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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. Is Red Orchestra the one that tries to capture the horrors of war? I remember some game with "Red" in the title having really scarring dialogue or something.


    Yeah, that's the one.


    Don't misunderstand though, it's not really supposed to be any kind of "cinematic experience", but Red Orchestra is definitely the best WW2 Infantry Simulator on the market currently.


    In terms of scarring dialogue, all the factions have death rattles that are really fucking depressing. I've seen several incidents of players online putting a bullet through the head of their dying allies, simply because it's so sad to listen to if you just leave them to bleed out. Here are the American ones, for example:



    Jap ones


  2. I'm fully aware that the playerbase for Red Orchestra is pretty niche, but in case anyone was interested in giving it a try, now is a perfect time, as Tripwire just released their "Game of the Year" patch for free.


    I'm pretty excited.


  3. Can someone explain to me Japan's obsession with using German lyrics in their anime soundtracks?


    I first noticed it in GuP, where it makes sense, because one of the factions is basically supposed to represent Germany. I can give them that. Then I noticed it in the OST (And not just the OP's) of Attack on Titan, once again I can give them that, because the setting of the show is basically medieval Europe with a twist, so taking some German themes in there doesn't seem too far out of the left field. Then it came in KLK's OST too and that show has nothing where I could tie in a potential German reference. Other than Ragyo being Hitler or something. Now upon listening to the OST for Rebellion Story, I notice there are several songs with German lyrics...


    Do they just really like the sound of that language or something?

    Also, Rebellion Story OST is godtier.


  4. Ok, I just sat down and watched Madoka Magica Movie 3: Rebellion.


    For the first couple of minutes after watching the credits roll, I found myself to be practically speechless. The only words I was able to utter were:


    "What the fuck was that?"


    I'm obviously not going to spoil anything, but the ending of that movie is such a mindfuck of proportions, that I find it hard to believe that the director even knew what he was doing at the time.


    I mean this in the bad way. I thought the ending was fit only for the trashcan. I absolutely DESPISED the ending and as of writing this (45 minutes after finishing the movie), I'm still mad as fuck, pardon my language.


    Here's the deal. I thought the movie was near-perfect for the vast majority of the time. The beginning was confusing, but at the same time it was a fun and enjoyable experience. When it started delving further into the plot, it managed to catch a lot of the little twists and turns that made the original TV anime so absorbing. On top of all that, the art is ASTOUNDING. Some people think SHAFT can come across as "artsy-fartsy". That's personal preference at the end of the day, but I love their animation and you could see that there was some serious damned budget in this movie. Rounding it all off was the remastered soundtrack, which has gone straight onto my music playlist, alongside the original OST. It's excellent!


    There were a few things here and there which fell a bit flat for me. I felt like several scenes were dragged out needlessly and a specific character in the movie felt a bit... Unnecessary. But the ending is what truly killed everything for me.


    With that said, I'm going to continue on by saying that in a weird way, the ending is actually cool as fuck. The animation reaches its peak and it gave me chills down my spine when I was watching the ending unfold before me. The concept of the ending is one I like a lot. But what happened, the way they did and how it "ended" was so incredibly contrived and out of place, that I did not like it one bit. Not at all.


    This sums up the last 15 minutes of Rebellion Story, for me. (No actual movie spoilers)


  5. Feels nice exploiting "clever use of game mechanics" for easy levels. Levelling is beyond boring in this game. In ~8 hours of playtime over this week I've levelled my DH from 1-70, my barb from 55-70 and my Wizard from 1-61, solo. That's on a shitty laptop too, which makes the levelling slower than it could be.


    Now comes the question of what class I actually want to gear next.

  6. Speedruns are a ton of fun to watch, it's too bad that the part of the speedrunning community I've been unfortunate enough to have any sort of contact with/impression of have all been incredibly snot-nosed.


    But what about best FORBIDDEN LOVE pairing?






    Well yeah, Sallaka is only good in context with Kyouko. Kyousaya is best forbidden lovers.



    also if I'm not on that list of kyoukobros, I am.


    That makes 4 of us then! I think we outnumber the Homu-fags now.

  8. Okay. Done Madoka. Since you asked, best girl is . . .








    Serious answer now.




    Superior taste confirmed. That makes 3 Kyoukobro's on this board, if my memory serves me right.


    In other news, this is entirely fan made and it's pretty fucking crazy, considering.


  9. Without trying to antagonize anyone, I'm going to go ahead and say that I found both The Force Unleashed games to be absolutely atrocious.


    Star Wars is cool, I like Star Wars, but those two games I found to be wholly uninspired. The first one was better than the second, but it wasn't particularly memorable with that said. The convoluted plot and the DeviantArt tier characters that were retconned suddenly into the overarching Star Wars universe were so bad that I had to put down the controller and do something else for a while after a major plot point occurred. Which is a shame, because the gameplay was fun enough. I mean, bringing down a Star Destroyer with the power of the force? Fucking awesome. "Starkiller's" retcon into the original trilogy? I'd rather forget that happened.


    I honestly find that the best games and fiction to come from the Star Wars universe, is everything that DOES NOT involve force users. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Republic Commando, Battlefront (I'm aware you can play force users to a degree in that game, but they're not the main focus). Unfortunately George Lucas has managed to paint the whole Sith/Jedi in such a light that 99% of characters written, who happen to be Jedi or Sith, are horribly contrived and many times grossly overpowered, even compared to their peers. I'm not saying that lightsabers and force powers aren't cool, because they certainly are. It's more the concepts of Jedi and Sith that get on my nerves.


    The most surprisingly interesting thing to come out of Star Wars in recent time is actually that animated "Clone Wars" TV series. As I'm sure most people did when it started airing, I wrote it off as your typical kiddie-cartoon. And it is. To an extent. The first season has an incredibly "Saturday morning cartoon" feeling. Interestingly enough, it changes tone completely following that and becomes a lot... Darker, at the lack of a better word. Death, destruction, torture, betrayal and slavery become major themes within the series and after season 3, I would hesitate with calling it a children's cartoon. 


    Point being: If you're feeling in need of some Star Wars, but don't feel like rewatching the trilogies for the umptienth time, you could give the animated TV series a go. Season 1 is a bit of a struggle, but it really does get a lot better following that.

    Of course it has its ups and downs. Some arcs are better than others.

  10. Just finished ep 1 and I fail to see how Homura is leading anything. But I'll save my judgement for now.


    For some reason I was under the impression that Kyuubey had the voice of an old man.


    Do reserve judgement, this anime is one of those anime that doesn't reveal all of its card until the very end.

  11. It's never too late to watch meguca. I assume "PMMM" stands for "Puella Magi Madoka Magica".


    Let us know who best girl is once you've finished. I think Black is far in the lead on this board.

  12. Dotabuff added a nifty thing to check your most built items, it's pretty cool. You can really tell what kind of a player someone is from it.



    d-do you want some wards with that?



    How exactly does that work? Are you certain that "Most Used" = Most Bought? Because these numbers don't make a whole lot of sense to me, if that is the case.

  13. So, do you guys carry any anime merch on your person?



    I have some stuff. Maybe a little too many pins, but meh.


    I don't carry stuff on my person, but my figmas and my body-pillow cover (Thanks again Voodoo, you cheeky cunt) are all proudly on display in my room. I couldn't help but laugh when the civil engineers came to take measurements for my apartment a couple of months ago. They looked perplexed.


    The background on my iPhone is Spike from Cowboy Bebop, if that counts.


    I would use a Kyouko keychain if I had one.

  14. Yesterday was suffering.


    I came home late from Uni because of class rescheduling to find that my internet was dead. I gave it about an hour before I called and asked my ISP what was going on. In typical ISP style, they gave me nothing but vague answers and said they were "Working on the issue". So I figured I'd sit down and continue watching Gankutsuou. Guess what, turns out my Gankutsuou batch files were corrupt from episode 11 and onwards. Guess what episode I had left off at.


    I ended up reading a book... A BOOK.


    Now I have to redownload Gankutsuou. I knew I shouldn't have trusted French subbers.

  15. Anime has been confusing me (And my nether regions) lately.


    The character winking in this screenshot is actually a guy



    The character in this screenshot is a girl



    Fucking Japan.
