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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. Shonen Battle Series: Yu Yu Hakusho.

    Slice of Life/Drama: Angel Beats.

    Crime Drama (sorta): Death Note. Well crafted plot, good characters, and some of the most cheese-tastic scenes ever put to animation ("I'll take a potato chip...AND EAT IT!!!" indeed).

    I'll add Yu Yu Hakusho to my list. Never heard of it (and obviously haven't seen it), but I do like Shounen à la Rurouni Kenshin and FMA, so chances are I'll like it. I've seen Angel Beats!, and not be cross or mean, but I honestly thought it was rather poor. Started out great, twisted itself into pointless melodrama. Had a chance to redeem it when you finally discover what happened to the MC and then immediately turns back to retarded and leaves 70% of characters unresolved. I didn't hate it, but it felt rushed and incomplete to the point where I actually got annoyed watching episode 6-7-8. Death Note is on my list and has been forever, I'll get around to it eventually.



    Angel Beats

    Puella Magi (Madoka Magica)

    Girls Und Panzer


    Elemental Gelade.


    Stated my opinion on Angel Beats! above.


    Madoka Magica ranks among one of my favourite anime of all time, so I can definitely respect that choice. A lot of people call it overhyped (and to be fair, it probably is), but I loved every second of it. Not to mention that the soundtrack is top notch. Girls und Panzer is my guilty pleasure. The show itself is pretty mediocre, ranking on borderline bad in some aspects, but it's very cute and very fun to watch, not only because I have an interest in tanks anyway. Steins;Gate is another anime that can easily be found in my top 5 shows of all time. Very, very, very good show. I'm so excited for the movie to be translated.


    Elementale Gelade is unfamiliar to me, I'll write it down.



    Im not big into anime, but anything made by Hayao Miyazaki is a favorite. Special mention to Spirited Away.

    Miyazaki is always a solid choice. I adore Ghibli with a passion.


    Thanks for the suggestions friends!

  2. If it is not too much trouble, could you guys perhaps list your favourite (or if you can't choose a single favourite, then at least one of your favourite) anime?


    I'm currently on a mission to sift through people's favourite shows and I've basically gone through all the MLM anime regulars recommendations.

  3. SteamOS needs more details around it released before I can make any real judgement of it, but on paper the idea is pretty cool. I don't want to sound condenscending, but did you guys read the details on their website regarding SteamOS?


    First of all, it's going to be completely free. Unless they try and shoehorn you into running their OS somehow, then already there is no reason to complain at all. (Unless you were one of the poor sods expecting HL3).


    Second of all, the following quote from their product page:


    "In SteamOS, we have achieved significant performance increases in graphics processing, and we’re now targeting audio performance and reductions in input latency at the operating system level. Game developers are already taking advantage of these gains as they target SteamOS for their new releases."


    How fucking cool is that?


    The biggest issue for me personally, is whether or not this is all going to be catered completely towards the obvious announcement of their upcoming console and potentially "living room PC's". My parents have one of those, I don't know anyone else who does.


    I have a grim feeling that it probably won't be something for the "regular PC gamer". I honestly believe that this is Valve's venture into the console market.


    I mean, if this OS supports DirectX, which is unconfirmed AFAIK and I will be able to run it alongside the necessary programs for my studies, I will be switching in a heartbeat. If it indeed is just an opensource console OS for living room PC's and their upcoming console (Which it most likely is), then meh, it's not gonna be of use to me.


    Still cool though.

  4. I need to get around to Black Lagoon and Baccano soon.

    Which first?


    Both of them are great.


    I'll say one word of warning though, Baccano! starts out really confusing and it actually almost (almost) made me drop it, because I couldn't follow what the fuck was going on. Then it starts clearing everything up and connecting the loose ends and then it turns awesome.


    Also, Baccano! is made by the same people who made Durarara!! and Mawaru Penguindrum, so it's got that going for it. In fact, Durarara!! is actually set in the same universe as Baccano!.

  5. ...No?


    God dammit, it seems the universe wants to keep reminding me that I have a giant backlog




    How big is your backlog? I'm currently sitting at 78 shows/movies I intend on watching and it just keeps growing every day.


    Anyway, if you haven't seen the Monogatari series, I can highly recommend it. Although, it most certainly is not for everyone. I repeat, it is not for everyone. Heavy on dialogue, heavy on wordplay, several nods to the Japanese language that wont make a lot of sense if you don't know anything about Japanese (Doesn't make it unwatchable, but they are there).


    But if you can watch the first two character arcs (5 first episodes) and enjoy it, it only gets better.

  6. We Zenbu now friends




    Are you ready for Nadeko Medusa?


    This is related to the Monogatari series, the above OP is a remake of the original OP for the Nadeko Snake arc.




    If you hadn't guessed already, Nadeko goes full Yandere in the Medusa arc (Thus the creepy vibe of the Otorimonogatari OP) and it is extremely amusing... Probably not so much if you haven't seen Bake/Nise/Neko Monogatari though.

  7. Update Notes - June 12, 2013: Test Client Updated UI - Added Quick Cast option to Game menu: causes all abilities to cast immediately upon keypress, targeting the cursor's current position

    Fight me Icefrog.

  8. I would like the password, please friends. I have terrible and traumatic memories of my friends, along with simply horrifying fetishes (involving my friends) that I am feeling a compulsive need to share with you, my friends! I feel this is my last chance, friends.

  9. I am trying so hard To not get banned You have no idea Haiku edit: With effort I strive To refrain from getting banned Refrigerator

    Pretty epic meme there my friend, can't wait to read your thesis on how Dota 2 is an objectively bad engine port. Seriously, I wait with baited breath.

  10. Hey guys, just wanted to bring this to your attention, use at your leisure.

    The new Company of Heroes game (Company of Heroes 2) is currently in closed beta. Used to be, the only way to gain access to this beta was to pre-purchase the game.

    Well, if you have a Facebook account, you can get a free key for some time (I have no idea if this timewindow to get a key is permanent).

    Go here http://www.facebook....fheroes?fref=ts

    Sign in with Facebook. (Yeah yeah, I know, Facebook is the devil, suit yourself).

    Like their page.

    Click the link in the post starting with "Great news for all of you..."

    This link will give you a key, which you can redeem on Steam by going to your library and clicking

    Games > Activate a Product on Steam

    Paste in your key and bam, you're in the CoH2 closed beta.

  11. it is objectively a very poor engine port


    As much as I want to like Dota 2, it is the single worst AAA game I have ever played from a technological perspective and I feel like it gets worse every time I play

    :) :) :)