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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. I'm currently reading Berserk.



    And if Light Novels are allowed in here, I finished up Koimonogatari not too long ago





    Tsuki/Koyomi/Owarimonogatari translates when? Koimonogatari left me with so many questions ;_;

  2. Most dubs, the mentality that the 90s was the golden age of anime and that everything released in modern times is K-ON and Lucky Star, people who stream their anime instead of downloading it, and other such shit.


    As for actual series I think are bad, I could go on and on.



    99% of dubs are bad, 90's most definitely wasn't the golden age of anime. I won't say that there hasn't been a lot of generic moe since the release of stuff such as K-On and Lucky Star, but there are several anime from the 2000/2010's that have been excellent, streaming anime depends on the circumstances, but I never do it on my lonesome.


    I think we'll get along.

  3. Also, am I the only guy here who's watching series that are currently airing?


    I am watching KLK because I like Trigger, but it is rare for me to watch things that are airing, because I get really into something and then it kills me having to wait a week.


    Pretty cool, but SPUF has pretty poor taste in anime other than a few certain individuals.


    When do we compare notes? I'm curious as to what substitutes as bad taste for you.


    Other than that welcome yadda yadda. You probably won't recognize me because I posted under a different name on SPUF and probably also the fact that I haven't been active on that website for... close to two years soon I think... maybe one and a half.


    I'd kind of just like to say that you're basically supposed to pretend the anime for Index doesn't exist, and that you're doing it wrong if you're watching the anime. It's a terrible adaptation of a decent light novel for which I could go on and on about how they managed to take a good source material and butcher it. A source material which is also fully translated on Baka-Tsuki.



    I don't doubt it, from what I understand this is the case for a lot of anime (Although I'm pretty sure the Raildex series is one of the worst, because I couldn't actually finish it, it was that bad to me). I'm not really big on manga/light novels/whatever though, I don't think I'll be reading it anytime soon.

  6. I'm currently watching "A Certain Magical Index" and I really don't have any idea why. This show is so mediocre it's not even funny. Filled with drawn out fight scenes, typical Shounen motivational speeches and many other shounen clichés, melodrama and retarded antagonists. Despite all that, I think I might just have to come to terms with the fact that I like Shounen clichés, even when I know certain characters are about as Mary Sue/Gary Stu as they can get in these anime, because despite me knowing at the back of my head that I am watching some pretty B-tier stuff, I am still enjoying myself for the most part. I think it's because the world this takes place in is pretty cool, even if the dialogue is trashcan tier.


    Send help, I never asked for bad taste.


    Misaka a qt tho.


  7. It has a loli with a giant hammer

    and a different slightly-less-loli firing off gundam-sized lasers

    what more do you want



    There isn't actually much else I want, but with a backlog like this (and continuing further off-screen)




    There are a lot of options.

  8. So having just finished Nanoha A's...

    That was amazing. The last three episodes made it jump to #2 on my all time list behind FMA Brotherhood.


    I actually want to watch Nanoha... But then again, there's so much stuff I want to watch.



    I finished Durarauruauruashsigshdls's first arc (everything up to episode 12)


    god damn is this a good anime


    It is, and it's about to become cooler.


    I personally think it's around episode 18 and onwards it starts faltering and even then it's not bad

  9. I started watching Haibane Renmei this evening and immediately I remembered that anime loves telling me stories about young girls suffering, not that I personally mind, but it seems to be a common theme in anime in general.




    The end result of her suffering is pretty damn cool though as she did in fact sprout wings



  10. mosaicd5ef1e9f07da864b53b1bb798d5a4f9933


    Ask me again next week, it'll probably change (Nitzan's list reminds me, Darker Than Black and Samurai Champloo are both pretty darn good too. Actually now I think of it Hei's still my profile pic lol.). I made it easy and all of 'em are labeled, or else real obvious.


    Image is broken for me.



    I don't know what the top left and top middle anime are, I have to admit. Other than that, Steins;Gate is good, Baccano! is good, Angel Beats is not my cup of tea, I haven't actually seen Upotte!!, Madoka Magica is good, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I've heard is good, but I haven't seen it and finally there's Sora no Woto which I've been meaning to watch for ages.


    Top left: 11Eyes.

    Top Middle: Elemental Gelade.


    And yus you should watch soranowoto man it's pretty cool



    Oh right, I remember you talking about Elemental Gelade.

  11. I can't shake the feeling that I either haven't watched enough animu or I can't remember the things I've watched well enough to fully fill this out, but let's give it a shot anyway




    Meh, still feel like I am a little vague on details. Better remedy by watching more stuff.


    I don't know what the top left and top middle anime are, I have to admit. Other than that, Steins;Gate is good, Baccano! is good, Angel Beats is not my cup of tea, I haven't actually seen Upotte!!, Madoka Magica is good, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I've heard is good, but I haven't seen it and finally there's Sora no Woto which I've been meaning to watch for ages.


    I may have to watch some of these. After thinking about it, I came up with a whole 7 anime I actually feel like are good enough to include. Everything else is either bad, boring, or stupid for the most part.


    Edit: I'll update this if I think of more.




    Been meaning to watch Higurashi, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is great, Toaru Majutsu no Index is not my cup of tea, I've been meaning to watch Toradora because Taiga looks adorable as fuck, I don't know what the bottom left anime is, I don't know what the bottom middle anime is and I've actually yet to see Death Note believe it or not... At least I think that's Death Note.

  12. I'm bored and hoping that you guys will amuse me. It's 3x3 time.


    Basically, you go here, and then you fill in your nine favourite shows/movies/OVA's/whatever for the rest of us to see. So if you're bored out of your mind like me, this can pass 15 minutes or so. Also I've found great anime via other people doing this in the past, so maybe we can even help each other... Heh.




    Starting from top left and going right this list contains: Cowboy Bebop, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Welcome to the NHK, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Berserk, Steins;Gate, Bakemonogatari, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin.

  13. I'd say KlK is hell of a popcorn show. But with newest episode they could at least pretend there is a plot, somewhere. At least pretend.


    I honestly don't know what Trigger are doing with this, but I am going to keep watching in case it turns into something good... Please Trigger ;_;


    EDIT: Ok, episode 4 was positively hilarious. Anime might still be saved.

  14. I am enjoying Katanagatari a lot. A lot, a lot. I love the simplistic art, I enjoy the short but intense fight scenes and the dialogue is great. To be expected though, considering it is written by the same guy who did Bake/Nise/Nekomonogatari, even though those three are set in a different universe from Katanagatari and are completely unrelated.


    I'd recommend this to you all, if you haven't already seen it.


    ... All of that being said, I have yet to finish it, so it might go to shit in the end. Who knows.










    Kyouko in a school uniform, thank you based Shaft

    Mami with Witch Charlotte @ 00:54


    Too many "in-jokes" about other shows that you'd have to know in order to fully appreciate the show. An incredibly, incredibly, INCREDIBLY boring first episode. Holy fuck, that episode is so fucking pointless. I was beyond baffled the first time I watched it and they talked about food for literally 14 minutes.


    That fucking chocolate cone. The rest of the show goes from meh to ok from there, Nichijou and WataMote does it far better.



    I haven't seen either Nichijou or Watamote actually, but people I know personally have nothing but praise for both of them.

  16. I wouldn't have guessed that you didn't like lucky star


    the op is pretty god damn catchy though


    Too many "in-jokes" about other shows that you'd have to know in order to fully appreciate the show. An incredibly, incredibly, INCREDIBLY boring first episode. Holy fuck, that episode is so fucking pointless. I was beyond baffled the first time I watched it and they talked about food for literally 14 minutes.

  17. If you like cute girls doing cute things, go for it friends.


    On the note of cute girls doing cute things, this fucking OP has been stuck in my head for a good 7 months and I don't even like the show.



  18. I heard GJ-Bu was pretty bad but it looked like irresistible otaku bait so I guess I can see why it's popular-ish.


    GJ-bu falls into the same category as many anime that are released today, AKA it is a senseless moe-blob and like you said: Otaku-bait. Does that make it bad? Depends on who you ask. Is it an anime that will blow your mind and leave a lasting impression on your person? Not at all. Is it so cute that it hurts? Yeah, pretty much.


    Calling it popular might also be a bit of an overstatement. It actually did rather poorly in Japan, not so poorly as to cause bankruptcy for the producer or anything, but it didn't sell very well... Sold well enough to get a spin-off show focusing on the main cast of GJ-bu's younger sisters though.


    Spoiler contains best Good Jobbu

