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Napkin Dust

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Everything posted by Napkin Dust

  1. Napkin Dust

    this website is a virus

    My anti-virus can beat your anti-virus any day of the week.No one makes viruses for Macs.
  2. Napkin Dust

    THIS IS OP: Balancing the Super SPUF fighter.

    I'm a three-headed mythical creature that can't be attacked from behind and is both melee and ranged.-No random crits when on fire-Water causes me to take crits-10% slower casting speedIs balanced, no?
  3. Napkin Dust

    If Atheists ruled the world

    "You can't run from heaven." *shudder* Refresher Orbs are terrifying on that guy
  4. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    :rainbowlaugh:On the other hand, I was disappointed to see no Lifestealer picks to counter Lone Druid.
  5. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I really want to find the game where the respect bans for Dendi's Pudge originated from.
  6. Napkin Dust

    I Made a Deal With Ted

    You have my warmest welcome, Nothing.What has watching all these Invokers in the Internationals done to me
  7. Napkin Dust

    Dota 2 halp?

    Ahh. The wiki was ded when I was typing this up.
  8. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I. I- wow. Just wow.I was hoping for that fifth game, but my wish did not come true.Poor Nyx. He never got a chance. But I wonder what next year's International will hold for these teams.
  9. Napkin Dust

    Dota 2 halp?

    As I wait for the championships, I'll do this.-Denies: Main difference from LOL as far as creeps go.Once something is less than about 80-90% health, they can be denied. This goes for creeps,towers,and heroes. Creeps: Deny gold and experience.Towers: Deny about half the gold.Heroes: Deny gold, experience, and the fact that they were killed. ( Deny a hero about to be killed at the beginning of the match, and no first blood for the enemy team.Items: Buy the components and recipe for the item and there you go. Some item are exceptions, and you can buy items outright if you have the gold.Couriers: Deliver items to heroes on the field. Can be upgraded to move faster. Supports are generally in charge of buying and upgrading them. Can be killed in one hit by any hero. Award a bunch of gold to the enemy team if they kill them. "recrow" is used when someone redirects the courier. ( Headed to your solo mid hero, top lane calls recrow and redirects it to them.Roshan: See that pit on the Dire side? Roshan is there. Killing him gives you the Aegis of the Immortal, so you can die twice. Also give about 275 gold to the team that kills him. Not recommended to take on solo for non-carries. Aegis expires when Roshan respawns. Can be destroyed when it's on the ground.Runes: Spawn in two minute intervals in the river, but choose their spot at random. Regeneration, Haste, Invisibility, and Double Damage runes exist. Can be destroyed with a right-click. Can be Bottled and saved for later.Fog of War: Heroes hiding in it can be hit with spells. Brush does not exist, so no hiding. You've got to rely on juking to make great escapes.Hero roles:Hard carries: Not too great early-game. Capable of team wiping late game once they get their farm.Semi-carries: Not quite a hard carry, but can do well enough should your team not have one for some reason.Supports: Needed. Ward the map and make excellent babysitters for your carries.Gankers: Surprise buttsex in hero form. Have various form of getting around the map.Pushers: Made to push lanes faster than you can defend them.Invoker: Everything.Heroes are split into 3 sections based on their stat growth.Strength: Health and attack power. Attack slowly, but can hit hard.Agility: Move speed and attack speed. Contains the majority of carries.Intelligence: Mana and armor, I believe.I may have missed something. But LGD's Lion pick is calling to me.
  10. Napkin Dust

    Dota 2 halp?

    If you still want help, I can type up a little thing about the basics. Can't help you in game though. Heroes are a bag of gummy vitamins worms I'm not going to open just yet.
  11. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I haven't even played the game (it's in my library however, soon,it shall be Mac compatible,soon), yet I've watched the whole thing since I woke up today. how obsessed does that make me
  12. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    IG won. Scoreboards are up on the site, too.Poor Mousesports. Dat Tiny Wisp wombo-combo from EHome wrecked them.
  13. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    For some reason due to recent events, I'm picturing Invoker and Templar Assassin driving a Ferrari.
  14. Napkin Dust

    Steam Greenlight.

    While I like the Yogcast, it would be better if they made a game not so like Minecraft. Not saying Minecraft started the open-world genre, but their game looks a bit too much like it for my tastes. I'd like to see them do an RPG or something.
  15. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Pootis.You can watch them here.
  16. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    LGD just beat Orange, so it 1-0 for the first game of the day.LGD's support play was beautiful.
  17. Napkin Dust

    Super SPUF Fighter

    I'm unlucky enough to not have the required version of Windows for it.:flutterage:
  18. Napkin Dust

    Super SPUF Fighter

  19. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Sometimes I wonder how exactly Valve and Icefrog balance heroes to be used in competitive play. Like Bloodseeker. He has the potential, but he's useless if your team has no stuns (which competitive generally do have, but I haven't seen him in a competitive game yet.)I feel so sorry for him. TPs are OP.
  20. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    From what I've seen from this guys Twitter, there will also be shirts and Courier plushes.
  21. Napkin Dust

    Earphones of choice?

    I've gotten a pair of Phillips over the ear headphones for my birthday.The sound quality is wonderful, but they are a pain to carry around, and my last pair of in-ear headphones broke.
  22. I'm up for it, though my Medic skills need a bit of work.
  23. Napkin Dust

    Guild Wars 2

    Well, got it to work with Wine. Recent patches had borked it for everyone, and fixes have been found. Gonna be rolling a Charr Warrior, with a name that has hopefully not been taken,(Charrbroiled), but probably is. Maybe a a thief or necromancer later on. Well, All the US servers are full. EU it is, then.
  24. Napkin Dust

    Super SPUF Fighter

    What if the Game Grumps were confirmed for brawl
  25. Why must so many notable people die this year?R.I.P. May you continue to chart the stars.