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Napkin Dust

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Posts posted by Napkin Dust

  1. ????????All I saw was one of the most complicated gaming keyboards I've ever seen.Oh my god. What is Valve up to, letting that logo show up.

  2. Someone on Tumblr

    okay this might just be me being paranoid

    but am i the only one who thinks all of this attention for medic’s doves (especially archimedes) in MvM is a bit odd?

    like, archimedes shows up in a comic for no particular reason

    he was in the mvm trailer video (could of been another, but it’s still a dove!)

    and a plushie is made and released (for a bit) at the valve store

    and what about that unknown “unstoppable” machine thing at the end of the update? they say it’s usually covered in human blood and like, isn’t archimedes always digging into the chests of medic’s patients? so he’s covered in human blood right?

    like what is there’s this huge archimedes robot thing and oh god i think i’m just paranoid

  3. I came up with this one day as I sneezed. Thus I noticed how incredibly dusty napkins are when the wind blows the around or you flap them about. And I wanted to have a new, original name when I started to play TF2. Akaru92 was spurred from my Naruto days, as Kiba and Akamaru were my favorite characters at the time, and Akamaru92 itself was taken most of the time.

  4. I think it's because the Sapper de-levels the sentry, and the Engineer has to upgrade it again when he unsaps it.With Mini-Sentries not having a "level", they just turn into tiny regular sentries. I think. I haven't seen it in action.

  5. Why can't tomorrow come faster.

    I've got Nether Wart,Soul Sand, Ender Eyes,15 Diamonds,all the music discs,the Jukeboxes,alchemical stuff,and food(including mushrooms).

  6. Swagger is a double-edged Confuse-Ray. 'You're confused, but with an attack buff large enough to OHKO me. If you don't OHKO yourself first.' I love/hated it.

  7. Is the server down now? I can't get on.All that was really important to me that I didn't already have with me was my alchemical stuff. Eh, I just hoped someone grabbed some Brewing Stands.
