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Napkin Dust

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Everything posted by Napkin Dust

  1. Napkin Dust


    HUUSSSSSIIIIEEEEE I had absolutely no idea something like this could happen. Let's hope he doesn't try and stop the arrival of the Beta kids and the troll's arrival.
  2. Napkin Dust

    New to subSPUF

    Welcome to subSPUF! Feel free to join us and jam in Turntable at your leisure. I call dibs on his heart
  3. Napkin Dust

    What'cha been playing?

    I've gotten within 6-7 Reflections left on Rucks' Who Knows Where with a fully upgraded Cael Hammer and the motar.Turret Surprise OP
  4. Napkin Dust

    Turntable FM

    We have decided to have themed songs for certain days. Today is Tears 5ever Thursday, so bring the saddest songs you can find. Vid gam songs are A+++
  5. Napkin Dust

    What song are you listening to RIGHT now?

    .seY We need more jams.
  6. Napkin Dust

    Turntable FM

    Step 1: Go to Queue Step 2: Type song in search bar Step 3: Hope you find the right one, I never knew how many songs had the same name Step 4: Click plus button to add to your queue Step 5: Remove text from search bar Step 6: Congratulation you have song go jam
  7. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Keeper of the Light, Phantom Lancer, Tinker, Nature's Prophet confirmed for team that does not need fifth hero(not literally)(Draskyll pls). At least against certain teams with no way to shut down or counter their extreme mobility.
  8. Napkin Dust

    Kerbal Space Program

    Does that Youtuber happen to be the Lion from the North? Anyway, yeah, I would get it if I stopped having too many games to play.
  9. Napkin Dust


    The fun has indeed been doubled. This is gonna be a pain to read on anything but a computer.
  10. Napkin Dust

    Turntable FM

    We could use a few more DJs in here...
  11. Napkin Dust

    Turntable FM

    Pootis. Just testing it out,but you're free to join in.
  12. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    Valve........... Also I need to stop being lazy and see if Mountain Lion will make that wrapper work any better than it did before.
  13. Napkin Dust

    Turntable FM

    Whaaaaaaaaaat It is sad day.
  14. Napkin Dust

    What'cha been playing?

    Guild Wars 2, the occasional Minecraft, Dark Souls, Twilight Princess, and Borderlands 2. The whiplash between genres and console/PC is terrible.
  15. I missed my chance to Slam. ;_; On the bright side, I did get to see the two hour and 37 minute monstrosity that is Les Miserables. It was A+++++++++. But bring an entire box of tissues with you. You'll need it. As for a movie, I nominate Food Fight. I have heard this movie is so terrible, it surpasses belief.
  16. Napkin Dust


    Why did someone have to bring this up(on Tumblr, of course): Equius failed to protect Nepeta again Eridian killed Feferi again Why must Hussie be the greatest sadnessmancer of them all
  17. Napkin Dust


    Dear, precious, sweet, sweet, sweet Fefeta. You will be sorely missed. Just like dear sweet, sweet, Solaire This can't bode well for Arquius and Erisol sprite's battered sanity. I was able to make all 1,111 -> presses, but only because I was reading the Pesterlog while I did so. It was getting too intense. But imagine the shipper's rage.
  18. Napkin Dust

    Path of Exile

    To quote Draskyll: "Yeah, the skill tree will make you throw up when you see it" I've been watching him play it/do races and it seems pretty fun. Ground-Slam Marauders are apparently OP in races once you get to The Ledge.
  19. Hachi: A Dog's Tale Brought an entire stream to tears. We must watch it. We cry together we die together Or SpaceCon AirJam.
  20. Napkin Dust


    What would even happen if everyone was/is in trickster mode? Would they even remember they've got an (unbeatable)game to beat? Or Quest Beds to die on? Speaking of death, do tricksters have some weird death thing like the God Tiers, or is it just bam ded, gg no re? Can they even still die? I feel so sorry for the Beta kids when they arrive and see this.
  21. Napkin Dust

    Dota General

    I will play Tuskarr forever once I can play the Dotas. I thought Horsekick was Horsedick for a second and almost cried
  22. Napkin Dust

    Movie Night 1 Voting!

    Did I just end up tying Con Air, Space Jam, and Shaun of the Dead????? Holy phantom lance batman
  23. Con Air or Space Jam. Come on and slam, and welcome to the jam
  24. Napkin Dust


    If you watch a video of it you will die of laughter immediately.
  25. Napkin Dust


    Also, Jake was twerking if you zoom in with a right click on the gif. Twerking.