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Posts posted by Wulff


    Also, thats pretty much why we agreed on no negarep. We cant have opinions without a jerkbag disagreeing and wanting to burn you for it.


    You can have all the opinions you want, but you do come across as "down-putting" and passive aggressive in some of your posts.



    But then I noticied how hilarious all this was and I'm the kind of guy that would power-skip through all the text, so I just read the stories (which all are 'boohoo so sad feel pity pls' btw) and it still didnt made me want to play it.



    You guise are so funny




    Nega-rep? Are you mad or something, take a look at this kid.




    I only find the whole idea of 'boohoo feels n' shit FEEL BAAAD' you guys are talking really funny. Its not like I dont feel anything (or maybe its exactly that) or never played a VN.





    We cant have opinions without a jerkbag disagreeing and wanting to burn you for it.


    And apparently we can't have opinions without people trying to victimize themselves and resort to namecalling.

    EDIT: And apparently quote-boxing is broken, hopefully it will still be understandable.


  2. I was going to write a long post on what I thought of all the changes, but no one would've read that and I can't have that many quotes. But anyways, here's just a few of my thoughts on this update

    • Alchemists will start to build armlet! I like it.
    • Axe is now the best hero at stealing kills.
    • Bloodseeker is now a racecar.
    • Broodmother just got a LOT more viable.
    • No one can manfight an aghs doom anymore. Anywhere. Ever.
    • Disraptor's pretty good.
    • earthshaker carry 5ever
    • oh god level 4 with two meepos
    • blink euls pudge = pudge that leaves you on cliffs
    • MUH RUBICK AGHS, shame i'll never be able to afford it
    • Spirit breaker's basically the same if he's ganking just one person, but his ulti is a lot weaver for anything besides that now. I like this nerf.
    • Dazzle's weave is now a lot stronger, the minus armor kicks in much more quickly making it a lot more effective, and now poison touch is a LOT better with less levels. Thanks, icefrog <3




    The Dazzle change was probably my favorite. I hope to see him around a lot more now. Thanks icefroooog~~ <3


    • General tanky items will be needed on Alch now. Might see one of his slots go to Heart of Tarrasque consistently
    • Axe still has mana issues
    • Bloodseeker is the Flash
    • Broodmother is basically the counter-jungle hero of the century now, especially with how Neutral Creep experience and her webs were reworked.
    • In most games you will only see Aghanim's on a mid Disruptor and that only happens in pubs.
    • Earthshaker spooky damage dealing (He's gonna rival PA crits with carry items and Enchant Totem).
    • Meepo will come online earlier and peak later with Divided We Stand change.
    • Blink Pudge is going to be used more for instantaneous Dismember Blinks in serious games. Pulling someone to cliffs will happen, but it is pretty gimmicky.
    • Rubick Aghs is a buff, but you will never get one as a Support unless you are in a ridiculously long game. Rubick mid isnt really a thing these days and even then you would prioritize mobility items (Blink, Force, Euls)
    • 0 Second Mystic Flare is fucking ridiculous, but will require a mid Skywrath and will still "suffer" from the same issues as Rubick Aghs
    • Spirit Breaker's attack animation is literally trashcan tier now. Best change is the ability to interrupt his ult though, thank fuck for that.
    • Dazzle buffs are good.
    • Huskar changes are good (No more orbing while Ethereal, floored agi gain, Doom counters him now etc.)
    • Invoker Invoke change is fucking huge, way better lane viability.

  3. Fucking watch GJ-bu dude. It is 12 episodes of pure bliss.


    You like cute girls? It's got them.

    You like cute cat girls? It's got them.

    You like cute imoutos? It's got them.

    You like cute Onee-sans? It's got them.

    You like cute maid-samas? It's got them.

    You like cute Tsundere archetypes? It's got them.

    You like cute girls in cute swimsuits? It's got them.

    You like cute girls in cute traditional Japanese clothing? It's got them.

    You like lewd things such as holding hands and brushing a girls hair? It's got them.

    You like flat male MC's made specifically for the purpose of the viewer being able to self-insert? It's got them.

    You like spooky spiders? It's got them.


    And never forget!

    Megu a fat

    Ma-chan a qt

  4. i only understood 4/7 of those


    does this mean I was outweaboo'd


    Pretty much, which ones did you get?


    The list (going by Silent's one) is:


    Monogatari Series

    Yuru Yuri

    Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica


    Kiniro Mosaic

    Girls und Panzer


    Katawa Shoujo


    monkey > bee > snail > phoenix > bat > cat > snake (though i havent seen medusa yet) > crab


    panda > tomato >

    dog > bunny > chicken > tanuki > ram > cat, fucking terrible cat, fuck off, cat


    black > red > pink > yellow > blue


    ORE-MAN > pink > meido > orange > various imoutos > yellow > purple > green


    > tracksuit-sensei

    blue > red > big blonde innit m8? > li'ul blonde, u wot bruv? > brown


    driver > fuwafuwa loader > gunner > radio > commander


    cool beauty glasses > dark and gloomy > the mask

    hello kitty stuffed animal > breakwater tetrapod > bloody mary >



    blindy > burnt > legless > armless > ....



    Chicken > Panda > Bunny > Tomato > Dog > Tanuki > Ram > Impure, violating slut of a cat

    Red > Black > Pink > Yellow > Blue

    SAMURAI MASTA > Orange > Purple > Maido-sama > Pink > imouta da > Yellow > Green

    Red > Blue > Little Blonde > Big Blonde > HELLO

    The Fluffiest > Driver > Radio > Gunner > Jawohl Kommandant!


    I'm not experienced enough to comment.

  6. Notes for the day:


    • 2v2 Online Battles are hilarious.
    • Hitting Affection Level 5 with a Pokémon, gives that Pokémon an Experience Bonus.
    • The Experience Bonus from reaching Affection Level 5 is fucking ridiculous (My Sylveon beat up a level 25 Trainer Pokémon and gained 1720 experience, giving it 1 full level... From one Pokémon... That was 6 levels below my Sylveon).
    • Spend the ~30 minutes it takes to get a Pokémon from 0 Affection to Affection 5 if you intend on keeping it in your party for a long time.
    • The written Dialogue in battle changes when you have a Pokémon at Affection Level 5.
    • Sylveon is cute.

  7. It would be cool to have a mumble or something for this, though. Even if my mic apparently has a lot of problems.


    Well, we do technically have a Mumble available, granted it is not specifically a subspuf Mumble, but rather an MLM Mumble. It's the one Facade, Silent, Nitz, Guy, Huff, Insectan and myself always hang out on.


    If this thing becomes a reality and you need a Mumble (or if you want to come say hi regardless), I can find the details for the server.

  8. So Emi's legs are wearing out but she refuses to admit it, I made her see the nurse, she called me, and then I had to stop there because real life beckoned.


    And now I'm feeling genuine worry.


    Motherfuck, what have you guys done to me.


  9. And then suddenly I'm doing Emi's route.


    *shrug* Could be worse, I guess.


    Welcome to the majority. Most people end up with Emi's route the first time around (Unless they've been cheeky and read up on how to unlock the different routes), I mean, who doesn't think improving your condition via running would be a good idea?


    It's fine though, Emi a cute.

  10. Try dispelling those preconceived notions before you begin playing it. I'm not saying you'll like it, but if you go into it "expecting to hate every minute of it", chances are you will no matter what.


    That was how I got into anime in the first place. I despised everything about the medium in the first 21 years of my life (to the point where I would openly bash it and mock people who discussed it), downloaded Cowboy Bebop because I had a week with only a shitty laptop and myself for company and because several people I know who watched anime talked a lot about it, decided to give it a fucking chance and it all went downhill from there.


    Have fun.



    I have no fucking Idea I just watched, but I will probably check back next week for more.


    one of my friends is fanboying all over that show, makes me wonder what's so good about it



    I can give you some insight as to why he was fanboying over KLK, because I was as well.


    • It is made by the anime studio "Trigger"
    • Trigger is a relatively new animation studio
    • Trigger is composed mainly of former Gainax employees
    • Gainax is responsible for iconic anime such as Neon Genesis Evangelion, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Fooly Cooly (FLCL), His & Her Circumstances, Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster! (and Diebuster!)
    • Trigger has already produced two shows: Inferno Cop and Little Witch Academia, granted Inferno Cop is an ONA and LWA is a short film. Little Witch Academia is available on YouTube and I highly recommend you watch it. Although if you want to do it justice, download a 1080p rip of it, because the animation quality is through the roof.

    TL;DR: Trigger personnel have had a hand in many of the most stand-out anime ever made and the two "shows" they produced prior to KLK have been very good (Granted the humour in Inferno Cop might not be for everyone) and this is why people are hype for KLK.


    EDIT: Found LWA on YouTube, if anyone is interested (you should be, it is a very good short story)


    Put on Captions for the English Subtitles!!!





  12. I've started watching Durararararararararrarara because Jayicide told me to, and it's pretty cool. At least as far as I can see from the two episodes I've watched.


    I can tell it's made by the same people as Baccano!, though it's really in a good way.


    Let me know what you think of it once you've finished, I'm curious... Even if it might be a while


    Also, have some best Monogatari girl.

