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Napkin Dust

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Posts posted by Napkin Dust

  1. I finally got around to finishing Undertale. At least, I finished it in the sense I got my True Pacifist ending and I'm happy.(I may replay it at some point to try and get all the monster names in yellow/see different dialogue for certain things, but that guilt trip, man.)

    My standards for video games have reached levels that should not exist.

    10/10 would erase memory to replay again.


  2. Since my golden Rubick staff from ESL finally sold, I decided to pick up a few games I had my eye on.(And hoard the rest of the money until the eventual troll set, please Valve)

    Undertale. After hearing much hype and counter hype I decided to get it. Did a bit of the beginning, fought Toriel, felt bad and closed the game. Haven't gone back to it yet, because..

    Blood Bowl 2. How did I not notice Chaos was an available team. Who cares about the ball, bash them down the pitch. I took a break from some awful rng(why are there so many double skulls being rolled, please) and played..

    Darkest Dungeon. Why is this game so stressful, jesus christ. At least bad luck loses the ball/turnover in Blood Bowl, in DD someone just dies. Week 6/7 and already have about 7 in the graveyard.

  3. I don't think I mentioned it, but I went to ESL One New York! One good thing to come from living in Jersey. Only Saturday though, as New York two days in a row is a bit much. 

    Despite the stream apparently being full #productionvalue and awful, the event was really fun in person! The crowd was huge and very hype. The wait in the Secret Shop line was longer than respawning after getting Reaper's Scythe'd after buying back, but I got a golden Bloodseeker Demihero out of it.(and some other cool stuff)

    Went to the pubstomp as well, and the food was great, the drinks were good, and the bit of Smash I saw was salty. 

    10/10 would New York during horrid weather again. 

  4. Lvl 61 Compendium, opened my two chests. First one, got the Disruptor immortal. Not bad, I love that hero. Second chest, I got the Void Immortal(alright I guess), the bonus SF Immortal(I don't play this hero but man is it sexy), and the Golden Basher Blades. With Inscribed Buildings Killed.

    Time to learn how to play AM.(Better than I already do, at least)

    I traded the SF immortal with a close friend for the Sven one(I'm no trading guru), so I can start my Wall cosplay.

  5. In one of my games last night I was playing Troll(we were stacked with a new friend trying a new hero, so we had to make sure to carry hard and I love that hero) and I was:

    Nether Striked, Aghs Echo Salamied, and Refresher double Ravaged. 

    I felt the hate. I deserved the hate. I made sure to taunt after my rampage. 

    (I had aegis and their team was lacking in disables aside from ES.)

  6. I've had the pleasure of doing 5v5 mid Kunkka. Highlights included someone yelling "I'M DROWNING" once we all reached level 2 and had skilled torrent. One poor pirate gets hit by one, then another, and another, while his allies try and defensive torrent. The amount of water flying around was too damn high.

  7. At first I only wanted to buy the compendium for the inevitable and wonderful desert map. Then I saw the Immortals and the dream(of my wallet) was dead.

    I got the Luna(ew), Pugna(eh), SB(YES), and Mag(alright) Immortals. I'll happily give away one of them(sans SB) once they're tradeable for that Huskar helm. Kreygasm


    But with the prizepool going at mach speed, who are the heroes you hope get Immortals in chests II and III?

    I'm hoping for Abba, Bristle, WK, and Silencer. Troll too. 

  8. 6.84 is out in main client.

    First Game: We lost, but tons of new items were bought. Our pugna who bought Guardian Greaves Kreygasm'd in the mic every time he used them. As we huddled in the fountain, everyone bought mangos and dropped them to admire the adorable model.

    Second Game: We won! Our Alch farmed aghs for the whole team(SS,WK(me),Tiny, Ench was the order he gave them out) Lotus Orb is very good vs Tinker and the cancer that is Adaptive Strike Morph. WK's aghs also affects him, so you get an extra 5 seconds after your 2nd(or 3rd or 4th) death. It let me get a nice stun on the enemy phoenix that contributed greatly to winning the game.

    Third Game: I picked Kotl. We had a PL. I felt dirty. Not much else to say. we of course won

    I can't wait to be a filthy Ursa spammer

  9. I tried the spooky lifestealer build. While the game wasn't the best out-of-the gate 4th position jungle lifestealer(I was more of a pos 3), it was rather amusing. Got 4 kills out of it total, and would have gotten a double kill at one point if there wasn't an axe nearby. The enemy team had a Clinkz, so it was even better.


    1.Bring dust

    2.Clinkz has like 400 hp because no ult buff

    3.He ults your creep

    4.Spook mode engaged

    5. > Nice


     The bonus lifesteal from HotD(at least I think it stacks) actually saved me from being bashed to death by their Spirit Breaker(and I killed him because LS still destroys strength heroes). All in all, would try again. 

  10. Spoiler

    First Game: Tri
    Played: Freedom Unite,Tri, Portable 3rd, 3U
    Favorite Weapon: Hunting Horn
    Favorite Gesture: Flaunt
    Favorite Monster: Jhen Mohran

    After playing and loving Tri, I decided to see what the previous game was like. The struggles with Yian Kut-Ku and Plesioth and his map wide hip checks were unreal. Mained Lance all throughout Tri. I got Portable 3rd as soon as it released, ordered from Japan. It introduced me to the Hunting Horn, which I used throughout it and 3U. That and Felyne Companions are the best, wish we got them in 3U. Still have yet to snag 4U.

  11. So one of the things this update did was fix the hero portraits. No longer do both Ogre heads talk at the same time, and heroes will smile when they laugh and have emotions in general again.


    I learned today that Troll has a lot of teeth thanks to that change. 

  12. I'm so happy that Hill Troll Priest bug got fixed. That guy is a bigger troll than the Warlord. Thank Gaben for disallowing pausing in Unranked AP, nothing was worse than waiting 7 minutes to find a server, get a game, and then have to wait an extra 2 minutes after picking because Tryhard McCounterpick needs to check how to counter our team. I just want to random in peace.


    As far as the adorable husky with the arcana goes, it's been said to be coded to stay out of the way(most likely as far behind CM it can get) when near things like jungle camps and other heroes, and will disappear once an enemy hero gets within what looks like 700-800 range. I personally don't mind it, as long as Valve keeps them thematic. 


    As far as Wyvern goes, she's probably going to get a seat next to Silencer and Disruptor as my most played supports. Played around with her in the test client. Her ult is going to be so fun.


    Hero passives(not spells) still apply, so if you see the enemy CM running next to the enemy Troll with his ult on, press R and enjoy the spray of icicles. 


    Wyvern actually seems like she's going to be a pretty strong counter to Troll, since all you have to do is ult one of his teammates when he ults. Ez 9v1. 

  13. Jesus christ who would have thought CM was a psycho killer bitch?


    I imagine being around the Ancients all day and having people like Troll on the Radiant could have lasting effects.. That and she lives alone in a glacier.


    I was wondering about Wyvern's lines at the end, seeing as she's supposed to be a Dire hero, but someone in the Reddit thread said something interesting. Under the effects of Wyvern's ult, CM would be considered a "friend".

  14. I'm hoping Wyvern does get a Frost Wyrm Arcana, just so when I finally get it, I can all chat "SUFFER MORTALS, AS YOUR PATHETIC MAGIC BETRAAAYS YOUUU" every time I ult.


    A CM arcana would just remind me how horrible I am with her.

  15. Trailer was the "surprise" during the BTS stream leading to the DAC final. I'm hype.


    If the Arcana(there will be one, if there isn't I'll be shocked) is a Frost Wyrm, it'll be the fastest $35 I'll ever not spend since I don't have it.

  16. I've been beaten to it but I'll keep this here because I'm lazy and too busy watching DAC.


    so can someone actually explain to me what is generally expected to be going on in each lane at the beginning of the game because this is where I feel the most worried about fucking up horrendously by doing something dumb like taking a carry and charging it down what is expected to be the solo lane or some such leading to everything turning permanently crap


    Lanes in Dota are notoriously flexible, but a 2-1-2 setup is most common until you reach higher levels, where 3-1-1 happens more often.


    Carries generally go into the safelane(the lane closest to the jungle, so Dire's Top lane and Radiant's Bottom lane) The safelane is "safe" because creeps are generally closer to your tower, and if not, you can pull the jungle creeps into your creepwave to get them closer to where you want them to be. 1-2 supports babysit the carry in the safelane. 1 support will generally stay in the lane itself, while the other stacks jungle camps/pulls/roams.


    Mid is mid. Most often only one hero, who will either have a strong ganking skillset at level 6 and leave the lane once they get it to gank, or a hero who scales hard with experience/farm and will generally not budge from the lane unless there's a fight that absolutely needs them. Tiny+Io/Wisp are one of the few combos that can dual mid. Most of the time having two heroes mid is a recipe for disaster, as not only will the enemy mid outlevel and possibly be able to kill both of you, your other lanes might not have the best of times since one hero is missing from them.


    The offlane/suicide/hard lane is the longest lane, and is opposite of the enemy's safelane(This makes the offlane Dire's Bottom lane and Radiant's Top lane). Heroes who go here tend to value getting levels above all else, and can survive with little amounts of farm. But, not every hero can offlane(successfully, at least). Most heroes who go into the offlane are very tanky(Centaur Warrunner, Bristleback, Tidehunter), have easy ways to escape(Slark(not very common), Windrunner, Timbersaw) or have extremely strong solo kill potential with levels(Bristle, Centaur, Timbersaw). The offlaner generally gets what last hits they can get, and harass/kill the enemy carry/supports. Most important thing is to not die, or if you do, have killed the enemy carry before you die(so they don't get much/any gold/exp from your death).


    There's only a handful of heroes that jungle from level 1, but their presence in a game makes the lanes 1-1-2/2-1-1 for Radiant/Dire. Most heroes that jungle require it(Chen, Enchantress), or can come out of it with obscene amounts of farm if undisturbed(Enigma, Doom, Sand King).

    (I've probably made a lot of mistakes in here, so take it with a shaker of salt)

  17. played my first real match of The Dotes


    was sven

    pretty fun, I did shitty tho

    one of us, one of us


    I think Undying was the very first hero I played. He felt pretty OP at the time, as all we were doing was 5 man around, and Undying is very, very, very good at that.
