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Napkin Dust

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Posts posted by Napkin Dust

  1. Anyone else planning on getting it? I'll hopefully be buying it next week when finals are over.It's essentially Monster Hunter (Go Capcom!) stuck on a Dark's Souls level of difficulty.Unfortunately, it's only availible for the PS3 and Xbox at the moment.

  2. Never gonna forget the day I unboxed my first unusual, an Orbiting Fire Big Elfin Deal. Which was then bought from me for a buds and a BMOC.

    Don't kill me for it, it was a Smissmas gift for a irl friend

    I don't think I can stop opening crates due to that happening.

    After seeing how badly its price inflated, I'm glad I got that BMOC when I did.

  3. After seeing all the fuss you guys are making of it, I am absolutely sure I need a beta key. And I've watched one too many videos of it.

    And my Birthday is this Friday, so...

  4. That video is one of the best things on the internet at the moment, more people need to see it.

    Tumblr is pretty okay to me, but that might be because I've seen quite a few people get very aggressive about putting the correct sources on things. I can also depend on what part of Tumblr you are in. The TF2 parts of it are pretty nice, actually.