it in after the storyboard had actually already been concluded. His reasoning was that the whole theme of Madoka Magica, was that everything was supposed to be a bit of a grey area. He felt that the ending he wrote himself was too happy for the show, he wanted an ending that left people guessing.


    Sorry about the wall of text, but I could talk endlessly about this movie.



    His ult + Aghs is basically an instant win button


    I honestly can't even tell if that's sarcasm.


    The post above him is obvious bait, but I don't think the rest are.


    Lion had less than a 14% Pick/Ban rate in pro games in 6.80 and less than a 50% winrate in pubs throughout the entirety of the patch (48.94% to be exact). Aghs Lion is almost irrelevant outside of pubs and even in pubs you will only see the item picked up if Lion was run mid or if the game goes super late. He's a hero with great disables, but he needs to be part of either a tri-lane or have a solo lane (such as middle). Problem with the last part is that there are so many other mids that give you so much more presence in the game (Invoker, Puck, Ember, Storm, Potm).


    Lion is an excellent hero who adds a nice amount of kill potential to any trilane and has solid roaming abilities, but by no means is he OP. At all. He is too level and farm dependent (Needs a Blink Dagger to really have an impact after 20 minutes).

  8. This anime was amazing. Not without fault, I admit, but in the bigger picture it is by far one of the best anime I've ever seen. Highly recommend it.




    The OP is very touching, especially once you've seen the anime.


  9. IF you're looking to purchase it, there is no point in getting Red Orchestra 2. Purchasing Rising Storm will give you access to all the multiplayer content in both games and that is really the only reason to play the game. The Singleplayer is practically worthless.
