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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. The Hero Selection screen and cosmetics already confuse me. I can't even enter a game because why would there be about 100 heroes?

    Plz halp pl0x

    Okay this is going to cover the very, very, very, extreme fucking basics, because Dota is a game with an extremely steep learning curve. It's mainly trial and error.


    Forget about them for now. They have ZERO impact on the game other than changing your look. It's not like TF2 where some items do different things.

    Heroes and why are there so many of them?

    First of all, the reason there are so many different heroes is because there are a myriad of roles that can be filled in a game of Dota.

    No one hero is the same!

    Some heroes are similar and some share the same overarching role, but not ONE hero is the same. Heroes can be different in the following ways:

    - Looks and appearances (A given).

    - Spells and abilities.

    - Roles

    - Melee or Ranged (In a rare case, both).

    - Movement speed.

    - Animations (For auto-attacks or spellcasting or even turning around)

    - Stats and stat growths (Strenght, Agility and Intelligence and how many of these stats they gain per level and which they benefit the most from).

    If you want to learn Dota, you're in for a hell of a time. Truth is that you probably won't have a firm grasp of the game until you've put at least 100 hours into it. It might sound intimidating but it is a ton of fun when you get there.

    My advice would be to go here:


    Take some time, read up on the heroes, read about their lore, how they play and their abilities. Find one that looks or sounds cool and try him/her/it out in some bot games. Put the bots on passive, take babysteps and make an effort to slowly understand what you're doing. No one expects you to master this game in five minutes.

    And for the love of god don't enter matchmaking yet.

  2. When I first started playing this game (My first real experience with ARTS, I'd played 2 games of HoN and roughly 5 games of LoL at very low levels when they first released), I read up on the various roles in the game and picked one that I thought wouldn't require that much of me and was relatively straightforward.

    I ended up choosing Omniknight because I wanted to Support (The concept of carrying a team was very scary back then) and he had a heal, at least I could relate to that from other games.

    From then on onwards I probably played 20 games of Omniknight in a row, because after I got used to his skillset in a couple of games, I could start focusing on other things. Main shop, side shop, secret shop - what you could buy from each one respectively, enemy behaviour, enemy spells, items and what they do, when to build what, item timings (I learned very quickly that if you couldn't get a Battlefury before the 20th minute at the VERY LATEST, it wasn't worth it).

    I prefer this way of learning because it allows you to understand the game at a basic level without having to worry about learning a new skillset for a while.

    EDIT: And there was also something incredibly satisfying about playing a heavily armoured support and charging into the enemy team with a giant hammer, heals and magic immunity. The sound-effect for Omniknight's Auto-Attack is delicious.

    Posted Image

  3. I don't understand the standard pub lineup of 2-1-2. What's the point in putting two heroes in a lane you don't expect to get farm in anyway? Might as well trilane it or get a good jungler.

    Now before anyone continues on reading, don't read into this as me trying to lecture anyone, I'm kinda just thinking in text form. In most games I play, Junglers are very common. The thing I rarely see in pubs are trilanes and that is because pulling off a trilane correctly is extremely hard if you don't know what you're doing. It all depends on what kind of trilane you're running of course (defensive or offensive). In an offensive trilane, you try to shut down the enemy teams heroes in that lane by killing them over and over and over. This is probably the easiest trilane to pull off in a pub because people understand the concept of "KILL THINGS", its practically the same as coordinating a gank from mid, difference being you have the third guy already in the lane somewhere. These trilanes usually don't have a carry type hero in them (As most other roles have more kill potential in the early game). Stacking disables is very common. Defensive trilanes are a lot harder to do in a pubgame, because people, 95% of the time, are honest to god awful at creep equillibrium, stacking and pulling (Support roles, who woulda thought your average pubber sucked at that?) Anyway. Defensive trilanes are all about getting your carry in that lane farmed and preventing him from dying. It is also about denying the enemy laner(s) experience and gold by consistently keeping the creepwave so close to your tower that they can't get close without you easily being able to pounce and kill them. The whole denying experience and gold in an offensive trilane is also true and you do also stack and pull there, but it is more heavily focused on denying these vital resources -just- by killing the enemy hero again and again. TL;DR The reason people stick to the 2-1-2 lineup is because pulling off a trilane is way too much effort for most pubbers. Not saying it never happens, but it is rare. Even when it happens, people muck it up anyway. Junglers are way more common.

  4. Is it so much to ask that people play tryhard Dota sometimes? Seems like I can never find games where everyone is good AND taking it seriously. Say what you will, Dota is a much better, more fun game when everyone takes it completely seriously and doesn't do stupid things for "fun."

    Construct a team would be my advice. You cannot expect pubbies to ever play a very serious game, because pub games in general are low-tier play where people have tendency to goof around. I know that it -sometimes- happens, but if you want it more consistently, gather up a team, find some days/times you can all be online and try some -CM together. It won't be pro-level of course, but the games in -CM tend to be more serious than any other mode, from my experience.

  5. I dunno, Sniper gets extremely devastating with farm. I think the reason he fails a lot as a carry in our skillbracket is because he is probably the most position dependant carry in the game. He has no inherent escape, shit ms and is very squishy, which means if you misclick just a tiny bit, you might very well get blown up. This is in contrast to carries like Juggernaut, CK, Medusa, AM, Faceless etc. Who either have some built in escape/resistance/evasion/dr or just huge healthpools in general. I can only recall fighting a competent Sniper player once in the recent months and it was a pain the ass, we did end up losing as well because a Sniper with 50 minutes of farm is scary as ♥♥♥♥. I watched Merlini play an interesting Sniper build a few weeks ago, he referred to it as "Caster Sniper". He was mid and the build order basically went: Tangoes/3 Branches > Bottle > Phase Boots > Wand > Shadow Blade > Orchid > Sheepstick Skill order was Headshot > Take Aim > Shrapnel > Shrapnel > Headshot > Ulti > Shrapnel > Shrapnel > Max Headshot > Max Take Aim He abused Shrapnel to destroy the mid tower within 12 minutes and then proceeded to roam with Sniper, throwing Shrapnel out on any tower within range. Once he got his Shadowblade he looked for stragglers in lanes/jungles and picked them off. When it came to teamfights he would edge around the main fight, usually from a flanking position, so he would constantly be behind the enemy team and from there he spammed auto-attacks and lured people away from the teamfight to chase him. Once he got the Orchid/Sheepstick he started crowd-controlling key targets. This only worked because there was another carry on his team to focus on farming, but hot damn it was effective.

  6. Veil Vs. Aghs on Sand King? According to my shitty math, aghs and veil increase the damage of epicenter by the same amount of damage, just Veil has a bit more utility, but Aghs gives you the shorter cooldown.

    So uh, which is better? Veil looks better on paper, but I dunno.

    Edit: So apparently veil is 25%, not 20%, which means you get SLIGHTLY more damage out of the veil, compared to the aghs. Aghs is 220, veil is 285. Welp, my knowledge on items is awful.

    Out of the two I'd say Aghs.

  7. I'm not in the mood for drama bullshit.

    I made that post sarcastically, as an explanation as to why I was irritated at Wisp.

    Now drop it. You're entirely too invested in my opinion, which according to you, is wrong. If I'm wrong, who the hell cares?

    You need to get the pole out of your ass and stop being so mad about my incorrect opinion. Christ.

    I come here to get away from drama and mad, not find more of it.

    Yeah let's drop it.

  8. Wisp is bad because I had to lane with one earlier as Sven and he was a worthless piece of shit who let us get ganked constantly and never ganked anyone else and never did anything useful

    Yes, the greatest argument, and please, quote that post you made filled with strawmen comparing Wisp to Omniknight without any consideration of hero synergy what-so-ever. There was no case, there was you grasping at straws and comparing heroes by abilities and nothing more, instead of just accepting the fact that all heroes are situational but none of them are "shit", regardless of your personal experience. And if you can't handle a little flak then I don't know what to tell you. The fact that it offends you, doesn't mean that you weren't being ignorant and not the brightest.