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Posts posted by Wulff

  1. 14 hours ago, Kraszu said:

    Birthdays as an adult suck. Since I don't even have real facebook account, nobody even knows when mine are, I have no one to drink with since no one is in town. Only being interested in my existance right now is my cat for it's own selfish reasons. Feels like last year.

    Except cat was not with me last year, last year I got speeding ticket going home after internship, I didn't have day off, nor did I have watermelon and a cake. Also I had less beer.

    Let's call that a progress.


    Happy birthday my dude, I hope you you're alright.


    Speaking of birthdays, I had to visit my grandmother this weekend to celebrate her 86th birthday. I got out of basic last Monday, so I was pretty stoked to finally meet my family again, haven't really seen much of them these past four months.


    Of course everything went terribly fucking wrong.


    So first of all, my grandmother wanted me to show up in my uniform because she wanted to see her "handsome grandson" in it... Thanks grandma. I had to endure a two-hour train ride in full dress in the sweltering heat, so that wasn't much fun. Then we got to her home Friday evening and things were OK, the celebration wasn't until Saturday anyway. Come Saturday, my entire family pretty much showed up, barring the relatives I have living in South America and guess who got delegated to taking care of the children during the party.




    Because I'm the youngest "adult" and the oldest of the "kids" in the family, I have historically always been asked to look after the younger children, most of whom are now teenagers, during family gatherings. But I still have three small cousins between ages 5-7. So I spent most of the day with those kids crawling all over me, drooling on my uniform, being asked stupid fucking questions and not having any cigarettes. I coped with this by ingesting a rather large amount of beer and I must admit that I was pretty drunk by the end of the evening. In my drunken stupor, I may have promised to take my cousins to McDonalds today Sunday. Unfortunately this means I have to stick around until noon at the very earliest, because their parents (rightfully) don't want their children going to McDonalds for breakfast, so the earliest I can take them is for lunch.


    I'm hungover, my clothes are a mess, I haven't had a cigarette in 48-hours and I just want to go home... But here I am waiting to take my cousins to McDonalds...


    Thanks for reading my blog, it took a while to write from my phone.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Rynjin said:


    "You guys" applies to everyone involved, here. Simon's always been a bit...sensitive (see: any time I make fun of baseball around him), but at the same time there was a weird hostile "Haha nerd" vibe coming from everyone else that I didn't expect to see in a thread about Japanese cartons on a website where the closest thing to a tagline we have is "The densest collection of nerds on the internet".


    Benjamin literally posted "Same tbh". That's it. Nothing else. Yeah, it's not conducive to the discussion or whatever, but how can you take it that personal? All the other shit in this thread came only after he made the silly status update about leaving and blowing all of this out of proportion. I read through the last two pages because I thought maybe I had missed something, because I personally have no interest in Naruto and so I had just glazed over the discussion. Nothing was out of the ordinary at all, the only thing was Huff's post following Simon's post about Sasuke.

  3. 13 hours ago, Rynjin said:

    ...The fuck is you guys' problem?


    I don't really know if there is a problem here man, I have to be entirely honest with you. I think it's pretty much established that Huff is one of the most genuinely caring people in this place, but apparently cracking a joke by way of making one single shitpost in the anime thread was way over the line for Simon or something? I don't know. As for the people following that post, that's to be expected when you (Simon) make a big fucking deal out of leaving, to the point of posting a status update with a screenshot of you deleting your browser shortcut to this website. I'm sorry, but it's pretty fucking hard to take seriously. It's like a five-year old throwing a temper tantrum in public because of a lack of attention or something. I understand that it was done in the heat of the moment, but fuck me. 


    Not to mention that if you visit his profile, it'll show you that he has been back on this website after "leaving". What's the point?


    If you're gonna leave, just leave. No need to stir up all this bullshit.

  4. My overall anime watching has been reduced since entering basic, but I still have gotten around to finishing some stuff. It's stuff I actually feel deserves being talked about too!


    Earlier this week I finally got around to crossing off an item from my "Great List of Anime Shame", which is basically a list of anime that I really, really, really should watch, but have not. Only 17 years too late to the party, I got around to watching "Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade".


    A film about a dystopian Japan in the wake of the Second World War. Civil unrest has been a constant in the past decade and the government has created a special anti-terror unit in response to the anti-government organizations that have sprung up in this time. We follow the story of Kazuki Fuse, a member of the elite "Kerberos Panzer Corps" as he is part of a taskforce ordered to eliminate a local terrorist cell. The situation spirals out of control and ends with a young female insurgent blowing herself up with an improvised satchel charge right in front of Fuse. What follows is a story of guilt, atonement and living with yourself and your actions. I feel that I cannot talk about this movie in the detail that I would like, so I'm going to end the spoiler-free part of this post here. Spoilers ahead, click at your own risk!



    I was personally very worried about the pacing of this movie. I had heard from friends that it was a slow piece of art prior to me watching it, but I am happy to report that this movie did not drag at all. People often state that this anime follows the plotline of the original Little Red Riding Hood adventure and they're not wrong. Of course it's not literally about a young girl going to visit her grandmother, who has been eaten by a wolf, but the comparisons within the story are not very subtle and it is something that the movie itself makes no effort to conceal. Little Red Riding Hood is constantly referred to in this movie, Fuse is even gifted the adventure in book format at a certain point in the story. That's not a bad thing at all, it just surprised me a little how much it was talked about.


    With that in mind, I suppose I should have seen the ending to this movie coming. In the original Little Red Riding Hood adventure, Little Red Riding Hood is devoured by the wolf. It is not the happy ending that it has been edited into in modern renditions of the story. As such, it should have come as a little surprise to me when the movie takes a sudden twist in its final act. People I thought were deceiving and manipulating were actually the ones being deceived and manipulated all along. The entire movie turns out to be one giant power-play by a counter-intelligence unit within the Japanese government and the reveal is beautifully done. The final scene is especially haunting and the abruptness of it all really hammered the ending to Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade into my mind. It is an ending I will not soon forget.



    Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade is actually a part of a bigger franchise surrounding the "Kerberos Panzer Corps", but I will judge this movie as a singular entity, rather than as a part of the franchise. Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade was a beatifully animated story with interesting insight into the human state of mind. PTSD is not a thing that is often portrayed with any sort of realism in most modern television or cinema, be it Western or Easten, but Jin-Roh manages to do it very convincingly and tastefully. Everything is not as it seems in this film and as the puzzle was gradually pieced together, I was on my toes and unable to look away from my screen. A wonderful experience overall and I highly encourage everyone to watch this film, even if you don't like Japanese animation in general, I consider Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade worth watching.


    I believe I have posted it in this thread before, but the prologue to the movie is available on YouTube and will give you a taste of what to expect from this movie, granted the action does tone down significantly through the middle part of the film. Excuse the grainy YouTube quality as well.



  5. 1 hour ago, Paero said:

    I honestly don't like what they've done to Combat at all. They could have kept it completely the same as it was in WoD but they arbitrarily changed it to create some dumb pirate 'class fantasy'.


    Honestly, Roll the Bones is the only issue that I have with Outlaw, granted it is a pretty big issue. Outside of the RNG-factor of that spell, the spec was just really fun to play on PTR. I may have been partially influenced by all the flashy new animations Blizzard have added to melee combat, but it felt a lot more rewarding compared to how Combat plays on live. Considering that Combat on live is literally spam Sinister Strike, maintain Slice and Dice, maintain Revealing Strike and spam Eviscerate with the rest of your Combo Points, pretty much anything else is an improvement. I am also very, very, VERY happy to see Bandit's Guile go. I really disliked that part about playing Combat. Obviously if you dislike the pirate-theme it might be a tougher pill to swallow.


    I'll be taking my chances on my Rogue and play Outlaw and if RtB RNG turns out to be too much of a turn-off, there is always Assassination, which is a very reliable spec that does solid DPS (Bordering on overpowered on the last beta build) and has a cool class fantasy. Subtlety has always been my least favourite Rogue spec and it seems pretty bleh in Legion anyway.


    I played Shaman on the PTR and it was really fun (At least Enhancement was, didn't play Elemental for too long).


    The classes that are interesting to me right now are: Priest, Shaman, Rogue, Demon Hunter

    The classes that I am wholly uninterested in are: Monk, Hunter, Death Knight

  6. Shamelessly stolen from a thread on /a/, I give you some homages to western media in anime and vice versa.


    Little Witch Academia apparently features several characters from western cartoons in some of its background shots. Supposedly the top characters in the red circle are Mabel and Dipper from Gravity Falls and the one circled in the lower left is a character from Steven Universe. I haven't watched either of those shows, so I can't really comment myself, but it's not too surprising to me, seeing as Studio Trigger love to reference western stuff in their productions.






    In the anime "The Unlimited Hyobu Kyosuke" both the Nostalgia Critic and the Angry Video Game Nerd show up as background characters... Seriously.






    Pani Poni (?) has a pretty unsubtle reference to Back to the Future






    Stan Lee shows up in the anime "Heroman", which I suppose is not entirely unsurprising






    Kill la Kill has a couple of familiar faces in its background. Trigger does it again xD






    Punchline has this frame in it, which features Robert Downey Jr. (I think), Samuel L. Jackson, John Travolta, Harrison Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger






    Kuromokuro (I think it is anyway) has a cameo appearance of Agent Mulder and Agent Scully






    Sabagebu! has a very obvious reference to Mad Max






    Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt has so many references to western culture, media and animation that there is not much point in trying to list all of it in this post, but this one in particular is pretty obvious.






    The Monogatari series also feature some nods to western animation. Like the Panty and Stocking one, I feel that this one is obvious






    The Monogatari series also has a pretty obvious Shawshank Redemption reference in it






    A Japanese voice actress by the name of "Izumi Kitta" does the voice of Tomoko in the anime adaptation of the WataMote manga. Guess what character she also voices in Japanese.






    And finally we have something in reverse. A reference to Japanese animation in a western cartoon. Notice something on the board in the background? Apparently Pinky and the Brain has a Neon Genesis Evangelion reference in it.








  7. 2 minutes ago, A 1970 Corvette said:

    Are those optics fake too or are they real for immersion purposes


    Everything is real about the weapons. There are bullets in the magazines too. The only difference is that they've had their firing pin removed and are entirely incapable of firing rounds. They put all the shit a regular rifle would have on them to help recruits get used to the weight in their hands.

  8. I finally got around to seeing the pictures taken of my company back in the middle of May when we were on our first field exercise and sure enough I was only able to find myself in one single image, which I am a little upset about. I believe this picture was taken by a reporter who was doing some sort of article there, but I don't know if it was ever used for anything. Notice the red-tipped rifles, they've had their firing pin removed.



  9. 9 hours ago, Kraszu said:

    I wouldn't say so yet. It is to be seen what will happen, but I don't think Scotland leaving UK is likely.  We'll have to see.


    Being a part of the EU allowed Scotland to create no less than 300.000 jobs, if not more, related to the EU and its exports. In 2013 the EU made up 46% of Scotland's export income, compared to the US for example, which only made up 14%. There are over 2000 foreign-owned companies located in Scotland generating hundreds of billions of pounds in income for the nation and 40% of those are owned by EU investors. Is all of that gone with Brexit? No, but parts of it most certainly will be. Where is that revenue going to come from now?


    Scotland leaving the UK is not certain, but I would dare say it is the exact opposite of unlikely. At this point of time, they have more to gain as a member of the EU than as a member of the UK.



    EU is a sinking ship



    Explain this to me please.


    EDIT: I guess I should make my stance clear and say that I am not a proponent of th EU. In fact I wouldn't mind terribly in my country of Denmark removed itself from the union, but that's a different story. That being said, I see SO many people online making broad statements about the current state of the EU, statements that seem to have been formed mostly by soaking up tidbits of information across various online forums. The problem is that in most cases, I find that many people can't specifically point out why they hold certain opinions. I do not see the EU as a sinking ship and I am really curious as to what makes you say that.

  10. 10 hours ago, Kraszu said:

    Stop your hysteria, in europe there are other countries that are not in EU and they are doing perfectly fine, it's not end of the world. 

    More people voted A than B, so A is chosen. This is how democracy works, get over it.


    Fuck off. I'm not British and even I can see how mindbogglingly stupid this decision is. You're upheaving over 40 years of economy built around being a member of the European Union and creating trouble for literally every single country that is a part of the EU when it comes to trade, not just the UK. Trade agreements will have to be re-negotiated now that the UK has opted out of the benefits that comes with trading among EU countries and I can promise you right now that these new negotiations will not favour the UK. The Pound Sterling is taking a nose-dive and is currently at the lowest value I have ever seen in my entire life and while the financial situation obviously cannot be predicted 100%, there is no doubt that there is short-term financial pain coming to all within the UK. Who knows, maybe the UK just voted yes to their very own "Do-It-Yourself" recession. Considering that 45-50% of British export is to other countries in the European Union, it's quite incredible to me that they decided to leave.


    Not to mention the issue that will occur with Brits who are abroad. The Erasmus exchange program will be limited if not downright removed from the UK, meaning that the future of all of Britains exchange students in Europe is uncertain. And what about the people with British citizenships living abroad in Europe? Unless the countries they're staying with offer them citizenships, there is a chance that they could be sent packing and be forced to return to the UK.


    I'm not even touching on the internal struggles that the United Kingdom will face now that Scotland and even Ireland are much more likely to vote for their own independence.


    England shot itself and its friends in the EU in the foot with this decision. The EU is still reeling from the refugee crisis and now the UK is adding another logistical problem on top of it. There's just no way they can come out of this without some damage to the relations between them and their neighbours.


    It doesn't matter that "other countries are doing just fine without the EU" because other countries aren't the fucking United Kingdom.


    People in the UK have every right to be worried about their future, not to mention frustrated about the results of the vote. There is no hysteria here, just anger and discontent for good reason.

  11. In case anyone here has even a remote interest in the upcoming expansion, the Warlords of Draenor PTR is now testing the Legion pre-patch content today and tomorrow. You cannot access any Legion content or play a Demon Hunter, but you can however try out all the different classes and specializations to experience the changes Blizzard have made to playstyle and animations.


    I've been trying out a few different specs today, but please bear in mind that you really only have access to the training dummies, which means that this experience with a spec might not be 100% relevant (Missing execute phases, static enemy target etc.) Not to mention that no one has access to the Artifact weapons.




    Assassination: The "DoT" spec of Rogues. Most damage comes from bleeds and poisons and direct damage is mainly used to build combo points that you then use to apply even more bleeds. Feels somewhat similar to live. A solid spec.

    Outlaw: 100% direct damage, no DoT to speak of. Pirate themed. Felt super fun to play. Roll the Bones varying buffs changed up how I went about doing my DPS and it was great, but I can definitely see the RNG-factor of that spell being frustrating. Pulling out pistols and swinging across the battlefield with my grappling hook was fucking awesome. Solid spec!
    Subtlety: A mixture of DoT and direct damage. Felt kinda clunky to me. New Shadowdance is not very fun in my opinion. Positional requirement on Backstab is annoying, but you can talent out of that I guess. Didn't like it very much overall. Not a solid spec (In my opinion).




    Shadow: One of the best spec redesigns Blizzard have ever done! Insanity meter and Voidform is really cool and does not feel clunky like certain other transformation spells. Rotation felt really solid and fluid. Surrender to Madness might seriously be the most fun talent Blizzard have ever conceived. 10/10, really considering maining Shadow Priest in Legion.




    Affliction: Almost identical to Affliction on live. Still very heavily focused on DoTs and you can weave Soulshards into a few select spells to change their properties. Some spells still REQUIRE Soulshards to cast. It honestly felt exactly the same to me, with a few tweaks to be gained via talents. Definitely a solid spec.

    Demonology: Finally Blizzard got rid of Demonform, good fucking riddance. Instead Demonology now does what you might expect from the spec and well... Summons a fuckton of demons, all the time. You generate Soulshards everytime you cast Shadow Bolt and use Soulshards to cast other spells that summon more and more demons. Dreadstalkers, Wild Imps, Observers - You fucking name it. Felt very fluid to play and gradually building up a swarm of demons was really cool. Very different from live and felt very rewarding.
    Destruction: Blizzard have removed Burning Embers and Destruction now has Soulshards instead, like all the other Warlock specs and thank fuck for that. PTR Destruction feels like old WotLK Destruction with very high burst and less retarded alternate resources to manage. I absolutely hated what they did to Destruction in Cataclysm, MoP and WoD and to see it return to its simpler roots is a VERY welcome change for me. Some people might call this spec boring, but I personally enjoyed it a lot, because it produces high numbers and is very straightforward.




    Beast Mastery: Pet focused spec. Plays very similar to live. Rotation is extremely simple and basically consists of "Hit button when it comes off cooldown > Cast filler when button on cooldown". It only really changes when you pop Bestial Wrath and even then only really if you have specific talents. Rotation definitely worked and didn't feel clunky, it was just really boring to me. A solid but boring spec.

    Marksmanship: Has basically had all the "Shot" spells rolled into it. Arcane shot is now a Focus generator, rather than a Focus dump. Aimed Shot still exists. It now has Survival's old Explosive Shot as a talent. Trick Shot, Sidewinders, Marked Shot, Bursting shot. Basically: All the fucking shots. I thought the basic rotation of the spec was quite dull and uninteresting, but my experience was improved pretty heavily when I picked some talents. I especially enjoyed the level 100 "Sidewinders" talent. A solid spec, definitely more fun than Beast Mastery, in my opinion.
    Survival: The brand new Hunter melee spec! Sounds weird, but it's pretty cool. You still get a pet and instead of firing at range, you beat the shit out of people with a 2-handed melee weapon instead. You pretty much feel like Rambo considering you have a myriad of traps and even the ability to toss various grenades at your enemies. Unfortunately your main damage spell "Mongoose Bite" is RNG-dependant and that definitely takes some fun out of the spec imo. It was alright.




    Retribution: Still has Holy Power, not really sure why. Feels pretty similar to live. Build Holy Power with your filler abilities and spend Holy Power with your big damage consumers. Visually the spec looks very awesome with the updated graphics, I also really love the Super Saiyan power-up passive, that causes you to gain 50% increased damage if a party or raid member dies. We shounen anime now. Overall pretty good!


    The PTR Server died before I could play anymore specs. Will probably update this post later.


